
Gemstone Magic

Since Leon was a child, he dreamt of becoming a hunter, pushing back the ever growing evil that threatened the Slate Kingdom. For the last four years he has trained himself to become the strongest. Only problem, Leon’s gemstone holds no power. In this world were the gemstone you are born with determines your magic ability and strength, having a weak stone is a major crux. How will he fare as the events starting from the coming-of-age ceremony spiral out of control? Will he be able to find reliable allies to protect what he wants to protect, or will he fail? Hello everyone. This will be a primary fantasy novel focusing on monsters and magic. The general premise is that the surrounding areas are filled with monsters and non-human races that seek to do harm. Humanities weapon against them is the magic granted by their gemstones. Leon, the MC, has a powerless gemstone. However, over the course of the novel he find that there is a secret to it. As for R18 scenes, there will be a few, though probably not the main focus. Enjoy the read and if you guys feel like sharing ides, feedback or corrections please comment. https://discord.gg/GkgShV4u (Link to discord) Also for the artwork. Tried using some ai prompts. Not totally happy, but tried making the character Hela.

WorldWarper · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
42 Chs

Chapter 10- Favours

William leaves the baron's grounds with Jack some steps behind. As he exits the gate, the familiar figure waits for him.

"Lets head somewhere quieter" Vildred calmly tells his friend, as the two head towards the nearest inn.

At the second level of the feather's inn, the pair find themselves among empty tables as the pair knocking back drinks.

Seeing the normally calm eyes Vildred has being replace by a stormy torrent, he gulps down a bit extra finishing the jug in one go.

"I decided to recommend Leon to the knight academy, thought it only right" as he tries to hand the sealed note, Vildred stops him.

"Thank you, but for now that can wait", placing it back in his jacket he looks back waiting for the coming words.

"You know the problem you were investigating?"

"Yes, yes" taking a second to register the meaning behind it his tone turns very serious.

Vildred places the wrapped sword on the table and slides it over.

Unwrapping it, his face darkens.

"This one isn't low quality is it?"

"This level of magically enhanced silver has to belong to a noble-blooded vampire" the words make William choke.

"Do you have a scabbard for it?" Vildred asks

"I do" William unsheathing the sword at his hip and placing it on the table he hands over the chimera hide sheath. Vildred placing the sword in the sheath watches as the material begins to wrap around it, adjusting to its size.

Sufficiently happy Vildred takes back the sword as a tinge of regret fills William having handed over an item worth some ten's of thousands core.

"Damn, so the recent activity was vampires. How did you get your hands on it?"

"My grandson 'found it'".

"Really?" taking some time to process that he eventually continues "Did he kill it?"

"I don't believe so".

As they sit back for a bit, enjoying the few seconds of peace, Vildred speaks in a low tone.



"I'm taking action tonight".

"You mean your back at it? Didn't you bury the hatchet decades ago, are you sure you really want to?" Feeling the weight of the word that had just been uttered instantly sobered William.

"I lost my daughter last time from my inaction and now my grandson has been targeted. I fear if I lose him, I will be lost".

"Alright, I will respect your decision. But please allow my participation. I was sent here to investigate and the results of this may very well shake the Slate kingdom".

"I agree but I ask for a favour".

"A favour?"

Leaving the inn, the pair is greeted by William's squire.

William passes the squire a glass and a bottle of wine brewed by the Bright's branch family.

"Jack, pour some into the glass" at his request he carefully pours the expensive brand into the glass.

"Slice your palm, and let the blood flow into it".

"Sir?" after some hesitation Jack follows his order cutting his hand with the sword before allowing the drops to enter the cup.

"Good lad, alright head back to the manor, I will be back later tonight" taking the cup from him, William sends the squire on his way "Oh and you can have the rest by yourself or give to lady Elise".

As the squire leaves for the manor he hands the cup to Vildred, "I thought the wine might ease the flavour".

"Thank you" as Vildred downs the drink he's features begin to drastically change. The old, wrinkled skin tightens, the greying hair recovers some vibrancy and overall, the man looks decades younger.

