
Vs Future Dj

As the thunderbolt landed. Dennis and the future version of Dj gave one step forward. But they both ended up in front of each other.

"How did you move this fast...?"

Future Dj asked himself in his mind. He then readied his right fist, but Dennis was doing the same. They then collided and pushed each other for a few inches.

"Now it's on..."

The future Dj said. He then made the next move by dashing to Dennis. Dennis saw this happen in slow motion, as future Dj was approaching. He ended up moving to his left side and lifted his right leg to kick the future Dj in the face. As Dennis kick landed, it sent the future Dj back, but he stood up to rush Dennis again by doing a direct punch.

"Ah, crap..."

Dennis said out loud. He tried to block a direct punch by crossing his arms in front of him, but the future Dj was fast enough to go through it on time. Landing a direct punch at Dennis's face, making him stumble to the ground.

"Come on, Dennis!! You can't go down with one hit!!"

The future Dj said. He knows how durable Dennis was and wanted him to get motivated for the fight. It was the only thing that was making him feel alive.

"Alright... You asked for it..."

Dennis then stood up and ran at his opponent. He was getting ready to execute a plan.

As he was getting close, the future Dj gave one step back and was readying his right hand. But it didn't matter for Dennis. A finger snap was heard, and it made Dennis vanish in front of his opponent's eyes.

"Where did you go now...?"

The future Dj asked himself. He was looking around and the only thing he could see was the open water.

"Hmm... Wait, why are we near the water? Dennis can't even swim..."

The future Dj said to himself.

Suddenly, Dennis reappeared from behind and tackled. Attacking from the back while pushing the future Dj into the water. But it made Dennis worry. He felt that something was wrong as soon as he was looking at the water.

"You got to be kidding me..."

Dennis then stumbled on his knees and saw that all the water was turning into ice. He became speechless after hearing footsteps approaching him. Then noticed that it was future Dj.

"Come on Dennis... We now have all the space in the world to fight!!"

"That's it!! If you want to kill me... Then don't hold back!!"

Dennis suddenly sensed a power growing inside of him. His body was getting cold while ice spots covered his skin. Everything around him was turning cold, that even the hair was freezing. The future Dj then felt motivated with a red aura flowing around his body.

"Bring it!!"

They both said to one another and continued again with their fight. Meanwhile, inside the house. Owen and Donte wondered how things went this fast.

"Should we go help him?"

Donte asked. He was seeing Dennis land a few punches but got pushed back every time he gets hit.

"Give him about a few minutes... He probably has it under control."

Owen said to Donte. During that time, Dj was about to talk to Spike that was waiting in Dennis's room. As Dj entered, he saw Spike was reverting to his transformed state.


Dj shouted. He walked towards Spike, but as he got close. Spike pushed him away.

"I'm fine... But Dennis needs our help."

Spike said while pointing out the window. Without a word, Dj nodded and jumped through the window. Shattering it to pieces. Spike followed behind Dj and took the sky with his wings.

While it all happened, Dennis was landing direct punches, but it had little effect. It was only making him weaker.

"What's wrong Dennis? I can barely feel your hits!"

"Then I guess I need to change tactics..."

Dennis then stepped back and leaned forward. Getting himself ready for an attack. The future Dj was waiting patiently until he saw his younger self alongside Spike approaching. But as they got close. He took one step, and the ice cracked.

"So the team is all back together... It will be ashamed for you all to fall here."

As the future Dj stated. Spike grabbed Dennis and took him to the sky while Dj focused on his future self.

"You know I was wondering when you will show up today, but let's cut the introductions shorts."

Dj said to his future self. They then fought each other with their fists. As Dj landed a punch, his future self lands another. Eventually, they both ended up tired of it and ended up on the ground.

"You are annoying me..."

The future Dj said. He was the first to get up and walked towards his younger self. Then Dj got up during that moment. He called out his weapon and got into position.

"Oh, spare me the time. Your weapons won't do anything to me."

The future Dj then snapped his fingers, and Dj's weapon vanished.

"Wait... You can't be serious..."

Dj then realized what happened. He gave one step back and readied himself to defend.

Suddenly Dennis was falling from above with his hands covered in ice, but the future Dj stepped aside. Leaving Dennis to punch the ground.

"Oh, come on, you both can do better than that."

"Then I guess we going for round two..."

Dennis said. The ice in his hand turned into a sharpened blade. He quickly took a swing at him, but he missed. Dj then ran in and tried to punch his future self, but he dodged in time.

"Oh, come on!"

Dj said. Then Spike showed and landed in front of Dj. He then grabbed the future version of Dj by the collar of his shirt and punched him directly in his face multiple times.

Once he was done, he tossed him aside, making sure that he stays away from his friends.


Dennis suddenly said out loud. Everyone looked over at the house and saw Owen and Donte walking towards them. They stopped over by the edge before setting foot on the ice.

"Don't worry! We got you covered!"

Owen said. He immediately aimed and took a shot at the future Dj while Donte stepped in and was walking towards the others. As the bullet was getting close. The future Dj quickly reacted by getting up and catching the bullet with his right hand.

"So... This is what you all can do? It will take ten years to reach my kind of strength."

The future Dj said. He felt disappointed in everyone's current strength, but Dennis knows he was wrong.

"Then you forgot who you're dealing with!"

Dennis said. He pointed up to the sky, and they all saw something coming down. It was hard to notice, but as it got closer. They all could tell that it was a small chunk of ice.


As Dennis gave out an order. Owen stepped in and started shooting the falling ice. As each one gets destroyed, it created small amounts of ice dust that covered everything. Making it hard for everyone to see. Everyone else then went into the ice dust to face the future Dj head-on. Inside the dust. The future Dj was standing still, waiting for his opponents to show themselves. As he waited, the first one to show up was Dennis. He arrives with his left hand in front while holding it with his right hand. While Dennis was approaching, Dj came out from the dust, but he was holding Spike as a battling ram. They passed by Dennis at full speed, giving him enough time to cast a spell.

"Black fireball..."

Dennis said. He cast black fire on his left hand and released it. It went past Dj and Spike and the future Dj blocked the hit. During that time, Owen and Donte came out and followed Dj and Spike.

"That's enough!!"

The future Dj said. He then aimed his right hand up and a black orb slowly formed. It then got bigger and bigger that reached the size of a massive boulder.

"I will crush you all here!!"

The future Dj then throw the orb up into the sky and waited for everyone to approach.

As they all got close, Dj and Spike were first to attack. Dj ended up letting go of Spike and went for a straight punch, but his future self moved to the left. Spike then came in and grabbed the future Dj and tossed him towards Dennis. Dennis then turned his left hand into an ice blade and strikes him down, followed up by Donte that sneaked behind him and strikes from the back. Leaving slight cuts that didn't cause bleeding. And finally, Owen takes aim and shoots only one bullet that penetrates the chest. But no blood came out.

"Did we get him?"

Donte asked. Everyone felt uneasy for a moment till they saw the body glowing.

"Everyone stand back!!"

Dennis said. Everyone got away from the body as it stood up.

Returning today, next chapter coming up on next monday.

DjxCarmacreators' thoughts