
GDXS: Origins

This story tells the how it all began that is from the other book. From the moment the mc awoke in a new world, being strip away from modern life to a dangerous life calling out for adventure. Everyday he looks for answers on how to find away back home. Many answers can be found in every corner while making new bonds along the way.

DjxCarma · Fantasi
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42 Chs

Day 1: Errands

It was morning. Sara was wide awake making breakfast while Dennis was suddenly woken up wearing an oversized light red shirt. The only thing that went through his mind was that he either sleep walked or someone cleaned him.

"What time is it?"

Dennis asks himself and looks through the window on his left and noticed that is early in the morning. But in that moment, Dennis searched his pockets and found that he had something in them. He pulled it out and found out that was a cellphone.

"Does it have power?"

Dennis soon asks himself and tries to turn it on, but it fails. He soon hears a knock on the door and turns around to see it open. When the door opens Dennis saw Sara wearing a white dress while she was walking in with a big plate of toast and butter.

"Good morning, seems that you are already awake..."

Sara said. She then placed the plate in the bed and went off to look for her medical bag.

"Um... Can you tell me where I am?" Dennis asks Sara, then puts her attention to him when she finds the bag.

"Right... You may be new around here, but will I know someone that can explain it to you in time."

She then pulled out bandages and went over to Dennis and crouched. She lifted his injured leg and applied the bandages to it. After she was done, Dennis ate the toasted bread and heard footsteps from below.

"Is someone here?"

When Dennis asked. He was concerned about who might be entering.

"I'll go check."

Sara then went out of the room and walked down the stairs that were connected to the kitchen. She then turned a left and saw from the entrance that her friend P had entered without even knocking on the door. When Sara saw her friend, she saw her dressed all care free and seemed ready to have a party.

"Hey Sara, how's the kid doing?" P attempts to go past her friend, but Sara ends up stopping her.

"I know you want to talk to him, but please give him a few minutes so that he can get adjusted." Sara says to her friend.

"Oh come on Sara, you know I'm great with kids. I can sort a few things out with him like... What he likes to do, eat or favorite spots." P says. Sara then gave up and let her friend pass. She then cleaned the living room as she expects more guests.

Meanwhile, inside the bedroom. Dennis finished eating his breakfast and noticed something is in the window. When he looked over to it, there was nothing to be seen except for the clear sky and at the surrounding area that was forested. He got curious and walked to the window and opened it.

"Hmm... It's going to rain soon..." Dennis says to himself. He then closes the window after hearing someone is in the door. When the door opened. He saw P waving at him with her right hand. Telling him to come over.

"Hey kid, you want to go out for a walk?"

As P asked, she saw Dennis was nodding at her. They then both went downstairs and told Sara that they will be back later. When they walked out, Dennis saw the house had a tree growing attached to it and was the biggest one of all around the forest and aside from that the house had a lake and the only way across was by the stepping stones that were in the water. P was the first to take a step and soon Dennis followed. The first place they went to was the park. It had families and people relaxing and playing around.

"You should know this place by now, but from the park you can make it to Sara's house and if you look to our left u can see the dark forest."

As P mentioned, the dark forest. Dennis saw something moving and took a step back.

"Hey, no need to get scared... Nothing here is going to hurt u." she says with a warming smile.

"I understand... But I don't think I should walk around with an enormous shirt like this..." Dennis says. Suddenly, the wind blows and it almost took Dennis with it. P then realized what he meant and came up with an idea.

"Hmm... I know someone that can help u. It ain't far from here, and they are the best dealing with clothes."

She then takes Dennis over to the place that can help him with his clothing. When they arrived, they saw statues of men wearing tuxedos.

The house seemed to have four floors and almost shaped as hair salon. Dennis was confused at a start since the buildings around the area didn't go according to its atmosphere. From houses that seem somewhat modern, with at least a second floor with different colors and decorated outside with the nearby fauna.

"Sylvia!! Open up, I need your help with something!!"

P screamed as she knocked on the door. After a bit, they heard the door was being opened from the other side.

"About time!"

P says. When the door finally opens. P and Dennis saw a white-skinned girl with deep dark blue hair and light purple eyes wearing business clothes.

"Listen here!! It's the middle of the morning and I need my peace and... Who is this kid?" Sylvia asked.

"This is my friend Dennis. His new around here and I was wondering if you can help us out with some clothing."

Sylvia then gave it thought and allowed them to come in. When they entered, they saw that the inside of the house had clothing stations, dressers and that they could see their own reflection on the floors.

"Well then, I'll leave u bee for bit. I need to take care of a quick errand." P said. She then left Dennis alone with Sylvia. Letting her take care of the rest while she goes off to do her thing.

"Alright... Do you want something with style, classy, or more of a protective side?" Sylvia asked, but it only made Dennis more confused.

"I don't know what you really mean by that..." Dennis said. Sylvia then sighed and handed over a magazine full of clothing styles.

"I'm guessing that you're not from around here... We have people that are talented fighters or either gifted with magic or abilities. Meanwhile, I'm talented enough to make clothing prepared for any situation." Sylvia says as she strikes a pose, admiring herself while Dennis could understand by what she means. Dennis then wondered and asked if they had something for adventuring.

"Well... there is this one set that I have, but it's more like a prototype..."

Sylvia then goes get the model of a male mannequin. It was wearing a protective shoulder pad on the left shoulder while having a light grey shirt. For the bottom, it had a pair of light dark pants with a leather utility belt to store medicine, stones, or any kind of stuff.

"As you can see, it is not done. The only thing missing is the shoes and a winter coat..."

Dennis then said that he will take it. He didn't hesitate at first glance.

"Well, then. That will be 40 gold coins. Think of it as a discount as a friend."

After Sylvia said the price. Dennis then dropped to his knees after hearing such an outrageous amount. P hasn't returned yet.

"How I'm going to get that amount if I don't even have a job…" Dennis then panicked. Trying to think of a way to pay her until Sylvia approached him and handed over a note.

"I know you're new here, but get up. There are other ways u can pay me."

Dennis then got up and looked at the note. It had a drawing of yellowish white flower that looked like a bell, yet it had the odd shape of a star.

"What is this?"

As soon as Dennis asked. Sylvia's eyes widened in surprise. She grabbed him by the shoulders and got up close.

"Your telling me you don't know what a star-bell is!?! Oh forget it... Just get me a dozen of them. They are right by the dark woods!"

Sylvia then pushed Dennis out of her house in mid conversation and locked the door behind him. It confused him at the start of what the flower was, but with a clear name and image, he went off to the dark woods to look for the flowers. Dennis went over to the park and soon realized that he was standing in the entrance to the dark woods.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

DjxCarmacreators' thoughts