
GDXS: Origins

This story tells the how it all began that is from the other book. From the moment the mc awoke in a new world, being strip away from modern life to a dangerous life calling out for adventure. Everyday he looks for answers on how to find away back home. Many answers can be found in every corner while making new bonds along the way.

DjxCarma · Fantasi
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42 Chs

Day 18: A fleeting dream

As it was the start of a new day. Sara was over at the house wondering how the Dennis and Dj were doing up to this point. When she arrived, the door was unlocked. She then entered and, to her surprise. Sara saw wood made furniture in the living room.

"Who made this?"

Sara asked herself as she saw that the furniture was made out refined wood out of a good quality. Out of curiosity. She heard loud banging coming from the back side of the house and hurried over to investigate.

When she went to the back side. She found a wooden dining table and four wooden chairs until she looked over a window and saw Dj working on a wooden bench while Dennis was meditating on the training ground created by Nix.

"Good morning Dj, how's my son doing?"

Sara asks as Dj paused at his work. He was confused. Dj didn't know what she meant until he gave it a thought.

"You mean… Dennis, right?"

"Yes, it's been two days, and I wasn't around till now…"

Sara said in a tired voice while noticing Dennis on the training ground sitting on the floor meditating.

"Well, it's kind of a long story… But it ain't pretty."

Dj said to Sara and explained to her what has happened so far for the past two days. From dealing with a monster rabbit to a shadow that made Dennis's anger go off and ended up in a fight against the knights. Sara went from anger to disappointed, to disappointed into disbelief and finally relief. Sara now became worried about Dennis's well being.

"So… why is Dennis meditating?"

"Dealing with anger issues. His been at it since sunrise."

Dj said to Sara and explained what had happened. Early in the morning, Dennis woke up in fear of a nightmare and wasn't able to rest. He kept seeing a black knight taking the lives of his friends. It made him feel useless, not been able to save them. This kept him awake, and he became with himself and went off to meditate.

Over the time that Dj explained the happenings. Dennis has awoken from his meditation and saw that Dj was occupied all morning. He tried to say something, but he quickly passed out.

"Oh, no… This is bad…"

Sara said, and went over to Dennis. She checked the Dennis legs until she found a set of bandages covered in blood. They then took Dennis inside to deal with his injuries and hours later. Dennis finds himself in his bedroom.

"What happened to me…?"

Dennis asked himself after seeing that they have patched both his legs up with bandages. Not knowing what's going on. Sara then came in to check on him.

"Hey Sara… What happened to me..?"

"You blacked out when you finished meditating. The reason was because your legs are all cut up. Did you do something in the past few days that could have done this?"

As Sara asked, Dennis was trying to remember what he had done, but there was one thing that could have done it. He recalled back around the time he was fighting the knights and he went up in the air. Staying afloat by using wind magic.

"I think it was my wind magic… Since I don't have control over my anger. Dj was the first to notice this and tried to help me."

Dennis then was looking down on himself. Unable to control himself, and hid under the blankets.

"Its alright. You will get the hang of it eventually. For now, try to stay out of trouble."

Sara said to Dennis. She soon left when it was finally afternoon. Around that time, Dennis fell a sleep and had a dream that felt real. He found himself in a far green plain that could go for miles with no end. It has creatures all around, from big to small, all living in harmony. Until a sea of flames disrupted it.

It forced Dennis to hear the creature's cries of sadness and pain.

"Why I'm I seeing this…?"

Wondering if his dreams were just mere illusions or a premonition. Suddenly, a blue crystal butterfly fly right on to Dennis's hands. He was confused at the start until he realized it had died on his hands.

It drove Dennis to lose his mind and cried. Forcing him to wake up from his dream. Dennis's body was in a panic and he checked himself to see if he was in his body.

"I'm… Still here…"

Dennis said to himself, as he felt relieved. But he felt that something wasn't right. He tried to connect the puzzle of the dark knight's appearance in his dream and the sea of flames. Trying to find a simple connection between the two until Dj came in with a bowl of soup for Dennis.

"Here, Sara made this for you."

Dj said as he handed the soup to Dennis.

"Thank you, Dj."

"No problem, just checking how you holding up."

"Well, I keep having these weird dreams nonstop. And I think it might have to do something with the harbingers."

"Do tell…"

Dennis then explained to Dj what he has seen so far. From repeated scenes from the black knight and the most recent dream that lead to a sea of flames. Moments later, the two of them determined what was going on.

"I think I know what this might be… Dennis, I think you under the effects of by someone amongst the harbingers. Ever since that shadow showed, your emotions have gone haywire. Meaning that these dreams could be an influence."

Dj said to Dennis, and he agreed to it while eating soup.

"I guess… But that means that this harbinger can mess around with my dreams or due to say my perspective to this reality."

"Then there is no other choice except to wait, Dennis."

Later on that day. They all had time to catch up with one another, while it became night time.

"Good night you two, I'll be here around the morning again."

Sara said as she leaves and waves at them. Giving a chance for Dennis to try sleeping peacefully at least.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

DjxCarmacreators' thoughts