
GDXS: Origins

This story tells the how it all began that is from the other book. From the moment the mc awoke in a new world, being strip away from modern life to a dangerous life calling out for adventure. Everyday he looks for answers on how to find away back home. Many answers can be found in every corner while making new bonds along the way.

DjxCarma · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
42 Chs

Day 28: A simple robbery

It was a new day in the middle of the afternoon. Dennis and Dj were around the capital looking for a specific store alongside Dahlia. As they roamed around, they went to the bakery and got a few pastries along the way, until they found a shop with a gem on their sign. It was a building that seemed like a modern house. It had a glass window that showed multiple jewels of different colors for attention.

"Hey, are these crystals?"

Dennis asked as he was looking through a tainted window, and Dahlia pulled him out. She as well picked him up and was carrying him as if he was luggage.

"Don't look at it for too long. If the shop owner finds you. They will run you for your money..."

As Dahlia mentioned to Dennis. They all kept going and found themselves near a clothing store and entered. When they entered, they saw it was a clothing store for women. Dahlia then placed Dennis down to look around, but by doing so. It made Dennis try to get out of the store. He opens the door and sees the outside before he gets grabbed by the kegs by Dahlia.

"No! You can't make me stay in here!"

"Come on Dennis, it's just for a few hours!"

Dahlia said as she dragged Dennis back into the shop. In the way of rebellion, Dennis had his nails on the ground to form a grip, but Dahlia's strength was too much for him. He even made a trail that lead into the shop. The door then closed. Trapping Dennis in the clothing store.

"Calm down, Dennis. It's just a few hours."

Dj approached Dennis and told him this as they saw Dahlia looking around, trying out different clothing. Many hours later, they were out of the store, and it was already sunset.

While they were out of the store. Dahlia was holding a light blue shopping bag and was walking on front while holding Dennis alongside Dj that was walking on his side.

"Can we please go to the gem shop or something? I don't think I can handle clothing shopping for one more minute..."

Dennis said as they walked around the street and saw a group of men with swords heading into an alley.

"Strange, why would civilians be holding swords..."

Dj said out loud. It made them get curious and eavesdrop on what was going on. They quickly got close to location and peaked over in a tower formation. Dj was the bottom head; Dennis was the middle head, while Dahlia was the middle head. The three of them saw this alley was grim and dirty and had trash all around. The white walls of the buildings had a dark color of dirt. They saw at least three people with a trash bag, and it had a few gems in it.

"Did they rob the store nearby?"

Dennis asked and walked into the alley with his left hand, prepared to cast a magic spell. Letting his presence to be known and made the men turn around. When they did, Dennis could recognize that they belong in the group of bandits that got arrested a few days ago.

"What you want, kid? Can't you see we are busy?"

The man in the middle said. He was the one holding the bag. All of them had an orange leather jacket, and they all looked the same.

"I really need this right now. Can you do me a solid and not move?"

Dennis asked while he made a frame with his hands and was stepping back to get them all in it. They didn't move at all but laughed on Dennis was doing while Dj and Dahlia went to get the guards.

"So, what you going to draw us with your mind or something?"

The man on the left asked. And Dennis could only smile at them as he creates fire in his hands.

"I'm going to beat you down before the guards show up..."

Dennis then closes the path behind him in a wall of flames behind the men. Forcing them to fight. The man in the middle drops the bag and readies his blade alongside the others.

"Come on, his just a kid with magic. He doesn't scare no one."

The man on the right said. Disregarding his statement, the moment he took his eyes off Dennis to be more direct with the others. He got punched in the face. Knocking him back while dropping its sword mid flight.

"Get him!"

The man in the middle said and swung his sword at Dennis, that was second away to land on the ground. He saw the direction of the sword was coming horizontally from his back and redirected his body a hard left turn when he landed and grabbed the sword with his bare hands. Stopping it on its tracks and melting it down with his flames.

"There was a reason I didn't fight your boss. I would have gotten in trouble, but I want to just let loose for a bit..."

The man that lost his sword went charging at Dennis while he was talking. He went for a right hook at Dennis, but Dennis got out of the way and leaned forward. Punching the man in the gut with his left fist. It made the man pass out and go on his knees. Then there was one. The remaining man was being careful not to make a dangerous move while attacking Dennis. After what he saw what Dennis do to his colleagues, it was too much to even risk it.

Before Dennis could even do something or even the man to make a move. Dj and Dahlia returned with a group of guards and walked through the wall of flames that Dennis made as if nothing was there.

"Halt, you're under arrest for robbery!"

The guards said to the armed man. They quickly disarmed him and took the others as well that were on the ground and left the area. But they left the bag behind.

"Dennis, can you tell me what was that about?"

Dahlia asked while picking up the bag.

"I am bored. You kept me hostage shopping for clothing, and I need to punch something happened yesterday...?"

Dennis then looked to his left while he scratched the back of his head with his right hand. Dahlia soon forgave Dennis for his behavior and moved on. They returned the bag of stolen goods to the jewelry and got rewarded with a crystal that Dennis was looking for. After that, they left and went to their homes to call it a day.