
Genesis : Autumn's Mistake

An unexpected calamity befalls earth and the changes seemed to be getting drastic every passing hour. First it was massive earthquakes, then tsunamis and then twisters destroying Japan. The old folks believed it to be the Night of The Demons Parade and begun spreading news about it, but people turned a deaf ear to them. This calamity was the intense fusion of two worlds or dimensions of complete opposite forces thus the physical world and the alternate dimension, the spiritual realm. This rift caused the essence or manner from the spirit world to influence earth giving humans supernatural abilities and they were known as Breeders and the masters of the abilities were called Specters. At first, they wanted to seek dominion over the world but then later came to find out that the completion of the fusion of the worlds would cause complete condemnation. This all is linked to Allen, a young boy searching for the family of a little girl named Autumn, after rescuing her from a lab collapse upon trying to flee from a facility that hosts children making them lab rats and the effects was giving them abilities. The fusion doesn't stop how then would Allen and the little girl stop total condemnation as they say -1+1=0....

Benjamin_Oppong_4289 · Fantasi
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Valentine's Plan

"We need to be sly about this Allen." Ali whispered to the figure sitting just in front of him across the table. It was lunch and they had made their way to the dining area just to be fed food meant for pigs. "I get you, but you know I hate that guard's guts...you sure you believe I might not pick up a fight with him?" He rolled his eyes in disgust and folded his arms whiles observing the gooey soup served before them. "You've had that since you were an infant...now's not the time to develop a new kind of appetite...well...unless you pay more attention to the plan to escape-" "Ugh! get over with the plan again." Allen gave up and hit his head against the table. Ali drew closer to him, but the nearby guard started to notice them, so he started slurping the soup and looked away. With the corner of his eye, Ali saw the guard make his way to their table. He used his legs to caution Allen to sit upright but it was too late when the guard banged the table with his rod slightly away from where Allen's head was kept. "Aah...soup..." The guard said. He whispered into the ear of Allen who still had his head on the table. This got the attention of most of the children in the dining area and all eyes were on them. "You sure you don't want soup because...that's what you will be having till you die young boy..." His tonation growing more and more deeper.

Allen turned his head, and his eyes met the guard. A smile spread across the guard's face, and he slowly left the table. Everyone starred at their table and begun to murmur amongst themselves. Soon after, the siren rang, and it was time to get to their cells and wait for a health screening. "...you will be called out respectively to make your way to the center lab..." The announcement continued.

The guards ushered everyone to form a single line beside all the tables and march quietly to the cells. There were guards guarding all the exits and even though the facility was quite large, it still felt small being cooped in for years and no nothing about how the outside looked like or even smelt like. A lot of the children had their dreams beyond the walls of the facility and others simply wanted to feel the warm embrace of a mother, father or a family but were deprived the opportunity for the selfish purpose of the Director in charge of the facility. They popularly knew him to be called 'Father ' as he was the one responsible for the doings within the lab.

The health screening was going to be another opportunity to meet him face to face and this angered Allen a lot. He frowned his face though the hallway until he was shoved inside his cell and the doors shut behind him. A cell was supposed to occupy four children but unluckily Ali wasn't in the same cell, and it was annoying enough for him to go bonkers in the room. The only times during the day he had time with him were meal hours and therapy sessions as well as test offs. He had considered him a very close friend even though he was of a darker complexion than him. He remembered the time they met which was in the detention room also known as the ice cooler. Allen's temper got him into a serious fist fight with one of the kids and this eventually had to involve a concerned Ali who later got into the fight after being hit by Allen. They were later sent into the cooler room and upon freezing got their bond to be stronger when Allen considered Ali his rival.

Ali vigorously messed up his dark hair and sat on his bed, his eyes glowing with rage in the dark. He wanted to be free. He wanted to escape. But how. No matter the number of times they had revised their plan it seemed almost impossible. He fell to his bed and gazed at the ceiling.

"Ya know, there's a way to escape...if you wanna know that badly." one of the kids voiced out from his bed. Allen showed no concern even though he was interested. He usually depicted that kind of arrogant demeanor towards others. "And how would that be possible Valentine?" another voice asked. "The place is packed up with guards and it's basically impossible to even try to escape."

Valentine shot up from his bed. The tall guy walked towards Allen and sat next to him and starred at Owen who slept on top of the bunk bed. The other guy was fast asleep on top of them, so the conversation was kept between the three of them. Allen peaked at Valentine with the corner of his eye. Just when he was about to speak, they heard a call for Number 31. "...please make your way to the center lab for the screening please. " From where they were, they could see a child with purple hair walk down the hallway escorted by one of the guards. "It seems almost impossible right Allen?" Allen starred. "What do you mean by that?"

"He's bluffing Allen, don't listen to him. Clearly there's no way there's a way for us to make an escape. " Owen stated. He was getting pretty annoyed at the fact that Valentine wanted to instill done hope into Allen, so he jumped from his bed and walked towards them. "Even if we attempt to escape or even if we do make it out, you do know they're going to hunt us down and when they do that, they'll wipe us off the face of the earth for good..." he scolded coldly with intense seriousness in his eyes glaring into Valentines. The latter just kept a calm look and made his way to the gate. Owen continued to speak."...don't stand there and a t all high and mighty as if u know it all. If indeed there was a way to escape, then explain why you're still here."

Valentine turned and looked at them and spoke. "There'll be too much to focus on than for them to worry about us once we do escape." Allen who had been quiet for a while now questioned Valentine when sitting upright and massaging his own feet at the same time. "What's your plan Valentine? I'm guessing it should be better than what my buddy and I are plotting. I see you've got intel." He smiled. Valentine smiled too and simply said. "Let's take down Father..."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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