
Genius Ghost Hunter

Five Evils surround me, Nine Ghosts snatch my soul, born with an open Heavenly Gate! In my life, I have encountered all sorts of strange characters, such as the blind fortune-teller, Auntie Hui from the Witch Clan, and An Ye Su, the Water Spirit. At the same time, dark creatures such as mountain monsters, tree gods, water ghosts, zombies, wandering spirits, and others swarm around me like maggots on a decaying carcass, endlessly. Where will my fate lead me?

shilin_wang · Seram
Peringkat tidak cukup
515 Chs

Beasts don't call the police.


Sparks flew, gunshots rang out, and bullets shot out of the barrel straight towards my forehead from a distance of no more than two meters.

At such close range, I believe any normal person would not be able to dodge it.

This old policeman was silent but vicious. He came at me with a deadly move that caught me off guard.

At this moment, I only felt the dazzling fire in front of me and the heat pressing down on me. Without any surprises, in the next moment, that bullet would surely penetrate my head and turn me into a dead man.

In this situation, it was impossible for me to dodge. No matter how fast I moved, I could not outrun the bullet.

But I couldn't just sit there waiting for death either.

Immediately after thinking about it frantically, my Lingtai Secret Art suddenly activated like lightning and extracted a huge amount of energy from my Wisdom Root Spirit Bud in an instant.

"Hiss hiss hiss-"

The bullet spun rapidly as it rushed forward but its speed was surprisingly slow. In front of it seemed to be an invisible wall blocking its path.

Finally, that bullet stopped completely one inch away from my nose with a light "ding" sound before falling to the ground and rolling into some crevice between rocks somewhere unknown.

After the bullet fell to the ground,the entire cave became eerily quiet as if you could hear a pin drop.

"Old Gu! You are suspended from duty! Hand over your gun and wait for processing! I will report your actions truthfully!" After who knows how long had passed,Dr.Cai reacted first then she ran over here quickly grabbing Old Gu's pistol first.

Up until now,Old Gu still looked at me blankly muttering,"No,no way.How can he block bullets? Who is he exactly? Is he even human?"

"Lao Gu!Be serious.Who gave you permission to shoot?!" After Dr.Cai took Old Gu's gun,she glared at him and asked angrily.

"Liang,Liang Captain.This kid is obviously an accomplice of that monster who kills people.He was clearly trying to help the monster escape." Old Gu looked at Dr.Cai timidly and said.

Dr. Cai's real name should be Liang something or other. From her appearance, she seemed to be a senior criminal investigator with a rank obviously higher than that of the old policeman.

"Bullshit! How do you know he is an accomplice of that killer? Even if he were, without my orders, how dare you shoot your gun?! You are completely disregarding discipline! Stand aside for me!" Liang Captain pushed Old Gu away in anger then turned around and looked at me. She opened her mouth as if she wanted to say something but before she could finish speaking, she turned her head towards the edge of the pool only to find An Ye Su and Xiao Ping had long since disappeared without a trace.

Seeing this situation,Liang Captain became so angry that her face turned pale. She couldn't help pointing at my nose asking,"What do you mean by doing this? Do you know how serious his crimes are? He has killed more than ten people! By doing this, you will cause even more deaths.Do you understand?If someone else gets killed again later on,you will be indirectly responsible.Do you understand?"

"Don't worry.There won't be any innocent people getting killed except for Lu Dakun.And if Lu Dakun does get killed,I'll feel relieved but I won't have any psychological guilt." I looked at Liang Captain and said.

"What do you mean?" Liang Captain frowned tightly looking coldly at me asking.

"The story is long.If you have time,I can tell it slowly,"I spoke while squatting down picking up the rope from the ground and putting it away. Then I summoned Yun Qing Yue back before looking at Liang Captain asking,"Before telling the story, let's introduce ourselves first.My name is Liu Yi Heng.What should I call you?"

"Liang Shi Xin,"Liang Captain looked at me helplessly saying.

"Poetic fragrance,what a nice name."I smiled at her and said.

Stop talking nonsense. How old are you? You're so slick with your words, what poetry and fragrance? It's all just a bunch of fluff," Liang Shixin interrupted me, frowning. "Alright, enough of that. Tell me what happened."

"What should I call you?" I ignored Liang Shixin and greeted the old man Gu Huimin.

"Gu Huimin. Are you human or ghost?" Gu Huimin was still a bit dazed at this point, so he shuddered when I spoke to him.

"Don't worry, I'm human," I smiled at him as I walked away. "But if you shoot again next time, be more careful. Once that bullet is fired and someone dies, there's no going back."

"Yes...yes...I understand," Gu Huimin replied repeatedly.

"Go back and wait for further instructions!" Liang Shixin glared at him as he passed by before catching up to me as we walked outside together.

Half an hour later in a quiet forest clearing beside a crackling bonfire, while shaking off my soaked clothes and shoes, I told Liang Shixin about An Yesu's story.

"So if something went wrong here it would have been Lu Dakun's fault first since he killed someone first which led to An Yesu seeking revenge." After finishing my explanation, unable to resist asking her: "Officer Liang can you tell me what your plan is now?"

"I am aware of the situation you described. We had already known about the evil custom of burying people alive in Lujiagou before this incident occurred; after the founding of our country we widely publicized it and even dealt with some individuals involved in such practices. Later on this custom disappeared completely; who would have thought that another case would occur now? To be honest with you,I am also very sad and shocked by this. That girl was indeed very pitiful and innocent. The suspect should be angry, but his way of handling things is wrong. He shouldn't take matters into his own hands; he should seek help from our police first and report Lu Dakun's crimes to us. In that case, we will definitely give him justice." Liang Shixin looked at me as she spoke.

"Are you in love?" I asked Liang Shixin.

Liang Shixin frowned and hesitated: "Why are you asking this?"

Seeing her hesitation, I knew she must have someone in mind, so I asked her: "If your boyfriend were buried alive by someone, what would you do? Would you calmly seek the help of the police? Also, do you know An Yesu's identity? He came from the sea and doesn't really understand what happens on land here. In that situation,the only thing he can do is seek revenge. To put it bluntly,you can't expect a wild beast to call the police."

"I understand what you're saying now," Liang Shixin said firmly to me after thinking for a moment,"But he has committed a crime after all,so I must catch him and bring him to justice."

"What about Lu Dakun?" I furrowed my brows and asked.

"We'll investigate according to procedure; whoever deserves punishment will receive it accordingly. We won't wrongly accuse an innocent person nor let go of a guilty one!" Liang Shixin looked at me resolutely.
