
Genshin Impact: Frostburn

A certain office worker stayed up late for overtime, and on his way home, he stumbled upon a terrorist attack and died. Normally in this situations, people would instantly get reincarnated with everything intact. However things isn't as simple as that. Finding himself in a floating space, devoid of all his senses, he slowly loses what defines him; his emotions, and experiences. Despite all that he held dearly for his memories after succumbing to sleep. A baby with memories of a its past life woke up in one of the most dangerous factions in Teyvat, the fatui. The synopsis doesn't give justice to what I really wrote. But please give this story a try and maybe you'll like it. The idea of only having memories and not emotions is like, Knowing something but not understanding it. I want to play around this idea. I understand this story may not be for everyone. I want to stay true to the main story and not diverge from it, just a bit of tweaking here and there and some added story from time to time. Ok I kinda lied, but if I said what I wanna add in this story it would be spoiler so I won't say anything. Lastly, This is not a happy go lucky story. This will be a darker theme than normal. Note: The cover is not mine nor is the characters aside from OC's.

Vellkhan · Derivasi dari game
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs

Chapter 2

"Lord Pantalone, they are healthy and have no signs of any complications." A man dressed in a white coat said.

"Thank you, doctor." He gestured towards the doctor. One of the maids took out a bag full of mora and gave it to the doctor. "This is your payment; you may leave."

The doctor bowed before going out. The room is subtly lit with a fireplace on the side and glass windows decorated with light colors and stuffed animal toys. A large crib with two sleeping babies lay in the middle of the room.

Moments passed in silence as his warm gaze never left the twin. Not soon after, someone knocked on the door. "Enter." He gave permission. An old maid entered the room with a letter decorated fancily. "My lord, the Tsaritsa sent gifts with a letter attached." The old maid handed the letter to him. Looking at the letter before opening it, Pantalone wore a satisfied look mixed with trance and joy. 

After reading the letter, he dismissed everyone leaving only him and the twins in the room. Then, he approached the crib and carried the twins in his arms.


I woke up after a very long sleep. It felt like an eternity, I couldn't feel any emotion and my worries seemed to have vanished. I am a shell of who I once was. Despite all this, in my soul's depths; a cold regret is left. I guess, that's what's left of me. Can I even call that person "me"? All that's left is just memories and this one regret of that person.

Time passed, as I tried to get control of my own body. I still can't open my eyes but I can hear and feel normally. From the memories of that person, I could say this is called reincarnation. It's very popular back in his world. 

"Pzuok merka, plehsa" The maids are here, I guess its time for food. They only come when it's meal time or they change our diapers, and the fact that there are maids that take care of us means I am probably born into a wealthy family. Also, the fact that the maids are different every day seems weird. Maybe my parents are just paranoid or we're a royal family and someone is out for our lives. 

After eating, my brother started to throw a fit. "Uwaaaaaa" My twin brother cries all the time and it takes time for him to start calming down and then go back to sleep. He tends to kick me too especially when we're sleeping.


There was a knock on the door, then I heard a rough old voice going inside and realized who it was, It's the doctor again. From time to time he checks up on us trying to find any abnormalities. He picked up my brother first and then inspected him before putting him back on the crib. I heard a scratching noise; it's probably the report on our health. He then lifted me. After some time He started slapping my butt for some reason. I stayed the same, not doing anything or letting out a single noise. Suddenly it dawned on me; I never once cried when I was born. From his memories, babies tend to cry all the time. So that's why they always give me a worried look.

I started to pretend to cry. I exerted my undeveloped vocal cords and let out the loudest cry I could do. Finally, they all smiled; looks like the slapping stops here. He then puts me back on the crib as I was consumed with drowsiness. 

A few months passed and I could finally crawl. Like a baby, I clumsily used my arms and legs to move forward, behind me was my brother trying to get hold of my diaper. We circled the whole room until I stumbled on a tall mirror. I could see my reflection; yellow eyes with black hair. Nothing noteworthy since I am still a baby, but good to see my face for the first time.

The door opened and in there stood a man with striking features. A black coat, and glasses adorned with golden chains. He wore a sophisticated look complimented by his smile. I couldn't help but feel an eerie sense of familiarity as if I had seen him somewhere before. The maids bowed before him before leaving the room. He then knelt in front of us. My brother and I stared at him for a while. My brother then lost interest and started playing with his toys, but I still stared at him; trying to remember where I had seen him before. 

The man then lifted me and sat me on his lap. My brother upon seeing this, crawled his way to us and grabbed at his clothes; as if asking to be carried. The man let out an amused laugh and then sat my brother on his other lap.

We stayed like this for a few minutes until a man wearing a hood and a mask appeared on the door. They started talking as I tried to listen and understand the language of this world. As I listened, I picked up some of the words they were saying.

Leonheart, Leonid, Fatuus, Mora, and Pantalone.

Aside from Leonheart and Leonid, I'm sure I've heard those words before. As I contemplated, He grabbed a pouch from his pockets and put it on the table. He then puts us down and left. Before he left, he looked at us one more time. His image awakened some of "his" memories; A gathering in front of a coffin, a cold, chilling atmosphere, and a palace encased in ice. Deep within my soul, I could feel the excitement, the joy, and the regret. 

At that moment, a burning desire was ignited within me. At the same time, a cold cautious thought surged, as I found myself born inside one of the most dangerous factions in this world; The Fatui.

Ehem! Author here! I plan to upload daily if possible but things happens so if I don't upload for lets say days or weeks or months dont be alarmed as I have no intention to drop this one. That also works if I release 2 or more chapters from time to time (maybe not but who knows) So for everyone reading THANK YOU VERY MUCH.

And if there's something wrong like grammar, spelling or anything that bothers you feel free to comment it.

English is not my 1st language so bear with me

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