
Judgement {1}

A few days later a group of people consisting of The Traveller, Paimon, Lyney, Lynette, Freminet Navia, Clorinde, Neuvilette, and Noctis. The group were all around a small table on a boat somewhere quiet in Poisson.

Lumine, Lyney, Freminet and Lynette all sat in chairs around the table while the others stood. Paimon started the discussions complementing Lynette about her idea to come to Poission for a place to discuss quietly.

Lynette explained quite basically that this would logically be the best place for the group to hold their discussion. Due to the recent disaster, Poisson had been devoid of many people.

After a short bout of small talk between Lyney, Paimon and Lynette, Navia spoke aloud and walked to the centre of the boat drawing the focus onto herself.

"Lend me your ears everyone..." However just as quickly as she began speaking she seemed to change her mind, "Hmm. Or perhaps one of you might like to start us off? How about you friend?" She finished her sentence drawing the rooms attention on to Freminet.

"Uh, me!? N-No, I don't think i can..." He stuttered out nervous while looking down to the table.

"Then , how about you, good sir?" Navia spoke once again turning to the side of the boat where Noctis and Neuvilette had been looking over the water.

"I fear that I will cause the mood on this boat to become as somber as it is in court..." He calmly responded turning away from the water as he did. His answer gained a teasing smile and light laugh from Noctis.

"It seems that some of you aren't so good with introductions." Noctis spoke moving the focus from Navia to himself. "I personally believe we should cut to the chase, our friend here, Lumine, has brought us here to discuss the trial of Lady Furina De Fontaine." He explained carefully and while making sure everyone had paid attention.

Navia gave Noctis a grateful nod and began to speak,

"Yes, let's start by saying we will be pooling our efforts together to create a series of traps." She further explained.

"Oh? How intriguing." Lyney thought aloud as he leaned back in our chair.

"Well, it's just an expression, really - one I just learned from Clorinde, and used on the spot... So let's invite her to explain." She admitted while turning her attention onto Clorinde who was stood on the edge of the boat leaning on a railing or sorts.

A slightly surprised Clorinde spoke her mind, "Huh? Didn't you say you would be facilitating this?"

Navia responded with a little laugh walking closer to Clorinde as she explained, "Oh, come now, your work doesn't involve much public speaking, right? This is a good chance to practice - you might even pick up some fancy oratory tricks to impress your boss with in the future."

"I see. And what does my boss say?" Clorinde responded turning to her side where Neuvilette stood.

Neuvilette let out a tiny laugh and smile only visible for a fraction of a second before speaking, "He is glad that you consider him your boss. Do go on." Noctis who noticed his smile and laugh went slightly wide-eyed from shock and then made a mental note that Clorinde is of importance.

Clorinde started her dialogue asking anyone if they had any experience in hunting, Lynette answered saying she had none she could recall while Lyney spoke about the time him and Freminet used a wooden stick and basket to catch wild rabbits.

"I assume Miss Clorinde was not talking about animals, children." Noctis spoke up again gaining a nod from Clorinde.

"You may not have heard, but Fontaine once played host to a group known as the Marechausse Hunters. Thought that was there name they did not hunt animals, but rather various monsters left behind by the ancient dynasty of King Remus." Her explanation begun, it was simple and easy to understand and everyone was paying a great deal of attention.

Clorinde continued her explanation, she mentioned the thinning of Fontaine's monster population. She also mentioned how due to the thinning of the monster populations the Hunters became less needed and blended back into society.

She explained how the Hunters left the unique methodology of traps in the wake. It was explained that a trap comprises of: bait, a trigger, and a containment device. She also added that in same cases a lethal implement would also be necessary to deal with prey.

"So if we were to build a trap together right now, what would you choose to build it with?" She questioned the group like a teacher making sure her students were listening.

"For me, I would prefer something basket-shaped. Pigeons and rabbits will see the bait and naturally enter the snare." Lyney answered giving his explanation too.

"You used some of those techniques while moving the people of Poisson, didn't you? My subordinates mentioned that you even performed some magic for the bawling children." Navia questioned kindly.

"Yes, and I even managed to gather some intelligence in the meantime - I'm quite the multitasker if I do say so myself." Lyney's answer received a light smile from Noctis.

"Arlecchino would be proud, Lyney." He stated. This caused Lyney's prideful grin to grow even more.

"I'm afraid I can't claim that as my strong suit... I prefer more stable methods, like placing bait in the water and waiting for the fish to come within reach... That's the kind of method I would count on." Freminet spoke his own answer to the question, though Noctis' smile did not waver.

"I believe Arlecchino would also be proud with you for that, after all a member who can be patient is always important for longer missions or ones where you have to be a bit sneakier." Noctis' response seemed to calm down the unsociable Freminet slightly as he seemed a little less nervous.

Lynette's answer came last but it was arguable the most simple of them all, "And I can be there assistant." Hearing her words Noctis proudly nodded, "The assistant is crucial and without them so many things could go wrong."

