
Long Time

Sylas had been asleep practically the entire time, so he was sure that he wasn't the first to think of this. The others may have already guessed at such a thing, but they didn't know what to do about it. Should they try to knock one another off? But what about the family? What if this statue only wanted one person to remain? 

That was enough to explain why Cole and his family hadn't acted. Well, that and the fact Cole was bound to listen to Sylas' orders for the next three years, and that also stipulated him not doing anything to harm Sylas. 

Alex was the true wild card, but he hadn't acted either, just standing in silence. And with his face covered by the mask, he was difficult to read even for Sylas. 


Sylas looked up to find something interesting. 

'We're closer to the statue now than we were before. Higher as well. Is this a boiling frog situation?'