
Leaderboards Once More

Sylas wasn't sure, but he stored it away after studying the runes. There was nothing more to gain from it for now, but what he did notice was that there was a very particular emblem on the badge.

The badge itself was in the shape of a silver puck. It had some heft to it, and the engravings of the runes were small and around its circumference. Sylas was sure that if he had just been looking at it normally, it would have been easy to ignore. That's because the emblem he mentioned was the centerpiece and would likely draw all of his attention.

It was a horsetail whisk and a tome with a crystal embedded into the center of it. It was just a simple image, but it filled him with an unknown sense of awe that he couldn't quite place.

It was either this key opened up a very miraculous place, or it was a secret to the identity of this Azrael character. Sylas had a feeling that it was the latter. And after he tried to check Azrael's Genes, he was even more certain.