
GDXS: Origins

This story tells the how it all began that is from the other book. From the moment the mc awoke in a new world, being strip away from modern life to a dangerous life calling out for adventure. Everyday he looks for answers on how to find away back home. Many answers can be found in every corner while making new bonds along the way.

DjxCarma · Fantasi
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42 Chs

Day 21.5: The twelfth harbinger

As night began. Dennis was heading head first towards the woods in search of the culprit who harmed the townsfolk. His anger was reaching his limit for the things that happened for tonight that he attempted to call out the culprit as he goes deep into the woods.

"Dream eater!! Show your self!!"

But nothing happens. Dennis was getting wary of his surroundings after noticing his view of sight where being distorted. Creating something to be familiarized as home. For a moment, Dennis found himself in his bedroom in the dark, but couldn't distinguish anything that he sees except a faint white smile. It then laugh at Dennis, soon to reveal that he was no longer in his room.

"What is going on here…."

Dennis tried to focus his eyesight, but the more he struggled to adjust, the more painful it becomes. Until he heard a faint mans voice saying…

"You're soul… You're body… Belongs to us now…"

And after that, everything goes black. The only thing that Dennis saw was a hand out of light extending out of the darkness. He tried to move, but that his body was being restrained until he realized it was all a trap. Dennis bit his lower lip to bring himself back to his senses. When he was could finally see again. Dennis found that his body was down on the ground in the middle of the woods, tied up to a rock.

"Oh, come on! I at least expected to be in a cage or something!"

Dennis said out loud. Mad about his current situation and freed himself by using ice magic to cut the rope. But he soon noticed that the knight's sword was gone.

"You're awake… I didn't expect that your mental state was this strong…"

The faint voice said. Making Dennis to look around but he could only see where the trees were standing still. Nothing was around to call his attention, or to be seen. And as the moonlight shined down upon him. He saw one glance of a string moving that made his body to crouch. It took out a few pieces of hair from Dennis's head, alarming him that the strings could cause harm.

"Show you're self, you coward!"

Dennis shouted. Standing back up created a sword out of ice.

"I'm right behind you…"

The voice said. Dennis then turned around and could see a small glans of a man's face, but he got hit on the back of his neck that made him pass out.

"Coming alone was a foolish idea, but at least it saves me the trouble…"

The man said. He was wearing a shadow assassin's attire while having a mask that only covers his eyes. While having light blue hair as if it was made of ice. Dennis was about to fall on the ground, but before it could happen. His body turned over to the right and attempted to kick the man with his right foot, but the man moved out of the way. Then he landed on his back, regaining what little sense he had remaining.

"I'll rather die than be captured without a fight…"

Dennis said as he gets up prepared to fight. But the man could only laugh at the dire state that Dennis was attempting to achieve.

"If a fight is what you want… Then a fight you shall get…"

The man said. Then a dagger came out of his left hand and quickly charged right at Dennis. He went for a simple swing right at his chest, but he moved out of the way by jumping backwards and landed on top of the rock. Dennis then was ready to fight back with everything that he knows up to this point.


Calling out to an elemental magic name. Dennis casting a fireball in his right hand and threw it as if it was a curveball at the person, but they deflected it with their dagger. Making it land on a nearby tree.

"Come now, if you want to fight me, then show me what you got!"

The man said to Dennis. Making him do the next move and he got mad. Dennis then cracked the bones from his arms and neck and lunged forward with his right fist to punch the man, but he got out of the way. He gave out a smile as if he expected this to happen, making the man wonder what was his plan, but it was too late. Dennis's plan was already in motion once he saw his fists covered in flames.

Dennis then went in, sending punches. One after another, while the man could only dodge or block. The man was soon backed up to a tree, and Dennis saw this as an opportunity and went in for a quick strike.

"This kid ain't half bad…"

The man said to himself in his mind, and as he saw Dennis approaching with his right fist up. He got out of the way, forcing Dennis to punch the tree with a powerful impact. Making it fall down to the ground. Causing a loud noise around the forest.

