
Gemstone Magic

Since Leon was a child, he dreamt of becoming a hunter, pushing back the ever growing evil that threatened the Slate Kingdom. For the last four years he has trained himself to become the strongest. Only problem, Leon’s gemstone holds no power. In this world were the gemstone you are born with determines your magic ability and strength, having a weak stone is a major crux. How will he fare as the events starting from the coming-of-age ceremony spiral out of control? Will he be able to find reliable allies to protect what he wants to protect, or will he fail? Hello everyone. This will be a primary fantasy novel focusing on monsters and magic. The general premise is that the surrounding areas are filled with monsters and non-human races that seek to do harm. Humanities weapon against them is the magic granted by their gemstones. Leon, the MC, has a powerless gemstone. However, over the course of the novel he find that there is a secret to it. As for R18 scenes, there will be a few, though probably not the main focus. Enjoy the read and if you guys feel like sharing ides, feedback or corrections please comment. https://discord.gg/GkgShV4u (Link to discord) Also for the artwork. Tried using some ai prompts. Not totally happy, but tried making the character Hela.

WorldWarper · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
42 Chs

Chapter 5- Attack on a class B monster

Leon climbs up the large tree, sitting on a thick branch he offers up his hand to Alice below. Pulling up her body with relative ease, the pair sit in silence waiting to find out if their plan will work.

As the time ticks by, Leon inspects his surroundings. Using vines and logs he made a natural barrier in the clearing so that the bear coming from the south would have but one clear entry point. Between it and the food laid several pitfall traps. On his side was a thick tort vine which held the greatest surprise for their prey.

With the arrival of dusk soon upon them, the eventually hear several clear thuds as the monster stomps towards them. Soon after they see the grey beast as it enters the small clearing. The bear several metres long heads towards the bait. Its shoulders stood taller than Alice.

Strutting forward, as it nears the piece of meat, the ground under its front left paw gives way. As it falls through, several spikes entrap, the sudden pain sends it howling.

Rearing up, it pulls its foot out of the hole. Blood dripping from the now mangled foot.

Seeing it lift its head, Leon cuts the vine by his side. The Log its connected to swings from the right. The sharpened wooden spikes thud into the beast, causing it to come back to the ground.


Suddenly Leon springs from the tree, rushing towards it.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The thud of the crystals launched by Alice creates a thud as they hit.

In a second, Leon has traversed the traps and slashes the bear with great weight.

Taking pressure of the left leg, it swings its right leg.

Leon swiftly dodges, jumping over and landing to the left of the bear.

Bam, he accelerates the sword at an incredible pace cutting into the bear's shoulder.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

The bear is continuously peppered with high-speed crystals. Small wounds now cover much of its left side.

Its self-healing, unable to keep up with the barrage, causes it to change tactics.

A decisive move.

The bear charges Leon its jaws opening wide.

Seeing the chance Leon stands firm. His muscles twitch as he uses his all to strike firmly on the incoming mouth.


Leon's sword drives deeply into the mouth of the best.

The huge momentum it had gathered continues to surge it forward, nonetheless.

The thin bit of metal between Leon and the bear shatters under the force, the shards flying everywhere.

Now with nothing between them the bear sinks it teeth deeply into Leons right shoulder.

The closing of its mouth embeds the steel shards into the roof of its mouth.

As Leon feels the bones in his shoulder crack under the pressure he howls in pain.

Leon's struggle in its jaw further exacerbates the wounds.

Drowsiness starts to take over as the bear having been constantly peppered by Alice has it left side a hideous mess.

As Leon jabs its eye with the broken sword, it hurls him through the air.

Leon is sent crashing into the pushes eventually striking a tree with a thud.

The bear turns it focus to its other attacker. Deciding it would use its remaining energy to tear them apart.

Alice's turns serious, seeing the bears intent.

As it charges towards her, she outstretches her arms.

"Light spear" with a shout, two-metre-long crystals begin forming in both her hands.

Far larger than what the bear had been hit with earlier.

However, they couldn't be instantly formed.

The bear was nearly upon her. Its jaws salivating at the opportunity to crush her dainty neck.

Just as it begins to reach out for her, its leg sinks into the ground.

Unable to stay upright its nose begins to point down.

Seeing the turn of events Alice can't help but reveal a smile.

Her spears had formed.

Instantly the sharpened tips barrels towards the monster.


The impact between the charging bear and lightning quick spears creates a huge crater send dirt everywhere.

Leon having hit the tree was knocked unconscious.


Having eventually woken, Leon moans as the blood spurts from his shoulder.

His left-hand digs into the small pouch he brought with him, looking for the potion.

Pulling out the carved wooden vial he had used, he takes off the lid.

With the slight swish of liquid, Leon lets out a sigh of relief.

'Thank god, it didn't spill'.

Sculling the liquid, he slowly begins to feel its effects. The bones in his mangled shoulder start to fuse back together and the puncture marks slowly start to fade.

Using his left arm, he pulls himself up, his right arm dangling at his side.

'I suppose that is all one can expect from a minor potion'.

He stumbles forward picking up the small knife he had used earlier.

"I need to help Alice", Leon slowly limps forward heading towards the clearing.