
GDXS: Origins

This story tells the how it all began that is from the other book. From the moment the mc awoke in a new world, being strip away from modern life to a dangerous life calling out for adventure. Everyday he looks for answers on how to find away back home. Many answers can be found in every corner while making new bonds along the way.

DjxCarma · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
42 Chs

Day 30: The fallen

A new day was yet to come. As it was soon to become morning, quick and loud footsteps awoken everyone at the house. Forcing them to walk outside. Dennis, Dj and the pup were the only ones inside while the golem forever stayed outside. Dennis walked out while holding on to his dagger while Dj held a short sword on his right and a shield on his left.

While the moon was still out, they could hear a swift aery breeze as the moon gave light to the house. All standing at the gate expecting for something or someone to enter or break in.

No one said a word and waited. The silence of the remaining night kept them at the edge until they heard galloping coming straight to the gate.

"No... no... no..."

Dennis said. He then went to open the gate while Dj got on top of the golem and saw a group of five knights heading their way to the house on horses. While Dennis opened the gate, they all notice something else coming their way. Not knowing what it was, it attacked the member that was on the backside of the group.

It was like a sharp claw coming out of the darkness. Striking down their steed. The knight was on the ground with a torch in hand. Trying to bring to light what attacked him and there it was. A human with a pale skin with dark purple veins and blackened out eyes.

"What is that?"

Dj asked. The golem wasn't unable to answer that while the remaining knights entered. The knights then looked back and saw their comrade moving on its back in fear.

"What are you guys doing? Go back and help him!"

Dennis said to the knights, but they didn't respond. He ended up taking matters into his own hands and went out to save the remaining knight. As he charged in with his dagger in his right hand, he was well prepared to cast a magic spell on his left.


Calling out to the magics name. Dennis cast a fire spell. A fire ball formed on the palm of his left hand, and he throw it as if it was a curveball. Sending it towards the person who was prepared to attack the knight. It was going for the same move again, creating a sharp claw from the shadows and ready to slam it to the ground. But it was too late for it to continue its attack. The fireball that Dennis sent hit them on their left side of their chest while he approaches with his dagger. Swinging it at a vertical angle, cutting off the shadow claw for the moment.

"Come on! Get up and move it!"

Dennis said to the knight as he helps him up. With no time to fix himself or to look around. They both towards the gate as they see the knights trying to close the gate.

"What are you guys doing? Stop. my friend is still out there!"

Dj said as he gets off the golem and tries to stop the knights, at the very least slowing them down. Giving Dennis and the remaining knight time to make it through the gate before it got closed.

Once they were in, Dennis went to confront the other knights by pointing his dagger to be assumed by the leader of the group.

"State your business and explain to me what is going on."

Dennis asked, but the knight scoff at him took a step forward.

"Who do you think you are to be giving orders, kid? You should get out of here before I end up in a terrible mood."

The knight said to Dennis, not even knowing what he got himself into.

"Alright... Listen here, you left one of your own men to die and I was the one who let you in... So, you either explain to me what is going on or I'll send you out of here."

Dennis said to the knight as he held the dagger to his neck while his eyes gave a white glow. The knights then saw Dj got to Dennis, placed a hand on his left should to talk him out of a fight.

"Dude, calm down. You don't need to cause any harm. Let's just talk it out..."

Dj said to Dennis, as he they take their sights of the main knight in charge. They could see that he was angry and unsheathed his blade, and was going to strike Dennis down. But he soon stopped as they all heard banging coming from the other side of the gate. It gave Dennis a chance to do something and froze the knight in his tracks.

"Let me go, you brat!"

"In your dreams. You wanted to kill me, not even wondering or asked of who I am. It makes me believe knights like yourself shouldn't never exist. Now tell me what you are doing at my home!!"

As Dennis said to the knight. His last word echoed around the forest, spreading out his voice with anger. Dennis was prepared to take another human life at such a young age, but the knight he saved stopped him.

"Please!! Don't kill my captain! I'll tell you everything that we know!"

The other knight said. He went on his knees and begged Dennis to spare his captain, and he did. Yet he still stuck on ice.

