
Casuality A String Of Fate..... Bounded And Endless

AN: A Short Story this time.

Hector Trescothik looked at the warped piano in his hands and felt worried.

He walked over to the window and reflected on his dull surroundings. He had always loved quiet Philadelphia with its harsh, high hills. It was a place that encouraged his tendency to feel worried.

Then he saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the figure of Mike Johnson. Mike was a clumsy Adeus with solid fingers and red hands.

Hector gulped. He glanced at his own reflection. He was a down to earth, funny, coca cola drinker with vast fingers and fluffy hands. His friends saw him as a long, low Lucifer. Once, he had even helped a cuddly disabled person cross the road.

But not even a down to earth person who had once helped a cuddly disabled person cross the road, was prepared for what Mike had in store today.

The rain hammered like a thousand seas, making Hector delighted.

As Hector stepped outside and Mike came closer, he could see the red glint in his eye.

"I am here because I want justice," Mike bellowed, in an admirable tone. He slammed his fist against Hector's chest, with the force of 9029 elephants. "I fucking hate you, Hector Trescothik."

Hector looked back, even more delighted and still fingering the warped piano. "Mike, kill yourself," he replied.

They looked at each other with fuzzy feelings, like two loopy, leaking lizards thinking at a very wild accident, which had orchestral music playing in the background and two delightful men hopping to the beat.

Suddenly, Mike lunged forward and tried to punch Hector in the face. Quickly, Hector grabbed the warped piano and brought it down on Mike's skull.

Mike's solid fingers trembled and his red hands wobbled. He looked lonely, his body raw like a bright, brave blade.

Then he let out an agonising groan and collapsed onto the ground. Moments later Mike Johnson was dead.

Hector Trescothik went back inside and made himself a nice drink of coca cola.


The Aftermath:

Mike Johnson was a wealthy man who made his fortune by making multiple discoveries about medicine which helped save many peoples lives.

He was a kind,caring and humble man he would always think of others and donated millions to charity.

Hector Trescothik was diagnosed as mentally insane.

He had escaped out of the mental institute which cared for mental patients.

After escaping Hector killed a disabled person by pushing him into the streets and watching the poor old man fall out of his wheelchair crawling to the sidewalk before being run over by a truck.

The old man was a war veteran and had fought for his country and achieved multiple awards for bravery and even a noble prize for when he saved 25 people from a bomb threat.

But he saved those people by throwing him and the bomb into the water which resulted in the bomb exploding and almost Killing Him.

But thanks to Mike Johnson and countless nights of surgery with 50 doctors and 70 nurses he had miraculously survived.

Although he had lost his legs in the process Old Man Roberts was still regarded as a hero and it is thought to have been blessed by the gods after his service in the war and the 25 people he saved.

Old Man Roberts funeral was held in city centre where generals,friends,family,lovers,comrades, president and all had come to attend his funeral.

His friends never got over his death and cursed god for letting this happen,his family which used to be known as a prideful and loving family.

When he died old man Roberts son had stopped taking his pursuit in science and became a closed shut in who died due to him not eating for several weeks.

His Sons fiance mourned the loss of his son and never took a lover since then and when all of Old Man Roberts family died all the inheritance went to her which caused Someone to kill her and take all of the inheritance.

His Wife died of shock a few days later.

His daughter at such a young age could not cope with her father's lost and grew up traumatized eventually using drugs and alcohol to ignore the pain but died due to overdosing on drugs.

His grand daughter was died in her mother's womb after she died of shock.

His grandson was sent to the orphanage and was abused by his foster parents and died after they tied him up and threw him into a lake drowning him.

His sister died of a heart attack after hearing the news and was driving in her car and when she died the car swerved and crashed into a van killing 5 people in it.

His Brother died due to injuries caused by a fire and he heard the passing of his older brother moments before he died.

Many people in the city lost hope in Everything as crime rose drugs and alcohol production soared and came a second prohibition

After Killing Old Man Roberts Hector made his way into a bar killing the barkeep to tried to defend himself with his gun but Hector grabbed the gun and shot him and also killed the 24 people in the bar and after finding more ammunition on the barkeep he now has 50 bullets and left the bar.

The Barkeep had recovered from cancer that year and gave hope to many people who also had cancer and after his death they all lost hope as they wanted to be like him who had fought through cancer and inspired many to not give up hope but when he died many patients had started Killing themselves saying "I would rather die than live through this pain".