Meanwhile, Dj was searching for Dennis and once he heard a commotion in the distance, it made him go towards it. Once he arrived, Dj saw Dennis fighting hand to hand against a man that near six feet tall. He wanted to intervene and help his friend, but the moment he tried to go. There was a barrier that surrounded their area that was more like an enclosed meadow.


Dj shouted his name. But it couldn't be heard as the dagger hit Dennis one time. He felt a sharp pain in his chest that was made him more hectic for the fight.

"Is this… My blood…?"

As Dennis asked himself. He looked towards the man's dagger and saw a trail of blood at the tip. It made him to take it more seriously since it was his life that was on the line. He took off the fur coat and felt that his body was lighter.

"You believe by taking off parts of your clothing will simply help you in a fight? Then you better just surrender."

"Not really, but is more of how my body feels right now… And I never felt this kind of rush before… It even making me go on…"

Dennis then gave a faint smile before his expression changed. Giving the man a death stare as his eyes changed to the color red. His hands then ignited with a passion.

"Containing you will be a problem… But having information is better than nothing…"

The man then clenched his right fist and made multiple strings appear out of nowhere. Attempting to grab Dennis, but it all burned down as it got close to him. When the man failed to capture Dennis. He went straight for a left punch, but the man blocked it. Then with a right punch, but it got blocked. But Dennis was not done. He kept going, throwing punches at the guy until he could land as one punch after being blocked multiple times.

With one lucky hit, Dennis went on for the assault and disarmed the man by getting a hold of their left hand. Dennis then used his strength to lift himself up and kicked the man in the face two times as he fell down to the ground.

Once the man was down on the ground, he kicked Dennis off from him and spitted out blood as he got up.

"Had enough kid?"

The man asked while being exhausted from being hit multiple times.

"You kidding? We just getting started!"

Dennis said as his flames soon went out. His body was still bleeding, but this was his only chance. He ready himself by leaning forward and gotten himself into a position where he could lunge himself forward with enough speed. The man then clenched both his fists and made strings appear from all directions, ready to apprehend Dennis.

No one made a single move till they heard the fireworks go off in the sky. The man was the first to make a move and ran towards Dennis, but he saw him do the same thing, except Dennis went sliding under him as strings followed him.


As Dennis called out the elemental magic name. His eyes soon changed to white as ice spears surrounded Dennis. Cutting off all incoming strings from him and after that, he grabbed an ice lance and was going for it while swinging it left and right. Clearing a path to approach the man.

Once they both reached the contact point. The man was going for a quick punch, but Dennis blocked it with the center of his lance that snapped in two. Dennis used this to attack by trying to cut the man, but he kept moving back, that forced Dennis to throw them at full strength. The man soon dodged them with ease, but it created an opening for Dennis that went in for an uppercut. And as his hit connected, it sent the man flying.


Dennis's eyes switched colors again, from white to yellow. His hands where electrified, and he aimed his hands towards the sky and sent out a lightning bolt from his hands and as it got close to its target. It got absorbed.

From what Dennis could see, it was a ghost wearing a dark purple cloak.

"You better watch your back, kid. Cause know you asked for it…"

The man said and in midair. A dark purple portal opened below him and soon vanished. Dennis been triumphant in this fight, gave one sigh and picked up his coat and the dagger that was dropped and noticed Dj as soon as barrier shattered.

"Dude! I thought you were a goner!"

Dj said while he in tears and hugged Dennis. It made him flinch because of the injury in his chest.

"It's alright man… Let's just go back to the others…"

Dennis said as he was holding on to the pain. They returned to the festival just in time to find out who was wearing the dress. It surprised them to see Sara wearing the dress that Sylvia made and was dancing all around in a stage. Creating all kinds of flowers to bloom.

Later on that night. They all found Dennis with his chest covered in bandages with the fur coat on, with Dj behind the stage.

They explained what had happened so far, and that the harbinger went away, but as of now. Dennis only wanted was to get some sleep.

I tried to give the best what I can to describe this fight. As of right now this is my second story in the making, starting this september. My first book will have daily uploads as well.

If you wish to find it just type GDXS in the search bar in webnovel.

DjxCarmacreators' thoughts