
Genshin Impact's Incense Burner Of Liyue [98] [50 PS]

Bonus Chapter!


Gu Sanqiu placed the letter down, raising an eyebrow at Ningguang.

"So... an invitation from Mondstadt? From Jean herself? For an exchange tournament and, what was it? A 'Vision Symposium'?"

Ningguang nodded, maintaining her polite smile. "Indeed. It seems they've noticed the recent rise in Vision wielders, and Jean feels it's an opportune moment to strengthen diplomatic ties. You could say the acting Grand Master hopes we'll take this chance to foster 'academic discussion' between Vision users of both nations."

"More like she hopes to size us up." Gu Sanqiu rolled his eyes. "But why did you call me here for this? Surely, such matters are better left to people like Keqing and, you know... you?"

At this, Ningguang's smile deepened. "Well, Sanqiu, it's not just about exchanging theories on Vision use. It's also an excellent opportunity to showcase our nation's strength—and our finesse. This is why both Keqing and I have agreed..."

"...that you would be a perfect candidate to represent Liyue."

Sanqiu froze, looking between Ningguang's composed face and Keqing's nonchalant nod as she continued chatting with Hu Tao. "You... can't be serious?"

"Oh, but we are." Ningguang handed him an official invitation embossed with the seal of the Qixing. "Consider it a formal request from Liyue's Qixing. Your skills are well-regarded, Sanqiu, and who better to show Mondstadt a glimpse of Liyue's unique talents?"

He stared at the invitation, feeling a weight settle on his shoulders. "I just wanted a quiet month to recharge. But no. Now I have to march up to Mondstadt and—what? Show off?"

"A necessary step for diplomacy." Ningguang gave a reassuring nod. "Keqing and I are counting on you. You're more versatile than most. After all, you didn't turn the Wanmin Restaurant upside down during that little incident with Hu Tao last year, did you?"

The reminder brought a twitch to Sanqiu's eye. "That... was different."

"Exactly," Ningguang said with a sly smile. "Which makes you perfect for this mission. Plus, think of it as a chance to get out of Liyue Harbor, maybe make a few... international connections?"

Sanqiu held back a sigh, glancing over at Hu Tao, who was still discussing fashion trends with Keqing, oblivious to his plight. I really should have just stayed in bed...

Seeing his resigned look, Ningguang's tone softened. "We'll make sure the arrangements are handled smoothly. You'll have plenty of time to prepare. Besides, think of it as a test."

"A test?"

"Yes," she nodded. "To see if you're ready for bigger responsibilities. If you succeed, Sanqiu, who knows? Perhaps you'll even gain a... certain reputation beyond our borders."

Sanqiu knew when he'd been cornered, but he wasn't about to give in completely. He met Ningguang's gaze squarely, giving a slight bow. "Very well. I'll represent Liyue as you ask. But do me a favor: keep the rest of the Qixing from saddling me with more 'honors' than I already have."

Ningguang chuckled, eyes gleaming with satisfaction. "Consider it done."


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