
Training Days (part 6)

It is the seventh day, the last day of training. As it set everything in motion. Dennis was the first to get out early. He still hadn't forgotten why was he here and it was to find the red-haired girl. As he looked at everyone with a sad expression. He really didn't want to go by himself, but he didn't no one else to get hurt.

"Take care, everyone. Ill be back in a few days..."

Dennis said goodbye to everyone in his own way. He wanted to make sure he didn't have no regrets for the time he will be away. But he had one last thing to do before he could leave.

"Find the girl, brake the device, and make sure everyone gets out of the simulation in time..."

Dennis pulled out his phone and saw that he had one more hour before everyone else could be awake. He scratches the back of his head, thinking of away to find the girl in the abandoned city. He knew that the only to find her would be by tearing down the place, but he felt something weird going on. Dennis looked at his left arm and saw a black flame form on the palm of his hand.

"Alright, wich direction I need to go..."

Dennis pointed his hand to left and felt that flame got weaker. After doing that, he understands how the flame was reacting. He pointed his hand to the right, and the flame got bigger.

"Wait... that's the direction of the device... unless..."

Dennis walked his way towards the device while trying to figure out why would the girl be there.

"Lets see... there's like a few options here... but the only reasonable one would be… Oh? Oh..."

Dennis had figured out why the flame was leading him to the device. When he looked at it. He noticed something wrong on the top part of the device. He noticed a weird mark that was like the one by the door in the void of dreams.

"That can't be good."

Dennis realized that the device was actually another door. He looked behind himself and saw a vision of a war zone happening right in the spot he is standing.

"This isn't so bad..."

As Dennis said, he walked thru the vision. He saw people dying, slowly being killed by the NS. On the all directions an NS showed up killed another person. But the vision called out Dennis' attention when he saw the machine has been built.

"Ns killing humans... One by one... And humans killing ns one by one..."

Dennis went thru one of the ns that was in his way. He ignored what it was doing and kept going towards the device. But he felt something grabbed his leg.

"You got to be kidding me..."

Dennis pulled out his gun and pulled the trigger on the ns. The gunshot was so loud that called the attention of all other the ns and woke up the others. When they heard the gunshot, they realized that Dennis was gone. With no time to even talk and think of a plan. They heard an alarm from the distance. Even Dennis heard it. As soon as he tried to take a step. Every ns and downed person looked right at him.

"I should have seen this coming... But this won't stop me!"

Dennis took off his coat and tied it on his waist. When he took one step back, his body was actually moving faster. Whit, no hesitation. Dennis ran on the only open path he had. He was running backwards to keep in eye contact with the ns.

"A ns that is a vision. Whats next? The device was a ns gate?"

When Dennis said that, he heard a gate was being opened.

"Me and my big mouth..."

Dennis aimed his gun right at the ground. He used one of his leaps to get himself positioned. When he pulled the trigger, he used his moment and the power of the shot the get on top of the buildings. Dennis had a better view and what he said became true.

"Ns portal... I mean, its not like I called it in the first place but that thing is going to be blown into smithereens."

Dennis said to himself that he almost forgot that heartless was inside of him.

"But the rescue comes first..."

Heartless got control of Dennis left arm and ignited the black flames. He pointed at the gate and realized that there was someone floating into it.

"Wait, is that?"

Dennis left eye glowed. He saw the red hair more clearly and moved towards the gate. Dennis knows that if she gets in, he needs to go in after her.

"Heartless, give me a boost!"

Dennis left arm ignited completely. It indulged into a fire that couldn't be controlled. As he aimed right bellow himself. He quickly turned around and took a jump after trying sensing a way out of the vision.

"Let it rip!"

As Dennis released of the built up flames from his arm, he used his right arm to get a hold of his movement to make it to the red-haired girl.


The red-haired girl felt Dennis presence. When she tried to make eye contact. Dennis was already close and grabbed her.

"Why did you do this?"

The girl asked.

"You ow me one, you damn brat!"

Dennis said. The girl got angry and hit Dennis with no mercy. But Dennis couldn't help that he was being watched by someone from a far.

"Oh, crap."

When Dennis landed. He immediately called out Obliviona after seen a ns past by.

"Whats happening?"

The girl asked. She hides behind Dennis since they scared her. Dennis was trying to think of the best possible way to get out of this mess. And as soon as he saw the gate again. He was about to take the risk to go in the portal.

"Just hold on, things are about to get worse!"

The girl held on to Dennis as he throws his sword up in the air. And with his left eye still active. He knew what exactly what to do.

"Oblivion rain."

Dennis snapped one of his fingers while Obliviona was in the sky. It created multiple copies of itself and dropped on the ns making a clear path to escape. Dennis grabbed the girl and made a run for it while calling off Obliviona.

"Im getting you out of here while I still have the chance. Someone is waiting for you to get back and ill keep you safe."

The girl didn't know how to respond. She knew Dennis was the one that saved her, but she couldn't find the words to express her gratitude.

"I need to regroup with the others. I need to apologize before they scold me..."

Dennis stopped to take a brake once the coast was clear. He pulled out a note from one of his pockets and gave it to girl.

"If you keep going on that direction you will see my friends. I want you to give them this note in my behalf."

Dennis left, leaving the girl behind. Suddenly Heartless came out and acted as the side of reasoning for Dennis.

"You sure is this the best choice?" Heartless asked.

"I guess it is. But we need to leave... Other wise everyone else would get in our way against Amaltus." Dennis said.

He had everything planned out on how it all was going to act out. It was a matter of time and patience. Meanwhile, the other were on their way and found the girl waiting on a bench. Dj approached her to see if she knows something about Dennis whereabouts.

"Uh, hey. By any chance you saw a guy around here? His name is Dennis, he was gone when we all woke up."

"Dennis? So that's his name... meaning you must be his friend. He wanted me to give you this note."

The girl handed the note to Dj and passed it to Claire. She quickly opened and got confused on what it was written.

"Hey guys, im sorry to keep you all in the dark right now. I was planing this since we beat Farion, but things had changed. Im planing on looking for the others, I dont know what they are doing but I need to find them as quickly as possible. Also, keep this girl safe at all costs. Someone may show up soon looking for her, so keep her safe till I return. Sincerely Dennis. Ps: press the back of Dj's neck to leave the simulation."

When Claire read the last part out loud. She pressed Dj's neck and opened a door to get out of the simulation.

"Good luck, Dennis..."

Dj said as he stared at the gate. They all left the simulation with the red-haired girl and promised to keep her safe on Dennis behalf. Meanwhile, Dennis was on the gate waiting for Amaltus to show up.

"How long do you think it will take?" Heartless asked.

"Just be patient. He will show up soon. Amaltus will love that we waited for him." Dennis said.

They both waited for Amaltus to show up by the gate to start the last fight in the simulation.