

[Scorpion Warlord (???) (Inheritance Crystal)] 



There was no other explanation, as though all the information about this item had been wiped from existence. Maybe it was a surprise that he got a name for it at all. 

In the end, he had to ask the Madness Key about it. 


[What is an Inheritance Crystal?] 

[Inheritance Crystals come in two forms: Complete Inheritances and Partial Inheritances. Partial Inheritances are often tests, seedlings that an expert might spread throughout the universe in order to find worthy successors. Complete Inheritances are most often left behind by dead experts and are the rarer of the two. An expert is unlikely to hand out their full Inheritance without testing the character of their student first.] 


When Sylas saw this, he was almost 100% certain that this was a Partial Inheritance.