"Let's go" grabbing William the two figures disappear instantly.

Moments later in the forest the shadows of the pair reappear.

'So, this is where the fight took place, strong kid' William thinks to himself as he inspects the battlefront he can't help thinking.

"One of them is still here" hearing the warning William draws his sword and starts scanning. "Show yourself".

Responding to Vildred's words a woman appears from the darkness "Here I thought it would be another candidate trying to get in my way and yet it's an old geezer and a human, what schemes have the two of you been concocting?"

"A child is behind this big mess?" Vildred responds sarcastically.

"I will dust you here, Blood sphere" In response to her words a powerful malevolent force builds a flow of blood and spirits form a sphere with blades of liquid flowing in cutting everything in its path.

With the build-up of magic in front of him, Vildred begins to step forward, his hand outstretched.

Clenching his fist, the blood sphere dissipates creating a puddle of blood.

Drawing her sword she sprints towards him, summoning blood spears as she does.

'Until his sword is drawn he can't hurt me' with that in mind she times her attack to arrive after the spears.

Vildred, not caring about the spears, allows them to pass through his body. Healing instantly his focus remains on the woman. As she closes in, he forms a sword made from condensed blood.

As the blades dance together, the rhythm of the battle steadily increases

Stepping away from clash, he lifts his glowing left hand. Magic gathering at his index finger, the woman tries to gain distance. Before she can get far enough away Vildred drops his arm. A bright slash of light exits faster than the eye can process. A thin line slices through the forest, splitting it into two parts.

"A vampire that spends too much time in the sun starts to gather solar energy, how did it feel slicing your skin" strolling forward he looks down at the figure on the floor.

"You bastard!" the lady screams in pain and anger, clutching at her seared right arm.

"How pathetic, have the vampire nobles truly stooped so low that this is the result of a little sun?"

Her face contorting in fury, she puts up a barrier and releases hundreds of spears that shoot up vertically from the ground.

Vildred stomps the ground, shattering the spears before they can reach him. Filling his hand with solar energy again he makes a horizontal slash, cutting down the wall.

With the woman no longer able to be seen behind the wall, Vildred and William scan the area for her.

After some time William speaks up "She fled?"


"Were you not able to kill her here?"

"Killing her here may have made the situation worse. Its something that must be removed from the root". Stepping forward he extracts the blood from her severed arm "and now we have a way to the source".

"Now, time for the favour".

The next morning Leon sits on the inn bed rereading the note in his hands once again.

Dear Leon,

There is something I must do no matter what, I'm sure you understand the feeling. It may take me years to resolve so do not wait up on me. Instead I want you to head to Knight Academy. I hope there you can find and overcome the challenges of you, as well as create memories with your peers. Even if its just strength you seek you will surely be able to find a way to achieve it there. With this letter should come a recommendation from a friend so you should have no problems getting in. I wish you luck and hopefully next time I see you, I have some great grand kids to brag about.

Love, your grandpa.


The sword you brought back is quite special, I got the sheathe for it. Use the sword wisely. Also beware of people's hidden agendas, not everyone out there is a good soul like you. Stay safe.

'So, he already knew what happened with Alice' wryly smiling he falls back onto the bed.

'The capital huh' picking up the recommendation letter sealed with a silver serpent Leon makes up his mind.

A carriage headed north.

"Now tell me about this boy Leon that the great paladin William had me recommend" mostly in a teasing manner, Elise couldn't help but find some interest in the matter. To be personally recommended by one of the strongest men in the kingdom, especially them recommending someone who was not a direct descendant of the noble families meant that it was quite the subject.

"The friend I met earlier, it was his grandchild".

"And what of their talent?" Elise couldn't help but ask.

"If I believe my eyes, he may have more talent than you lady Elise".

"Really? If you speak so highly of them, I can't wait to see for myself. Knight academy will be opening again in a month, no? I will see this junior for myself then." Elise gives a faint smile in anticipation.