A simple story about a certain person that took the role of sixth harbinger, a slot that has been open for as long as everybody can remember. This certain person will have to soon partake in a mission with a particular harbinger that they never got along with.
"The trial between 'The Witness of Teyvat - The Traveller" and 'The Hydro Archon of Fonatine - Focalors.' Shall now commence!" Like a lighthouse beam cutting through the fog Neuvilette's voice shone throughout the courtroom, silencing the audience and readying them for the trial to come.
The two opposing forces, prosecution and defense, both stood in their own booth of the courtroom. Focalors was on the left side from the audience while Lumine and Paimon were on the right. Talking of the audience, most of them were practically bouncing in anticipation of the trial to come. Except of course a select few.
At the head of the courtroom was the Orateice Mechanique D'anyalyse Cardinale, just below it Neuvilette perched sternly in his seat, his posture perfect, on the other hand Noctis, he had uncaringly flopped onto Neuvilette's lap. He rested his head on one of the arm rests and his legs dangled off the other side of the chair.
While this did garner a few strange looks from the audience, the prosecution, the defense, and even Neuvilette himself he didn't prevent it because he knew Noctis would just make a scene delaying the trial. Though, he did make clear that he disliked this arrangement with his deathly glare, which Noctis seemed to have completely missed, or maybe he just ignored it? Who could know...
The trial soon after commenced, the Traveller and Paimon prepared there arguments, confirming their information it seems. Lady Furina however, seemed somewhat weary, her expressions were complex but it was clear to people who had known her that she wasn't all confident.
The Traveller simply wished that she had been able to convince Furina to explain what she was hiding so that they didn't have to go through with this trial.
"Neuvilette! Allows us to just fast forward to the part where the prosecution lays out my offenses. As the defendant, and lead actress in this performance I'm still not informed of my supposed guilt." Furina's voice high in pitch and a sudden confidence rang out.
"Being a 'God' may make my actions hard for mortals to grasp. However, you will need more than that to convict me or a crime.." Furina's continuing words seemed to attract Noctis' gaze as he narrowed his eyes towards her. As there gazes met she recalled their previous talk, a piece of her confidence cracked.
Despite Noctis having told her he would "sit back and relax" she couldn't help but feel unnerved by his empty gaze. Visions of their interaction played out in her mind. The way he was so easily able to attack and damage her with his words horrified her.
"The arrogance of the Gods will one day lead to their downfall." Noctis spoke as a near whisper, audible only by Neuvilette, Furina, Paimon and The Traveller. It was clear he had no intention of expanding on what he meant as he quickly closed his eyes.
Ignoring Noctis, Lumine addressed the charge against Furina. "Your charge has nothing to do with your conduct as an Archon. Rather, I'm charging you as a fraud who has never been the Archon in the first place."
The audience shot out in uproar, shocked by the possibility they had worshipping a fraud for so long. Some seemed to defend Furina while others seemed to agree with the charge and make their own little theories.
Neuvilette was unbothered by the commotions and effortlessly spoke, "Charged accepted." His ecoression was stern and he stood up from his chair causing Noctis to roll onto the floor with a thud.
"Do you plead guilty to the charges, Lady Furina." Neuvilette continued to speak dampening the shouts of complain from Noctis who was sprawled on the floor below him.
Furina went silent, she could only stare at the floor and fidget her hands against each other. Noctis who had just stood up from the floor speaks out in Furina's place.
"She pleads innocent." Neuvilette who seemed genuinely surprised turns to Noctis with a confused expression.
"Yes! He is right. How could I, Focalors, otherwise Furina De Fontaine, a member of the Seven, and Regina of All Waters, Kindreds, People's and Laws of Fontaine be anything other than your true Archon."
Noctis' interruption had given her just enough time to recover her act, she made quick use of the time he had given her and effectively regained the confident veil of her identity. She had no clue why Noctis had interrupted but she was somewhat glad he had.
Her quick pounce against the claims regained the trust of the audience in almost an instant. They immediately began to doubt the claims of the Blonde Traveller.
The crowd was mainly in belief of the defense. However, the blonde traveller had not yet shown a single card up their sleeve in this battle of wits.
As Furina continued to speak the heavy scales of the Oratrice titled towards her side of the courtroom. Her words were extremely convincing, she had evidence too. No normal human could live for five hundred years and there was no way she could alter the memories of an entire nation. Making them believe she had ruled for five hundred years would simply be impossible.
