

When Gemini returns to the past... What changes will he make... Can they still love each other if their relationship with Albert is more complicated?

JiggerAnn · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs


"Gemini, please don't leave. Say sorry to dad." When he begged. "Please don't leave."

I closed my eyes and removed sister Agua's hand from my arm. And got into uncle Gary's car. Papa held sister Agua.

"There will be a chance to come down." said uncle Gary

"Let's go." I said.

I saw in the car's side mirror how sister Agua was trying to catch up with us, being stopped by Papa.

I can't stop the tears. I want to go down and get him. But in the end he won't come either. And I will only be crucified in suffering.

Another thing I feel is the right thing to do. To stay away.

Even though the replacements are Ate Agua and Albert.

I took uncle Gary to the bus terminal.

"What's your plan?" asked uncle Gary.

"I don't know yet."

"If that's the case. Why don't you come live with us?" suggested uncle Gary.

I smiled.

"Not anymore uncle. I have to stand on my own two feet. I promise I can handle it."

"But Gem." Alex objected.

I just smiled and got on the bus.

Uncle Gary sighed and grabbed my arm before I could finally get on.

He put money in my hand.

"Be careful. And what I want when you come back here is that something has arrived." he said.

"Yes, I promise."

Even though I don't know where I'm going, I have the courage to face the new world. Manila was the last destination of the bus I rode.

I don't have anything with me but what I'm wearing. Memories and small money ​​from uncle Gary.

When I recovered, I also went to Manila. To take chances. I was just five years early.

It's a little different now. Because the roads are still open. Just like in the old movies.

And at the age of 14 at the time. It's still a very big world for me to enter.

I decided to go to a workshop. Where I first worked. But it's not there.

Then I remembered. It was mentioned to me that this is not where we used to be.

That the former workshop was defeated in an illegal car racing. And the new studio is just for rent.

I thought of going to the car racing venue. And I was right in my suspicions. There was a cheat.

I can see how the driver of the car they will fight for will get money.

It's just a coincidence. But I can't help but be angry because they are good people.

"Can I talk to you for a moment?" I said to the driver.

"What for?"

"Do you know Pilo?" I asked. "Aahm...Potasio Lagman." I mentioned the name of the studio owner

"What do you need from him?" he asked.

It was just a coincidence that he was Uncle Gary's cousin on the father's side. I only found out when I had been working with them for five years.

"Just a distant relative." I wasn't lying when I said that.

Because of evil. Fortunately, his grandmother on the mother's side and my father are cousins.

"Because I'm looking for a job." I added.

"That's right. But I don't think he can give you any work. Because his studio is about to close." he said.

"Does the money the man gave you have anything to do with this?" I asked even though I knew the answer.

"Even if you pretend, no one will believe you."

I turned my back on him. Before deciding to step away, I grabbed him by the shoulder and immediately punched him. When he fell I broke his leg. I also took the money paid to him and the car key.

I've noticed that my head is getting hotter and fist-pumping since I got back.

I sneaked into the car racing event and got into the car he was supposed to use.

I showed it and won. I used illegal car racing back then to get rich faster. I used the money I won to build a business and buy land. Because I saw the money in the rentals. So I built a tenement.

Not long ago, I was also renting condo units. So even if I don't work, I can buy what I want.

"Who are you? Where is Miguel?" Pilo asked me. When I got out of the car..

"Albert is Miguel's friend. He broke his leg out there." I lied. "That's why he gave me this key."

"That's right. What's your full name? Your face looks so familiar." That was the first thing he said when he saw me.

When I gave my name. At the time we first met. He asked if I was the youngest son of his grandfather. Dad's name was mentioned at the same time.

"Albert Sandoval sir." I lied.

I don't know if. What came to my mind and I looked at him.

"Why?" I asked when I noticed that he suddenly turned pale.

"Ah.. nothing, you just have a name that I know." he answered. "Tell me, are you junior?"

"No sir." Because as far as I know, Albert is not really a junior.

"Maybe it's just same as your name. Do you need anything else?"

"Ahm... I'm looking for a job. Don't worry. I'm a big workshop so I know something about cars." I explained.

"Alright. Where did you leave Miguel?"

We immediately went to him. But when we got there, he was already dead and his body was cut by a bullet.

Even the workshop was also burnt down. Life is really different in Manila. Only the rich. The money we won to pay for the cars to be built there was used up.

I feel sorry for Pilo. But mercy can do nothing.





He was forced to sell the land at a lower price.

"I'm the one who will buy it. Double his offer." I said before they signed.

I tried to bet on the lottery. And the target I left hit.

There are things that can't be changed even though something has changed around me. Especially in the story of my life.

I placed a bundle of money in my bag in front of them. Even though the surface is real, only the bottom is real there.

"That's one hundred thousand." I said.

"Two hundred thousand Pilo. Sign it." said the man. Two bundles of money landed at the same time.

I made the bundle five. That he ran. Until the offer reaches 1.5 million.

I smiled at Pilo.

"4 million. The land is mine." I said.

A building will be built there. It's not an ordinary building. In the basement is a drug factory. Upstairs, there are bars and casinos next to each other, then the whole building is a motel.

"10 million." Said a man who came who I think is about the same age as Papa.

"Deal." said Pilo.

I just shook. The truth is that I talked to Pilo. 50K is not enough for his land.

I said I can reach 30 million. But here he sold the land for 10 million.

"Why agree to that. 10 million is too little for the real value of the land." I complain.

"That man killed Miguel," he said. "If I don't agree to the amount he wants. We're all dead."

That means that person is the leader of the syndicate here in Manila.

"Tks... They're just going to build a drug factory there." I whispered.

"Are you kidding me? The police station is opposite the studio. Maybe that man's lime isn't that brave."

"Can you see your nostrils if you are not facing the mirror?"

"What does that have to do with our conversation?"

"It's simple. It's said to be the most dangerous place. The safest place." I said then I left him.





I was eating in a cafeteria when someone sat next to me. The one who bought Pilo's land.

"What do you need?" I asked him. while i eat

"You're a smart kid." He said with a smile while holding my shoulder. "Do you want to work for me?"

I removed his hand from my shoulder.

"If it has to do with drugs, you have to offer something different. If it's for theft, murder, kidnapping or other illegal activities. That's when I'm desperate for money." I said.

I was about to stand up but his staff stopped me from standing up.

"I like your courage, kid. But it seems your master didn't warn you. About me."

"He doesn't need to warn me. You have a look on your face to be a bad person." I said then I broke his man's hand and then I threw it to him. "You can't scare everyone." I said.

I was leaving when I met my husband. Alfred.

Even if he has a grumpy face. He is a very good priest. When we met in Barcelona. He said he ran away from his father after discovering his illegal activities.

We were only together for three years because he died of cancer. He had cancer when we met and he hid it for almost two years. I only found out when his body could not handle the treatment.

I can't stop regretting it. Not just because the time I spent with him was so short. Because even though I married him. I was never able to love him as much or more than I loved Albert.
