
Generation A

In the Year 2XXX, the threat of Extra- Terrestrials was brought upon to Earth. The only beings protecting it were those in Generation A.

Avidreamer123 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
31 Chs

Division Base

10:00 AM

It was now the day of the meeting and the team was heading towards the Division Base, where it would be taking place.

The base was in Scele, a region in Vultus. It was apart of the Information Core and sent direct orders to each team, in every division. The base also housed a majority of all units, except for the top 10 teams in each division.

"Everyone, remember the rules." Kira said for the third time today. "No horseplay, no fighting or arguing, be respectful and kind to other teams and be inclusive. I want everyone's opinion."

Hede groaned. "Okay, okay we get it. Be good little kids. You don't have to keep repeating it.

"I'm just making sure." Kira shrugged.

"We're almost there, right Javes?" Lucy asked.

Javes shrugged and then grunted.

"He means we're not that far." Mason voiced.

"Well that means I have time to tell all of you about a party my family is throwing next month!" Lucy exclaimed.

"You're throwing a party?" Serenity asked. "What's it for?"

"They want to congratulate me for getting into the the strongest team in the entire army."

"Now? It's been weeks since we started. Isn't it a bit late?" Zak reasoned.

"We all know my family is a bit slow. Anyways, are you guys gonna come?"

"Of course," Kira said. "Where is it being held?"

Lucy pulled out her duffel bag from underneath her seat. She rummaged inside of it and emerged with 9 envelopes with a pink bow attached to it.

"The Idem Clan House." She said as she handed an envelope to each person. "Show these to the guards and they'll let you in."

The rest of the team tucked them away inside their own bags and talked a bit more about the party.

After a few more minutes of flying, the airship finally neared the Division base.

It was mostly comprised of a large, gray building that was the Division cores Main base. It was surrounded by 15 tall buildings that worked as housing for multiple teams. Between the building and the base was a courtyard with many people roaming it.

AL, the ships A.I spoke up. "The Division Base's Barrier is enabled. Would you like to ask for permission to pass through?"

Javes nodded.

"Understood. Requesting Permission."

After a few seconds of quiet, suddenly a somewhat transparent wall started to materialize in front of them. As they flew closer, a break in the barrier grew wider and wider until it was big enough for the airship to pass through.

Javes flew through and it immediately closed behind him. He then flew over the buildings to where the aircraft hanger was and parked inside of it.

Javes opened the hatch and the team climbed out, while tossing their bags over their shoulders, and walked to the base.

As they walked outside the hanger, the people on in courtyard greeted them with warm waves or simple nods in their direction. In return, the team did the same.

When they reached the base doors, they were greeted by a team.

"Hello there, Captain Ruse." Said the blonde in front of the other soldiers.

"Uh, hi? Have we met before?" Kira inquired. She knew she remembered his face from somewhere, but couldn't put her finger on it.

"Oh yes, at the base in Opal. Just before you left." The blonde responded.

"Yeah, I remember. Captain Mark Dirnham of team T, right? Nice to see you again."

Mark nodded. "Likewise. When me and my team heard about the meeting, we just had to talk to you again."

"I see. Well we can talk some more after the meeting, okay? We'll see you-"

"Let's walk there together?" Mark asked.


"We really would like to talk with you some more," Mark exclaimed. He turned to his teammates. "right guys." They all nodded and smiled enthusiastically.

"So?" Mark asked.

"Uh, sure." Wish answered. She pushed open the double doors and walked inside. Both teams followed her.

Inside, there were elevators on one side of the room and cubicles and desks on the other. The floor was carpeted with a dusty gray and the walls were an off white color with multiple large Holo-screens in them.

The teams walked to the elevators on the right side of the room and clicked the downwards button. Mark pressed the button for another elevator, since the capacity was 10 people.

When the elevators arrived, Kira and the rest of her teammates were about to get into the same elevator, but some of team T, stepped inside. The others were in the second elevator.

Kira raised an eyebrow. "I'm sorry, but we-"

"What are you waiting for, Captain?" Mark interrupted. "The doors are about to close."

Kira looked the team up and down for a second. Finally she said, "Wish, Javes, Lucy, Zak and Mason, with me. The rest of you in the other elevator."

The team nodded and they split into the two elevators.

Once, inside Mason clicked the 10th floor button and leaned next to Javes. The elevator then started to descend.

Mark turned to the other team. "I can't believe I get to talk to the actual Team Z. I've been a fan of you guys since you entered the academy."

Kira smiled slightly. "Thank yo-"

"However," Mark smirked. "Being the top team must be tiring. People expect so much out of you. I can't imagine having so much pressure on me."

"The trick is to ignore it." Mason said politely.

"Now that I think about, you guys must be fairly powerful in order to stay on top, right."

Zak shrugged. "I would say were a strong team."

"Really?" Mark's smirk grew even wider. "You don't look like it at all."

Wish looked at him. "That's too bad. However, we like how look at the moment."

Mark shrugged. "I don't know. Makes me want to see if you're all that your cracked up to be."

The elevator dinged, signaling that ride was over. The doors opened and both teams slowly started filing out. Before Mark could pass the threshold, Kira called out to him from behind.

"Mark, you might wanna keep those thoughts in check, because we don't fight overconfident weaklings." She patted his shoulder.

"But, hey. Maybe if you ask nicely, Team A might be up for match."

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