
GDXS: Origins

This story tells the how it all began that is from the other book. From the moment the mc awoke in a new world, being strip away from modern life to a dangerous life calling out for adventure. Everyday he looks for answers on how to find away back home. Many answers can be found in every corner while making new bonds along the way.

DjxCarma · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
42 Chs

Day 7: The Queen

As a new day started. Nix stayed over by the capital alongside with Dahlia and P in a hotel. They had planned to stay for a few days to cover up a few things. In their hotel room, Nix had a full on a report about the happenings. Dahlia was getting ready while P went out already without no one knowing.

"Are you sure we should inform her? We could take care of it ourselves and not make a fuss about it."

Dahlia said. Nix then shook her head. Meaning that it wasn't an option.

"We need to inform her as soon as possible or else… Where did P go?"

Nix asked. She soon realized that their friend went out.

"She will be fine. Knowing her, she probably going to up the bakery shop…"

As Dahlia mentioned her likely location. She was already on her way to the bakery. When she was getting closer to the establishment, she saw a few knights questioning the store owner. They had a picture in their hands and it was a line art image of Dennis that made P back away and inform the other.

Nix and Dahlia were stepping out of the hotel and saw their friend that running towards a castle in the center of the capital.

"That's odd…"

Dahlia said. A flying piece of paper was flying by and it landed on her face. She picked it up and saw a line art of Dennis and her expression changed from a normal to desperate and passed it to Nix.

"Wait… You got to be kidding me!!"

Nix shouted, and it then alerted the knights that were standing over at the bakery. They both saw them on their way and made a run for it while trying to catch up to their friend.

As the chase began, Nix and Dahlia were running towards the closest entrance to the center and they saw their friend going up a stairway. But as soon as they tried to catch up. People flooded the stairway, making it hard for them to catch up.

"Ugh!! This place is too crowded…"

Dahlia said and looked over and saw the knights on their way. Pushing people aside.

"Screw this…"

Nix said. She then cast a spell on herself and placed her hand on Dahlia's shoulders. When the guard arrived, they were about to apprehend them, but they soon vanished towards the center of the capital. They ended up on some training grounds where they saw knights without armor training.

"Good save, for a second… I thought I had to fight in them."

Dahlia said. She then sat down on the ground to relax. Taking away the built up pressure from being chased.

"This is a good thing, at least. We could have ended somewhere far worse than this."

Nix then looked over at the nearest exit and saw P heading towards the castle gates. She helped Dahlia get up and soon went after her.

When P was near the gate. She saw it was a giant door that seemed to be made of crystals. Around that time, Nix and Dahlia caught up to her.

"Oh, hey. Took ya long enough."

P said. She gave a smile at them while opening the door.

"What's the hurry with you!? We got chased by a couple of knights trying to catch up to you!!"

Dahlia said and grabbed her friend, picked her up and carried her as if she was luggage.

"You are not leaving our side until we get back home!!"

Dahlia was scolding her friend all the way in as they headed inside the castle. Nix sigh at everything but trying to think back why one of his friends was wanted, but further less why the knights questioned the owner of the bakery. It was then she realized why they have a wanted post of Dennis.

"Wait… Dahlia!"

Nix shouted and went after her friend. They were walking in a long hallway that had crystal murals and enormous windows. Each mural had different arts representing the night and day. When Nix caught up, she stopped Dahlia from continuing.

"Dahlia, I need you and P to head back to my place… I think they are tracking Dennis by his recent locations."

"If it's by that logic… Wouldn't they have made the search right before the messenger vanished?"

As Dahlia asked. She put her friend down while Nix stood ahead of them, going towards the next door.

"No, because they take time to come back. Right now, the quickest option is to send a letter, but I bet they have that tracked… So that gives up two options…"

"Wait, you don't mean…?"

As Dahlia was about to question herself. She looked over at P, that was looking for something in her hair. When she found the thing, she ended up pulling a firework from her hair.

"I can make a rocket that has enough blast power the send us back to town."

"Well, I guess I'll follow the plan. See you soon Nix."

After Dahlia said her goodbye. She went off with P to find a place to make the rocket while Nix went on with towards the door that was completely dark steel.

Nix then opens the door and sees an enormous throne room with no guards. The place had of a distant purple hue and had throne above, followed by a set of stairs, a door to her left while there were four windows that almost touched the ceiling.

"Queen Sol… I came to pay a visit!"

Nix said. Suddenly, particles of light formed right next to her and went towards the throne. Revealing that was the queen herself. She was wearing a long yellowish dress with a silver tiara.

"Nix? Oh my, it's good to see you!! Have you shown up to have some fun?"

Queen Celest asked. She then transformed herself into light and went right next to her.

"That will be for another time. The reason I'm here is to inform you that the harbinger are back."

"How's that even possible? I have the entire land surveyed from here and I have not seen no movement."

"Well, I was warned a few days ago by their messengers… We have in our hands something that they want. A boy, and amongst the army, the harbingers have a few infiltrated followers."

Nix then explained everything that has happened this entire time, all about Dennis. The harbingers goals and a full on report of what he was capable of.

"Okay then… You must head back now and keep him safe. I'll come visit around in four days. I got to head out to the guild for a meeting…"

"Very well. I'll see you soon, your highness…"

Nix then bowed down to her, and the queen did as well. They both then their separate ways, but Nix now was in a hurry.

Meanwhile, on the training grounds. P had her rocket all most done. The knights hide behind their training gear, target practices, and dummies. Fearing that the rocket would explode at any moment.

"P, are you sure this will work? We could have used a waypoint stone. I have one right here."

"I know, but this is more fun!! Just need to do a few things…"

P was doing some last adjustments to the rocket. Soon after, Nix showed up and wondered why they hadn't left.

"What is the meaning of this?"

Nix asks with curiosity. Wondering why was there a huge rocket in the field.

"This is the great distraction!"

P shouted. She quickly ignited it and was soon about to go off.

"That's it. We are out of here!"

Dahlia said. She grabbed both her friends and used the waypoint stone to that sent them back to the train station near the town. While the rocket finally set off. It left a huge burn trail on the ground and went up to sky and soon detonated into an orange and yellow sun.