
GDXS: Origins

This story tells the how it all began that is from the other book. From the moment the mc awoke in a new world, being strip away from modern life to a dangerous life calling out for adventure. Everyday he looks for answers on how to find away back home. Many answers can be found in every corner while making new bonds along the way.

DjxCarma · Fantasi
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42 Chs

Day 13: A celebration

Once the fences were done during the previous day, Dennis went to sleep, but again the golem wakes up early. It was a brand new day early in the morning. The golem got concerned by an eerie sound. And once again, the golem sees an orb of light, but this time, it was red.

The red orb of light took a peek over the room Dennis was sleeping. Watching, observing. Considering everything that Dennis has done, but it soon noticed that the light was being monitored. It felt the steps of the golem hovering right behind it and it soon vanished. Leaving no trace behind.

"Strange lights… Go bye… bye…"

The golem said. It then went over to its usual resting spot, but it made too much noise that it eventually woke Dennis. He got startled and looked over the window and saw the golem heading back to its place.

"Strange… Why did I feel I was being watched by two things a moment ago…"

Dennis said to himself. He then proceeded with the usual, getting ready to start his day. From showering to putting on the same clothes. The only thing he was missing was to get breakfast, but he went out to check on the golem after it woke him up.

"Hey G, did something showed up this morning while I was a sleep?"

Dennis asked. Wondering if something happened during his sleep.

"Strange red light… Showed up and… Left…"

The golem said and pointed towards the dark woods.

"There is another… Bright light… hiding inside."

"Alright, I'll take care of it whenever I can. Watch over the place and do not let no monsters in."

Dennis said to the golem and left. He was on his way to Sara's house by taking the usual pathway. Dennis went from the farm to the town and went towards the park.

Along the way, Dennis saw Dahlia running laps around the park. She then stopped right in front of him to catch a break from working out.

"Morning Dennis, what brings you early to the park?"

Dahlia says to Dennis. Whipping out the sweat from her forehead.

"Oh, on my ways to Sara's house. After that, I'm heading into the dark woods to investigate something weird that the golem saw."

When Dennis mentioned about the golem. Dahlia forgot everything else that Dennis said. They then walked towards Sara's house while keeping on with the conversation.

"Wait, did you say golem?"

"Crazy as it sounds, I know. I'm turning the house like my personal home or… What do you guys call it, a hideout?"

Dahlia then nodded. Confirming that Dennis was on point, and continued on as they stepped into a forest.

"Then yeah, I guess now I just have to wait till the time comes."

"You mean the harbingers?"

"Yes. I want answers, and I'm not going down that easy."

Dennis said. Once he was done talking, they arrived at Sara's house. They both crossed the pond by walking on the stepping stones, and Dahlia knocked on the door. The door then opened, and they saw Sara acting all nervously. She then grabbed Dahlia's hands and dragged her.

By Sara doing this, it gave Dennis a sense that something was going on. He went inside and found that all the lights were off. Everything was as it is, except no one was around.


Dennis shouted out loud, but no one responded. He then walked slowly to the kitchen. Being cautious of his surroundings.

"Sara!! I know you're around!! This isn't funny!"

Dennis then was getting ready to cast a spell the moment he felt danger until he heard a click from a light switch. At that same time. He saw P appear behind the counter holding a gigantic cake alongside the others and yelled out…


It then scarred Dennis. In fear, Dennis was holding an ice lance on his left hand while a fireball on his right. When he realized it was his friends. He dropped the ice lance and de-cast the fireball.

"You guys gave me a scare…"

They all then had a laugh. Sara then went over to Dennis and grabbed him by his hands.

"Today is a day to celebrate in you becoming one of our newest member of Celestial guards!!"

Sara said. Dennis then, overcome with joy. He smiled and was in tears. Joining in to celebrate the moment. They partied, dance and had fun until it was time to cut the cake. It took many hours until it was finally night time. The moment to finally cut the cake. The cake was a strawberry shortcake with a candle on top. Dennis then blew the candle, making a wish.

"If there is another person who is lost, just like me, with no way to go back home. I want to find them and help them."

When Dennis made his wish. Everyone began to eat the cake.

"Sounds like an honest, bold statement. You sure you can handle it if it happens?"

Sylvia soon asked. Wondering if Dennis could handle it.

"Only one way to find out…"

Dennis then said and was sensing something over by the dark forest, but he was not the only one sensing it. Nix as well felt a disturbance nearby with tremendous force. Near the forest, the golem felt something strange was going. Knowing that, Dennis gave it orders. The golem ignored it and went to the forest to investigate the disturbance by itself.

Over by the dark forest. On the center tree, that was the biggest amongst them all. The red orb of light was waiting there until it was shining brightly and engulfed the whole dark forest. It consumed everything on its path and it then changed every living creature to a vicious version and roamed around the forest. The trees themselves then turned black while the leaf's turned red. Leaving nothing remaining except another light. A white orb of light hiding inside caved a hole in the tree. With each passing moment, the light was becoming faint until it released a naked body.