
Genome Ascension: Rise of the Super Mech

In a distant future, humanity has spread out among the stars and established colonies on countless planets. With technological advances and genetic engineering, humans have pushed the limits of what it means to be human. Super genes have become the norm, granting individuals abilities beyond the average person. The world had always been a place of constant change and evolution, but there was something different about the air that day. It was a feeling that had been building for years, a sense that something was brewing just beneath the surface, waiting to burst forth and change everything. Few knew exactly what it was, but they could feel it in their bones. For more updates follow my instagram Id: immortal_tree690

Crazy_cupcake · Sci-fi
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177 Chs

The Dark Side of Progress

As they emerged from the rubble, the remnants of a once towering structure that had been their battlefield, Jack and his team found themselves bathed in an eerie silence. The air hung heavy with the acrid scent of destruction, and the fading echoes of their recent victory seemed but a distant memory. The cheering crowd of supporters, once jubilant and raucous, had fallen into a stunned hush.

The victory they had achieved was no small feat. Their combined efforts had managed to cripple a major stronghold of the corporation that held the world in its grasp. But as Jack surveyed the scene before him, he couldn't shake off the uneasy feeling that their triumph was merely a respite, a fleeting moment in the grand scheme of things.