However, her mask slipped, "If you wish to drop the case, I can promise as the Hydro Archon that you will not be punished for making a false accusation." Her suggestion to drop the trial could be seen as confidence in her power but to Noctis it was a clear sign towards lack there of.
The Traveller quickly refuted, "The people only see you as their Archon because of their long held belief in you."
"If we truly must persist, then let me ask if not an Archon what manner of being do you believe me to be? How could i manage to live for over five hundred years." The Traveller went silent, they delved into their thoughts. They had to be careful if they made a single mistake it could result in this whole trial being pointless. They wouldn't even get any information from Furina.
"It is not rare in this world for many beings to have extended life spans compared to humans, and even if you're not one of those beings there are many ways you could extend your lifespan..." Paimon's voice echoed across the court room, it wasn't as annoying as usual and actually had some intellect and seriousness to it for once.
"For example, a curse... Like the people of Khaenri'ah." Lumine finished for Paimon.
"You'd sink as low as to use the words of The Kanve against me, Traveller?" Her words garnered a deathly glare from the a certain someone.
"What matters is the veracity of our claim." The traveller quickly retorted.
"A curse...? I once thought it possible that the aura of an Archon naturally might resemble a type of curse." Neuvilette spoke to himself curiously though his words were audible throughout the court.
"The presence of Raiden Shogun, Morax, and Tsaritsa have all felt very different than the presence of Lady Furina her, my dear Neuvilette." Noctis spoke up to him, "Divinity feels much more oppressive than a human with a curse." He finished his explanation. Neuvilette nodded in understanding.
The audience filled with doubt once more as the scales of the Oratrice evened out. Furina's courage was not discerned. Infact it seemed she was becoming more active, as if she saw this all as a play where she was the main character.
"Do not start celebrating too early now, even if I have been carrying "a curse" that does not prove I am a human being. Besides, everyone knows the main difference between the divine and the mortal is the possession of "authority." Gods can do what humans cannot. — that's why they're worshiped as God's." Her body language expelled confidence she spoke as if she was telling a story to an audience rather than defending her innocence.
"One must only look at the Indemnitium and Oratrice Mechanique d'Anyalyse Cardinale for evidence of my authority." Her words came out clear and powerful, she was a complete switch of her usual nervous self.
"Lady Furina, the trial with Chidle. We're you too not confused on how it decided his guilty despite having no evidence?" Paimon quickly argued though Furina showed no sings of disarray.
"Did I not make clear that humans find the actions of the Gods hard to understand already. There is no reason to explain!" While her words weren't lacking confidence it was clear that she was repeating her points over and over unlike the Traveller and Paimon who had multiple different sources and pieces of evidence.
"Lady Furina, I believe a reminder of your current circumstances are in order. While court is an session, the principles of justice and law must come before all else. While you're an Archon, you are first and foremost the defendant. You will prove yourself unable to defend against the prosecution if you continue to withhold information!" Neuvilette's voice had no sign of humour nor leniency, he was completely serious in his punishing of Furina.
Furina's confidence once again begun to waver, "I never thought... You'd use that kind of rhetoric against me..."
"That was no trick of rhetoric, Lady Furina. I have merely reiterated the rules of the court that all should respect and follow." Furina couldn't respond to Neuvilette.
"So, you neither know why Childe was declared guilty, nor did you understand the structure and operations of the Oratrice... Instead of having been created by you, the "manifestations of authority" you mentioned have been made by the real Hydro Archon, haven't they?" Paimon declared seriously. Her current actions were definitely shocking mainly to Noctis and The Traveller.
The trial continued on not once was their a dull moment, it was like a continuous assault from both sides but as it did continue Furina's confidence became weaker and weaker. The travellers assault and evidence became more and more decisive.
As the trial went on Furina became desperate even daring to touch primordial sea water. She tried to argue that her innocence should be set in stone considering she didn't disolve. However, that hope was instantly shattered when it was explained the water had been watered down only to show the minimal affects instead of dissolving her.
Seeing that her guise was nearly at its end her hopes wer shattered, her voice was stuttered, her breathing became hitched with panic and she froze...
She begged towards the crowd, she practically screamed outwards towards them hoping anyone of them would just believe her. Praying that someone would take her side so she didn't have to be alone. However, the audience just stared with disdain not daring to give her the helping hand she wanted.
The hands of the Oratrice dropped to the side of the Traveller.
Whispers of the audience filled her mind, tears filled her eyes. In her mind she was surrounded in darkness everyone leaving her behind, the only words audible were Neuvilette declaring her guilt as "The Fraudulent Archon"
Silently, she fell into her chair, Neuvilette spoke out. "We shall now turn to the Oratrice Mechanique d'Anyalyse Cardinale for the final verdict on the charges."
