
Genshin Impact: Another Life

A Genshin Impact addict dies due to being murdered by a notorious serial killer. His soul is transferred into the body of Aether, The Traveler. Memories of his past life are still intact. What will he do with this info? Will he follow the plot or cause chaos? (Author's note: And also, don't let the bad reviews scare you away from reading this book. Just enjoy it. There is a little One Piece crossover.)

some_writer · Derivasi dari game
Peringkat tidak cukup
285 Chs


Aether stepped into the bright ocean. He was amazed at how beautiful it looked. More so in real life.

In his hand was a makeshift spear made from sticks and stones. He had no choice after all, there was no fishing pole in sight. Not even a floating net that was drifting on the ocean.

"It's the experience that counts. I didn't learn how to make a stick spear until twenty minutes ago. You just grind the stick with the stone until it's sharp enough to be able to pierce the fish. Though it should break after a few stabs. I should be able to catch some fish with it. " Aether said walking deeper into the ocean.

The basics were to be still and strike when some stupid fish get close enough. Aether held his spear in a stance. The sharp part was facing the water obviously. He stood still for a minute or two.

"How did the cavemen do this? Did they have metal for arms? Because my hand looks like it's about to drop down. " Aether thought. He was getting more impatient by the minute.

Luckily, there was always one village idiot in a village. Or in this case, school idiot within a school of fish. One Brown Shirakodai came a little to close Aether.

Aether noticed the fish, he aimed his spear at it. He went in for the stab.


"Nice." Aether smiled. The little things in life make him happy. This is his first catch of course he's proud of it.

"I could get used to this if not for my extroverted personality. " Aether thought sadly. He loved to be alone sometimes. Every needs their alone time. But too much without touching grass will kill him on the inside.

He put the dead Shirakodai on the rocks that was in a circle. There were sticks and leaves in the middle of the pile. He'll need to learn how to make a fire pit later. But first he needs to get enough food for the day.

Aether returned to his still position. Waiting for more school idiots to come near him.

(10 minutes and two more fish later)

"I think that's enough fish. I might need to catch more later but we have berries to substitute." Aether muttered to himself. He thought about catching crabs but he doesn't know how to. He only knows the basics of cooking fish because of curiosity and watching YouTube videos.

"Now to clean the guts of the fish. Thank God— no it's Barbatos now. He doesn't exist in this new world now. (No offense). Now it's the seven Archons. One of them is an useless drunkard who thinks abandoning his people is a good idea." Aether sat down and began to shave the skin of the fish.

Meanwhile a bard who was drinking wine sneezed heavily. He sneezed that hard his drink came out of his nose. Like Violet.

" Woah there Mr. Bard. You've got some serious cold if the drink came out of your nose. Best go to the Cathedral and see the Deaconess Barbara. " Charles the bartender advised the "sick" "bard".

"It's okay I'm fine. It'll go away in a few hours." Venti brushed it off.

"If you say so Mr. Bard." Charles said and went back to serving his customers.

"Huh.... did someone said something about me or something? Eh whatever. Imma get back to finishing this fine wine. " Venti thought and shrugged it off. He happily went back sipping his wine like all of that didn't happen.

Back to the main story, Aether was slowly figuring out how to skin fish. He figured that he should skin the hard parts of the skin and leave the soft parts. He can eat the soft skin but not the hard ones.

After that. He cut open the gills of the fish. It was bloody. But this is a very normal thing for fisher sellers and butchers. If they can handle all the blood. Why can't he slowly get used to it?

After Aether got rid of the gills and remembering he can eat it if he cooked it properly. He cut opened the fish even more. He removed the Brain and heart and buried it deeply in the sand. He was never going to try those parts of the fish. Ever. Periodt.

He removed the major parts of the fish bones and buried them in the same hole. He still had two more fish left to cut open so he didn't close the hole yet.

He put the fins, meat and the gills on the rocks neatly. He needed to make a plate. Or, he could find some more sticks to stick them through.

"Yeah I'll do that. It'll be like a budget barbecue." Aether thought. He ran into the woods again and found some more sticks. Aether quickly picked them up and ran back hoping the seagulls didn't eat his food. He could just catch more but the disappointment when all the hard work goes to waste made him ran back even faster.

When Aether arrived back at his fire pit. He was happy that his food did not get stolen. But immediately regretted running so fast as he dropped down panting.

"WOW I'm so weak. Tomorrow I'm going to go exercise. No excuses. If I'm going to survive and get accustomed to Teyvat I better prepare and learn. " Aether decided then and there. Teyvat literally has world destroying gods so you would have to be strong to be relevant.

Aether took two rocks and rubbed them together. It only created a spark.

"Guess it's gonna take a while." " Aether thought. He rubbed it more and more...

*KLIK KLIK KLIK Pooooff!!*

A fire was started. Aether took more leaves and made it burn. He stuck the meats on the stick. Balanced it on two rocks. One rock on the left and one on the right. He put the stick on top of both of them so the fire could cook it.

Aether put more sticks that had meat on them on the rocks. He waited and turned the sticks.

After a while, the fish were ready to be eaten. Aether took all of the sticks and laid them against a rock. He sat there and enjoyed the meal.

"It was.... average at best. To the average eater it may seem heavenly but I for sure know that I will be slapped by Sara from the Good Hunter in Monstadt. If I can cook more of them maybe I'll get it right." Aether thought as he finished the last fish on sticks.

Aether went to a tree that was tall enough for him to enjoy the cool breeze of the Wind.

"Let's just hope that no squirrel puts it's pinecones or nuts on me while I sleep. " Aether thought while lying on a thick tree branch. He looked up to see millions of stars on the night sky. It looked otherworldly and Aether wanted to stare at the scene longer but he couldn't stay awake for long. So he let the darkness take over his vision again.....

To be continued...

(Lightning or fire)