"We got sent here to find any probable source of fallen experimentation and eliminate it. Before we could spot this place... We were in an abandoned castle hidden deep in the dark forest and we found a source. Eventually, we ended up being overrun."

"A fallen? So that what it was... Thank you for telling me now."

Dennis said to the knight and went over to the golem to think of a plan while Dj and the pup kept an eye out on the remaining knights. By keeping them in check while Dennis was working on a plan, time soon passed by while the sun raised, making whatever was outside leave.

Moment later, Dennis approaches the knight captain of the group and releases him from the ice. He then saw that it had an insignia with a sword and shield. The one he saved had a helmet and spear, while the remaining three had only a knight's helmet.

"Contact the queen and tell her I will take this problem into my own hands and that I'll take control over the abandoned castle as my own."

"That is absurd! You can't do that! Only a member of the celestial guard or a rank in par with our generals can do that!"

"Then let me introduce myself... I Dennis, the newest member of the celestial guard, will take care of this problem. Now go inform the queen."

Dennis had to use the position that he had to bring some sense to the captain. The captain went silent after hearing Dennis. But the one he saved was writing everything down and saluted him.

"I'll deliver this to the queen as my life depends on it, sir!"

The knight with the helmet and spear insignia said. He soon left with the others while the captain stayed behind to confront Dennis that preparing his equipment and talked to his friends.

"You, a member of the celestial guard? I don't believe it."

The captain said to Dennis, as it was irritating him. At that moment, the golem got a hold of them and lifted him up. Making them unable to move in any attempt to cause a fight.

"You asked for it..."

Dennis said in a low-toned voice. It scarred the captain as he noticed Dennis smiling. Moments later, he ended up tied to a tree inside the house while they stripped away his armor. They all saw that the captain had white skin, brown short hair while wearing boxer with red hearts.

"You will pay for this!"

The captain shouted and saw Dj walking towards him and placed an apple in his mouth.

"Oh, shut it, you ruined our sleep."

Dj said. They all then headed out on their way in search of the abandoned castle while discussing the plan. Along their way, traveling around the woods, they found a small trail of combat. Multiple bodies and weapons were spread across the area.

They couldn't imagine what kind of battle was it, but they could hear a sword clash in the distance and went to check it out. When they arrived, they saw a knight with a red cross in their armor striking a fallen down while the sun was out.

"We must set these cursed souls to rest... Oh? What brings you here, kid? These places aren't safe for no one."

The knight said to Dennis, but they remember seeing each other before and gave one another a laugh.

"We are just here to help. A group of knights showed and refused to explain, but one of them did."

Dennis said to the knight as they take their helmet off. Showing their face to them. The knight had dark pale skin with light blond hair yellow eyes.

"I haven't told you my name, but I had heard from you because of the queen, Dennis. You can call me Zeke."

He said as he joined the group in finding the abandoned castle. Along the way, they talked about what happened during these past few days. Even the moment Dennis fought a harbinger and survived. It impressed him for his accomplishment until they dwelled deep into the woods and found the abandoned castle with a giant, dark crystal floating. It blocked most of the view of the castle, making it hard to be seen.

This was the source the fallen had come from and it generated a few to protect it.

"This is the place. This is generating the fallen."

Zeke said. He then looked at the others that were weirded out by the crystal. They all then conclude to destroy with one move. The golem was holding Dennis as he concentrated his magic while Zeke and Dj kept their eye on the fallen.


Dennis called out his magic. First creating a fire in his hands, then joined them together. Soon it expanded, creating a fireball that got bigger by every moment that was soon the size of a boulder. He throws it at the crystal, consuming it whole along with the fallen. But it had a bit of a reaction. The dark crystal then created a field that consumed the castle in a dark energy, and it dispelled it up into the sky.

"Was that supposed to happen?"

Dj asked Zeke after the coast was clear.

"No, it shouldn't, but the fallen are gone now."

Whit that to be said. Zeke returned to the capital and informed the queen of his findings while Dennis and the rest returned to their home. They continued the day with no worried of trouble, or is it?