Navia's answer was quite fitting for some reason, she stated she would use a type of mechanical animal to lure the others into a trap.

"What about you, Monsieur Neuvilette?" Navia questioned, though Neuvilette shrugged it off apologetically saying he had no experience in the matter.

"That makes sense. You usually solve problems directly, without the use of any such tricks." Clorinde spoke understandingly, she then moved her attention onto Noctis, "And you? How would you do it?" She asked him.

"I suppose the same as Neuvilette, directly works best for me." She nodded and turned her attention back to Neuvilette.

"I do have one question for you, Monsieur. If we were to create a trap now, how would you design it?" Hearing Cloridne's question Neuvilette paused to think.

"Hmm, I would like for it to be effective but bring no harm to the prey. A more gentle trap would be ideal." He answered seriously. Noctis, hearing Neuvilette's answer shook his head slightly.

"Kind, as always." Clorinde responded gaining a nod for Noctis, "However, our intention doesn't necessarily change the containment device and the type of implement we need." She explained.

"If we wanted to kill the prey in one strike, we would need a powerful implement. However, that also goes for prey that must be captured and surely contained." Clorinde explained in further detail receiving confusion from Navia.

"Wait, why's that?" She asked, "Only a hundred who's a true expert at subduing there prey can snare it without harming it, The line that divides life and death is often exceedingly thin." Clorinde answered.

"Wait? Aren't we putting Lady Furina on trial?" Freminet asked. "Our goal is putting Furina on trial, personally I think the hunting metaphor fits best." I explained to Freminet, Neuvilette nodded agreeing with me.

"But we shall require much more courage than any hunter to judge a god - a being whose seat is an exalted throne."

With that the meeting came to a close. Over the span of a few days the group had more meetings effectively planning how the would enact their plan to "trap" the Hydro Archon.

It was planned that The Traveller would find Furina at Poisson where they assumed she would be, attempting to relieve the sense of guilt she felt. The Traveller's goal would be to try and sympathize with Furina in hopes of her telling The Traveller what she knew.


Though, it seemed Noctis' deduction was correct. The walls of the building the two of them stood in collapsed outwards revealing the court room of the Opera Epiclese. Furina stood centre stage with her hand held close to her chest. Her eyes were on the brink of tears and carried a deep sense of anxiety.


"Now, without further ado... We may proceed to the trial of our god." Lyney called out to the crowd.

I watched Furina closely and I had to admit I was impressed by how fast she was able to take in her situation and completely switch her personality to the one she shows in public.

Her expression had completely changed and the way she spoke, it sounded as if she had just been having a regular day.

"I am Focolars, the God of Justice — the embodiment of justice itself. Does it not strike you as even the least bit absurd to bring the very concept of justice to trial." Her words sounded completely normal, though her act was not perfect.

The way she pushed away from getting trialed to me made it seem quite obvious that she was hiding something. Though, I suppose it could just be more visible to me since I already know she isn't the True Archon.

"May I interpret these words... As your refusal to stand trial." Neuvilette's authoritative voice rang out from right next to me moving Furina's focus onto us. Her gaze crossed over me for a second and I could see her facade falter slightly.

"In that case, you will have the opportunity to defend your honor through a duel." Neuvilette continued, his words a signal to Clorinde who walked onto stage with her sword drawn.

"You... You would draw your blade against God." Furina's words rang out and she pointed her finger towards Cloridne, it was clear this motion was meant to be a threat however, Furina's voice only carried the tones of fear and betrayal.

Cloridne, not saying a word lifted her sword towards Furina conveying her seriousness. "I see... It seems like you have made up your mind." Furina answered with attempting to make her tone of voice return to usual.

Furina reluctantly raised her hands in surrender, many members of the crowd called out in bouts of different emotions, confusion, shock, disappointment, and even anger.

"It would seem that there has been a misunderstanding. To be clear, the raising of both hands is not always an indication of surrender..." Furina fearfully addressed the crowd in a desperate attempt to stop them from doubting her standing.

"I raised my hands just now to indicate my acceptance of the trial. No duel shall be necessary." She spoke to the crowd once more, this time with a pause, "I will admit that I've been running away for a long time." She admitted, her speech was slower and the tone was significantly sadder, it carried a distinct feeling of disappointment. A disappointment held towards herself.

"I'm sorry, everyone. I was unable to protect the people of Poisson... It is my duty to stand trial for my crimes." She continued.

Her speech paused as she took the time to catch her bearings, she took a deep breath before speaking one final time. "But now, it is time for the Hydro Archon to show you her courage and resolve."

"I, Furina, will use this trial to show the world the true meaning of justice!"

(A/N) Yippee another chapter. Though in my opinion this one was a bit more boring than the prior. The next one should hopefully be a little less boring. I will write the next chapter tomorrow. It will probably come a little later in the day like this one cuz I'm a little busy with some things but yah. Hope you enjoyed!