
GDXS: Origins

This story tells the how it all began that is from the other book. From the moment the mc awoke in a new world, being strip away from modern life to a dangerous life calling out for adventure. Everyday he looks for answers on how to find away back home. Many answers can be found in every corner while making new bonds along the way.

DjxCarma · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
42 Chs

Day 15: A new friend and formed family

A new day was about to begin. The orb of light was roaming around Dennis's room until it gave an immense glow that illuminated the entire bedroom. It even woke Dennis up.

"Uh.... What's going on?"

Dennis said to himself while he picks up his glassed and puts them on. He sees that the orb of light was acting strange. Spinning all around the room while giving a bright light. The orb then gave out, turning all black, and suddenly returned with a light that engulfed the room. Allowing Dennis to not see anything.

He then heard something big fall on the ground and once he could see again, Dennis saw it was a young boy around his age. They had black, almost spiky hair. As well as a white long shirt that reached their knees, but their skin color was white.

Dennis then took a deep breath to calm himself. A person showing up out of nowhere was too much for him to handle than the queen randomly showing out of the blue. He then gets outs of the bed and picks up the body with both his hands and places it on his bed.

"Wait… Are you even alive?"

Dennis questioned the possibility and inspected the person's vitals by picking up their left arm to check their pulse. For almost a minute, Dennis didn't felt nothing until he placed his left hand over the person's heart. He felt a heartbeat that showed that this person still had life.

"You're still alive… That's good to know. Rest up while you can. I'm heading out for a while."

Dennis said to the sleeping person on his bead and got himself ready before it was sunrise. He went to do his usual. He went first to the farm and help Zack so that he can earn some money. After that, Dennis went over to Sara's house and explained what had happened this morning and returned to the house with her.

When they arrived, it surprised Sara about the golem at first, since she didn't notice it around their last visit.

"When did you get a golem?"

Sara asks with excitement as she sees the golem making a mini golem out of stone.

"Its been like a week since I found them. I have been calling them G for that amount of time."

"Well… Shall we get going? I want to make a checkup on your condition after Nix informing me you got hurt…"

"It was just a few burn marks, that my body withstood…"

They then entered the house. Sara saw that there was no furniture in the main room of the house and saw was a hallway and an open door to a bedroom.

"So, you said that they showed up this morning, right?"

"Yes, and I picked them up and let them rest in my bed."

As Dennis said. They then entered the bedroom, and they saw the person still a sleep.

"I wonder if he is from the same place as I…"

Dennis said out loud and soon after, a faint vision went to his mind. It showed him of a great disaster. The queen was down and held by the neck on a shattered cliff by a person in black armor. He then snapped back to his senses after hearing Sara calling his attention.

"Dennis? Did you even heard what I said?"

"No, sorry. Just zoned out for a bit."

"Then, as I was saying, you should be more careful around here coming around next week. The flower festival is starting soon and we expect one harbinger to make a move."

As Sara mentioned about the flower festival. It reminded Dennis that it was an important day for the townsfolk.

"I understand. I'll try to stay safe around next week."

Dennis said to Sara. While they were at it, the person who was resting finally wakes up. When he opened his eyes. His eyes were a bright red. They were calm with the situation, but curious about where he was.

"Hi! Sorry if I was out cold sleeping…"

The boy said calmly and exited to have met new people. It confused Dennis and Sara. They expected more of a panicked or scared emotion.

"Don't worry about it. Do you remember from where you from?"

Dennis asked, but the guy didn't know how to respond.

"Let me try… Do you know your name?"

"Sorry… But I have no name… For the longest I can remember, I was walking on an empty white void for years…"

The guy said. It then made the other two worried, yet more confused, with the problem at hand.

"Well, we need a name for you… What about Dj?"

Dennis said. Giving the guy a name.

"Oh? That sounds like an odd name… Is it something that people from your world use?"

Dj asked. He knew Dennis was from another world, by presence and speech alone. Dennis then nodded to what Dj said and continued on. Later during the day, Sara made the check up on Dennis and found that he had no burn injuries and continued over with Dj and he was all fine.

They all then spent their time chatting and understanding one another until it was late afternoon. Standing outside the house enjoying the scenery as Dj spent his time with the golem.

"You two need a mother."

Sara said. It came out of the blue and made Dennis jump.

"What do you mean?"

"Well… I have seen how you behave lately and no kid won't make by themselves without their parents, but you went on this far that has made me worried…"

"Wait, so you're saying that you want to be our adoptive mother in this world?"

"Indeed, I do… And I want to help you at any mean necessary to bring you back to your actual family."

As Sara stated, she looked into Dennis's eyes and they were about to cry. He then goes for a hug and accepted Sara as her current adoptive mother.