5 People A Father,Mother 2 Sons and 1 daughter were all brutally shot.

The Father had recently quit smoking and drinking he had finally got a job and was gonna asked his wife to marry her he thought the perfect place would be a bar where they both first met.

The Mother turned to prostitution to make ends meet after she gambled all her money away she had 2 accidental sons but refuse to take care of them and left them to the care of her sister but when she met her future partner at a bar and had a daughter with him decided to get a proper job,quit her gambling and take her 2 sons in.

The 2 sons were taken in by the sister but died of starvation after they were locked in their room and the sister killed herself when she jumped off her house.

The daughter had been sent to the orphanage and grew up to be like her mother but soon when she lost all her money and also was in millions worth of debt hung herself after seeing no point to live.

Hector after than grabbed one of the bottles of alcohol threw it at a group of nine people and shot at them causing the flames to ignite and burn them all alive.

The Nine people were the head doctors and surgeons who saved Old Man Roberts.

Hector then proceeded to kill the rest of the people in the bar and quickly left after the bar burnt down.

3 were police officers who investigated in kidnappings and hostage situations they saved countless lives and defused all of the situations.

The Trio also personally interrogated the kidnappers setting them into the right path and the trio had changed their lives turning them from a path of evil to good.

Without the trio hostage situations and kidnapping resulted in many deaths and with the trio gone many of the people they set on the path to good had had a realization "Whether it is the path of justice or a life of crime... not everyone gets a happy ending" with this realization they became infamous serial killers,deadly terrorists,inter national drug lords and Gangsters with a kill count never seen before.

5 were famous politicians who all managed different things.

1 managed finance,another managed security,education,health and last was a public hero in the eyes of the citizens.

Their deaths crashed banks,spiked crime and fueled more Assassinations,the people who managed education had split into two opposing departments,many lost the treatment they needed and medical research ran out of funding causing even more deaths and the last death planted distrust and seeds of betrayal into the public making them not feel safe and not trust the government.

The last two were reporters.

1 of them was gonna report of a massive underground drug deal and secret gang wars that involved many top politicians,gangsters,the mafia,corrupt generals and even the president himself.

If she hadn't died they would all be exposed which would stop the gang wars and prevent many people dying and this would itself lower crime rates after exposing the highly corrupt system and they would all be replaced with better people reinforcing security and generally making everything more safer and better.

The last reporter was actually alive and was shot in the head but he bullet grazed him allowing him to wait till Hector left and report his crimes but after spending a few days in the hospital due to severe burn wounds because of the fire the ripple effects of the 5 Politicians had already were in effect and he needed money to pay for the surgery that he needed because of the burns but he didn't have enough.

The Politician who managed health set up where if you needed money to pay for a surgery but didn't have enough you could sign up and basically he would pay for that surgery for you in which this service that he signed up had given many the money they needed but since he was dead the reporter couldn't get the money he needed.

He felt himself weakening everyday and died on a hospital bed after hearing the death of his older brother and not being able to tell anyone about the truth of Hector's Murders.

Hector with his gun made his way to his home killing 30 people on his way and when he made it into his home got some coca cola before heading into his balcony.

Surrounding him see many cops that by now knew about the various murders and with a shoot out commencing 19 cops were killed.

With 1 bullet left and countless bullet holes in his body laughed as the cops encircle him.

Mike Johnson was there with the cops as medical support and because he wanted to see the man that caused all these deaths tried to save the fallen cops but he couldn't revive the dead no matter how much he tries.

As they encircle Hector Mike stands Infront of Hector.

"Tch What does the almighty hero want with me?"

"I am here because I want justice," Mike bellowed, in an admirable tone. He slammed his fist against Hector's chest, with the force of 9029 elephants. "I Fucking hate you, Hector Trescothik."

"Ow! the fucking hurt! Heh..... you'll pay for that"

With a bang coming from his gun Hector shot Mike in his heart and with one last dying breath he falls and dies.

Hector Trescothik Looked around at the terrified and angry cops before dropping his gun.

Then he let out an agonising groan and collapsed onto the ground. Moments later Hector Trescothik was dead.

The things Hector did had resulted in a butterfly effect that caused the deaths of many and lives changed just of the actions of one simple man.

This goes to show that the evil of the world that mankind fear and shun so much..... Were themselves.....

I could talk about the many effects of Hector's doings for example what about cops families?, The gangsters Brutality?...

Hoped you enjoyed.