As the machine powered up the sounds of gears turning filled the court room, as it prepared to make a decision a blue light filled the court room with blinding light. A slit of paper was released from the machine.
"According to the judgement of the Oratrice Mechanique d'Anyalyse Cardinale, Furina is—" Neuvilette let out a shaky breath and then a confused hum.
"Is something wrong with the verdict?" Paimon asked curiously.
"No... However, the exact wording 'The Hydro Archon guilty, to be punished via the death sentence." The audience broke out into whispers and chatter. Most were shocked, the death sentence hadn't been given out as punishment ever before. The people didn't even know this was available as punishment.
"Furina's been punished to death!?" Paimon shouted worriedly, they had only wanted an answers they didn't want Furina to die over it.
"Everyone! Calm yourselves." Noctis' voice rang out seriously, it quickly gained the attention of everyone since this entire trial he had not acted seriously. "The wording of the Oratrice is incredibly important here. 'The Hydro Archon guilty, to be punished via the death sentence.' instead of saying simply 'Furina.'"
"The Oratrice seems to have deliberately invoked the title of Hydro Archon..." Neuvilette finished.
Freminet's interruption suddenly focuses the attention onto him, "Is... the trial still going on?" He asked nervously.
"Freminet! I assume this means you finally complete your mission?" Lyney asked seemingly out of breath for some reason. Seems he was worried for his brother.
"Mhm any mission from 'Father is a top priority." Suddenly, a group of Fatui members drag a stone slate onto the stage of the opera house.
"So Arlecchino ordered you to find the slate hmm? She is incredibly intuitive indeed." Noctis' voice rang out with pride.
"It took me a while to find... I eventually found it at the bottom of the sea... But has the trial already concluded... Was I too late... Father will be disappointed..." From the stands Noctis was shaking his head in disagreement.
"Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Freminet. Please allow me to review the record left on the slate." Noctis' then quickly looked to his side and then back on the stage where Neuvilette had somehow managed to get to in less than a second.
"Traveller I believe that you have already seen the other existing slates. I would like you to also come here and confirm the contents." Neuvilette requested, and the Traveller and Paimon came down to the stage.
From uplcose it was clear the slate depicted the Hydro Archon releasing her divine power and turning oceanids into humans.
"I believe I have made sense of the Hydro Archon's crime. It has to do with Fontaine's lost history." Neuvilette explained.
With a blink of purple light Noctis appeared next to the three. He examiened the slate curiously and then before letting out a hum allowed Neuvilette to continue.
"In truth everything you have come across in Fontaine can come down to these slates. However, I am uncertain as to how much sense they currently make to you." Neuvilette explained.
"In the sake of time Neuvilette allow me to explain, im sure our dear Traveller here is quick when it comes to understanding the complexities." Neuvilette simply nodded, he agreed with Noctis' words in the sake of time it would be better.
Noctis' explained how the first slate depicts the previous Hydro Archon using divine power to convert Oceanids into humans. Noctis' then explained that this shows Fonatinians are transformed Oceanids. The second slate shows Celestia and the previous Hydro Archon with her people. They seemed to be worshipping Celestia yet still they received 'Divine Punishment.' This was when they were branded with the 'original sin' The third slate shows the hydro Archon sinking into the sea surrounded by her people, and finally the fourth slate the current prophecy of Fontaine. In short, the Hydro Archon used the Primoridal Sea water to turn the Oceanids in Humans hence why the people of Fontaine dissolve when in contact with the primrodial sea.
The reason why the Hydro Archon was sentenced to desth was because her sin was Fontaine's orginal sin. The previous Hydro Archon had been accused guilty by Celestia because of her use of the primordial sea in the creation of Fontainians...
Noctis' explanation had the crowd listening intently albeit somewhat in shock, why wouldn't they be. They had all just been told they are artificial humans.
Neuvilette confirmed Noctis' explanations and added his own details which he got from examing the source power in the slates. He explained how the Hydro Archon did not have enough authority to create human body's for her people and that is why she had resorted to the Primrodial Sea and that is why Celestia had been angered. She had never received permission from the 'heavenly principles'.
She crowd were all awe shocked some were broken, some wanted to protect their Archon and others imagined they had not even heard it.
Neuvilette then finally explained the truth behind the third slate, "the people of fontaine shall try the Hydro Archon at the court or justice." This received shock from all even, though Noctis' expression was still blank it was hard to tell if he was just good at hiding his shock.
