
GDXS: Origins

This story tells the how it all began that is from the other book. From the moment the mc awoke in a new world, being strip away from modern life to a dangerous life calling out for adventure. Everyday he looks for answers on how to find away back home. Many answers can be found in every corner while making new bonds along the way.

DjxCarma · Fantasi
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42 Chs

Day 8.5: The golem

While Dennis made his escape. He felt that something wasn't right. He took a quick stop yo catch his breath and looked back to see if the golem was following him. But there was nothing until he saw a pair of red glowing eyes in the distance.

"What is that?"

Dennis asked himself. It took him a minute to realize that it was the golem and was moving fast. He then ran. Trying to get enough distance from impending danger.

As he was running. The golem was getting closer and Dennis needed to think fast. He looked around to find a way to lose the golem, but there was nothing except the straight path he was taking.

Trying to think of a way, he remembered something from his training. In a sparring session with Dahlia, she said something to him.

"When ever you are alone or in danger, just remember that when the times come and no one is around… You have to pull your own weight."

Dahlia said to him and her words repeated over and over until it became faint.

"Why I'm I running away? I need to fight!"

Dennis said to himself. Giving himself enough motivation to fight. He stopped his tracks and focused his mana. With enough concentration. Dennis was ready to cast a spell.

As the golem approaches. Knocking trees down left and right. It goes for a strike. Using its right fist to clobber Dennis, but this was the moment he was waiting for.


Calling out its name. Dennis cast an ice spell. The ground then froze as particles of ice grew and extended. Grabbing the golem's right hand and freezing it. Making it unable to move. Dennis took this opportunity and climbed the ice to get on the golem.

But the golem insisted and set itself free by breaking the ice with its left hand. It then moved his right hand to shake Dennis off, but he was too persistent to lose balance.

"Not happening!!"

Dennis yelled. He then created an ice shard due that his magic is still in effect and went for the shoulder. Dennis stabbed the joint with the shard, making the golem's right arm impossible to use. The golem, however, its arm fell off, and it became sentient.

As Dennis reached the head. Formed as a round spear. The golem's sentient right arm grabbed Dennis and was attempting to crush his body with sheer force. Making Dennis scream from the top of his lungs. It caused a disturbance in the forest that made a flock of bird fly away from the park.

"I need to stop messing around…"

Dennis said in a low tone of voice. The golem cannot see his face, but he knew that something was off. The golem felt anger and was being overwhelmed by a threshold caused by magic. Making it to become paralyzed. A sense of fear. It then let Dennis go at will and tried to back away, but Dennis would not let it slide.

As a giant lance made of ice formed right above the golem. Dennis then snapped his fingers, and it fell down on the golem. Piercing through the chest, taking it down.

"I'm sorry it has to be this way…"

Dennis said to the golem. Apologizing for its actions. The golem then gave a faint noise, as if it was a machine. The ice spear then shattered while the golem tried to get a hold of Dennis using its left arm, but Dennis ended up hearing a faint voice of a child.

"Help me…"

The voice said. Dennis soon realized that it was the golems. He went over to the golem and helped it despite the trouble it caused him. The only thing that Dennis can do was cover the injuries was using ice magic to fill the gap he made on the golem.

"Thank… you…"

The golem said. Its glowing red eyes were gone and changed into a lightish yellow. Dennis decided to wait a bit longer before trying to navigate around the woods. He sat down next to the golem and waited for it to move again.

Meanwhile, back at Nix's house. Moments before, Dennis's scream reached the parks. They all got worried and almost went to go help him. Sara, being the most worried of them all, was about to leave until Nix stopped her by using magic.

"Let me go!!"

Sara shouted and was trying to reach the door with all her strength.

"Calm down! The last thing we want to do is to make Dennis worry!!"

Nix said to Sara, and she eventually gave up.

Back over with Dennis. He was on the move again, but he was traveling on the golem's right shoulder.

"Hey, do you see a wooden house, the place of a wooden house around here?"

"There is… A place… Do you want… Me to take… You there…?"

The golem asked.

"Yes, please."

Dennis replied. The golem them kept going with Dennis on a different path. From going straight, the golem takes a sharp left and starts traveling through the woods.

"Sorry for attacking you a while ago…"

"Its… Alright… I was not… Myself…"

"And why is that? I have seen nothing like you before from where I'm from."

"I'm a golem… A guarding sentinel… someone stationed me… Here for over… A hundred years…"

The golem said and continued its talk for hours. From how the woods changed. A Dark knight arrived several years ago and cast a spell on the woods. It was pure dark magic. Filled with chaos and was changing all the creatures around, making them go feral, big or even worse, coming back from the dead. Thanks to the dark knight, this woods gained the name of the dark woods.

Ever since then. The knights used this place as a proving ground, but it was then discontinued after a hundred knights disappeared over one month and that the golem was made around time to protect them, but one day it all change and its sight became foggy.

Around the time the golem was done. They arrived at a wooden house and they see Spike cleaning the entrance. The house was big and spacious and seemed to have many rooms. It had two floors and a porch. The trees were enormous and reached almost the sky and had a bit of a foggy environment. Around the side, it had a pathway that leads out to the beach.

"Wait a minute… Spike? What are you doing here?"

Dennis asked and jumped off the golem to greet his friend.

"I was just cleaning this place. Also, who is that?"

"Well, I can say it's my new companion while traveling around the woods. They mean no harm at all."

Dennis said, and soon the golem sat down next to a tree.

"Then, come on in. You must be tired from walking around and it's already getting late."

Spike said. It was already getting late. Dennis then took his word and went inside the house and to take a rest.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

DjxCarmacreators' thoughts