
The star of time (iii)

Stranded and lost while losing their only lead to a shelter. They headed to mountains made of ice. Owen and Dj took the lead on, checking on ahead while Dennis stayed behind and gave the other's warmth with his fire.

Along the way, they find themselves with a stationary shelter shaped like a dome with no one in sight. It wasn't the biggest, but it could hold at least twenty people. Inside, it was cozy and warm. With a white furnishing for everything.

"I'll stay here for now. I'll let you children mess around with the place as you wish."

Kronos said to everyone and enclosed herself in a room. Letting the others some time to relax. They located themselves in a living room while looking for anything to use in such cold condition but didn't find nothing. In the living room were only Yen and Ace, while the other four finished their search and returned.

"We searched the storage rooms, sleeping quarters and nothing. It's like some ransacked the place."

Dennis said as he walks into the living room with the stranger. While Owen and Dj returned from searching the piloting room. With no luck, they had a few options left. On a pure white table, Dennis pulls out a marker from his pockets and makes a dot showing that they are in this exact location.

"Alright, so we are here and around the area. We have the ice cavern and ice mountains, but nothing else is in sight. Our best point of interest is what we have right now till the others show up. The primary goal here is to figure out who is running this place, either if it's a friend or foe."

As Dennis explained, he marked the mountains and the ice cavern on the table. It was just a matter of choice on what to investigate. They all soon agree to investigate the area. The choice was to check the ice mountains while there was still daylight.

Meanwhile, back at the ship. Nix lands the ship on the ice and tries to see if she could establish communication with the other, but no response. They had no other choice except go investigate. They sent Dwight, Mora, and Spike to look around. Dwight and Spike were wearing a heavy coat with the color orange except Mora. She kept her usual clothing and wasn't bothered by the cold.

"Man... Why we needed to be on the north pole?"

Dwight asked. As he noticed Mora just walk fine without being affected by the cold.

"Stop you're nagging and come on. We need to find them before something happens."

As Mora mentioned, Dennis and the others were already on the move. Near the ice mountains. The group was driving the dome towards the mountains. Dj was the one driving while the others were ready.

"So, Dennis, can you tell me what you have done so far over that place?"

Owen asked, curious about what Dennis had done while he was gone.

"I'm good... I rather leave that for another time."

Dennis replied to Owen. Eventually Dj stopped driving and went to get the other. He found something that they all needed to see and what they saw couldn't be explained unless they saw it. They found a bunker door that was big enough to pass a tank through it.

"Is this what we were looking for?"

Dj asked. He looked at Dennis's nod while they felt something was around. Staring at the bunker door, they noticed something was coming out of the snow.

"Wait a minute, isn't that the person who ran away?"

They all said in their minds as they saw them open the bunker door and acted fast. It was a short, narrow window to get in. Everyone that was in the dome got out and went into the bunker, except Chronos.

As they entered the bunker and lay low, they saw that the person who they followed was not alone. More people with the same aspect yet different animals that made them unique in their own way.

Trying to come up with a plan in the middle of the situation. Dennis cast a cloaking spell that made them turn invisible to the others but can see one another who was affected by the spell.

In silence, they all went in a straight line, entering a room that was like a military facility. Weapons, vehicles, equipment of all sorts were being made here. Like they expected a war to happen.

"What the hell is all this... With this kind of firepower... They could take down a full nation if they wanted..."

Dennis said in a low town voice. As they kept going. They find a door that was wide open found that it was a central room where people did their trading's and all sorts. It left them in confusions since they believed something that is big scaled like this could lead to something. But as they step in, people noticed their presence and looked at them.

At this moment, they knew that Dennis's cloaking magic was gone. The people all around armed themselves to apprehend them.

"So much for plan stealth."

Dj said as he punched a person away.

"Well, if you think about, stealth wasn't my strong point back in the day..."

A person then went for Dennis. Holding an axe in hand. As the person went for a swing, but the stranger that disarmed the person and punched them in the neck soon interrupted it. They soon then ran with the axe.

"There she goes. You should have let me shoot them when I had the chance!"

Owen said, as he was shooting people that got even close to them. Buying enough time for a plan.

"Okay then, divide and conquer. Everyone splits up. I'm going after the stranger and whatever you do. Don't mess around that much!"

Dennis then went charging into a wave of enemies, clearing a path by using Sin as his chosen weapon. With one strike, rows of enemies went down. Leaving an opening for the others to follow.