"Our present situation.." Neuvilette finished.
"Everything we've done has been foretold and the prophecy said it would." Navia muttered.
"Is this how it feels to be a prisoner of Fate (Phanes)" Clorinde questioned.
"So what is the root cause of the disaster?" The Traveller asked herself. Her eyes widened, "The whale..."
The entire court room began to shake and tremour violently, as if a sudden earthquake had struck, but that wasn't possible, it was way too powerful. Members of the audience ran from the court room towards all the exists, luckily they did...
A mystical purple energy cracked, the floor of the courthouse shattered like glass leaving behind a sort of dimensionsal rift. Emerging shortly afterwaw an enormous narwhal covered in stars like an endless night sky. It charged towards the stage.
Neuvilette and Noctis both forged a powerful shield from their elements, just barely they were able to deflect the whale, it was incredibly powerful to be able to break through their barriers even if they didn't have their authority. However, now instead the whales trajectory was directed towards the innocent people of the audience attempting to escape.
A burst of electro energy shot out from the rift and charged at the whale with speed so incredible nothing but a blur of violet was seen. The blur attacked the whale with two electro blades pushing it away from people. Noctis was just able to make out the shape of the blur.
"Childe...?" He muttered staring at the 'fowl legacy' transformation Childe was sometimes use in their sparring matches.
Childe dashed back towards the whale stabbing and slashing it with his electro spear, at the same time Neuvilette shot a powerful beam of hydro through the whale's body. The damage must've affected it somewhat because it reluctantly retreated back into the rift... Exhaustedly, Childe gave a thumbs down and fell throw the rift.
Noctis did not hesitate whatsoever and charged electro energy into his legs following Childe through the portal. Travelling through the rift made his body feel like it was being pulled from every single direction, as if something was trying with all its might to rip him apart, but he resisted. The pain was minimal and he had to get Childe.
Suddenly, the force of being pulled disappeared and was instead replaced by a sudden hard impact onto a floor of some kind there was a thin layer of water but it didn't do much to reduce the impact. Noctis stood and looked around himself, what surrounded him was an endless expanse the watery floor below akin to a beautiful starry night sky. The rest was all the same a dim dark blue.
However, he did notice a singular person standing in their own, a woman she had long white hair, her clothes were quite revealing and what clothes covered the legs and feet looked like a veil of starlight instead of clothes.
Hanging from her hand was Childe, she was holding him like she was a cat mother punishing it's baby kitten, he was also completely unconscious.
"Who are you?" Noctis questioned sternly, no one else was there but the two of then and unconscious Childe. Noctis did have to admit she was quite beautiful but he had no idea how dangerous she could be.
Hearing his words she curiously turned to face him, her eyes were beautiful reddish purple hue, they were encapsulating and Noctis couldn't help but stare into them. He quickly pulled himself away, 'I really have a weakness to beautiful eyes' he thought thinking back on Arlecchino's eyes.
"Hmm? You dived straight into the rift after Childe. I must admit that is quite brave of you." She said as she also walked closer towards Noctis, "Your aura is quite interesting too. Not a human I suppose."
Noctis took a step back, "I asked you something? Who are you?" The woman remained silent for a while.
"My name is Skirk, and I'm the master of this boy here." Noctis eyes widened so this was the woman who trained Childe when he fell into the abyss?
"You seem shocked has my disciple spoken to you about me then?" Skirk questioned, to which Noctis nodded.
"Childe has mentioned you but from his accounts I would've assumed you to be a lot less talkative." Noctis answered, shockingly Skirk had smiled, Noctis tried to recall accounts about Skirk but he never once heard Childe mention her smiling.
"I simply didn't talk to him because he was weak, but you, you have a strange amount of power radiating within and I can tell this isn't even the peak." Her tone was filled with intrigue and curiosity she once more began to walk towards Noctis.
(A/N) A longer chapter, more importantly a chapter finally releasing. It has been a while and this chapter may be a bit on the boring side but from now on I'm gonna try and diverge from the cannon story majorly, there was still be links of course because I wanna do something with Natlan but if I'm being honest the MC of the fox story might make it to Natlan first because he is a bit more important over there.
Little hint about that mc I guess anywho yes MC of that story is important in some way, one day the two mcs will meet but gotta develop fox story mc first. Natlan quest definitely helps with that mcs story so yeah. I can't wait to write more chapters because as Genshin drops more lore I can make the story even more advanced I need the lore of the other mc mainly.
Alright anywho see you all next chapter which will probably be for the Fox story!