
The shadows (1)

An hour passes while Spike is unconscious. They have him locked in the secret room in the office. Everyone that took part of bringing Spike back were waiting for Dennis to think of a way to bring him back to his senses. Dennis was sitting in the desk chair looking at some documents. Owen and Dwight holding down the door. Donte was looking out the window while Dj was standing in front of the desk.

"So... Let me get this straight... Spike has been converted to be one of our enemies and the guy that did it went missing?"

Dj asked. Everyone else nodded at him.

"This is unbelievable... There has to be something that we can do to bring him back!!"

Dj said. At that moment, Dennis standed up from his chair and tossed away the documents.

"Look... The only way to get him back is by mind control or mind jack."

Dennis said to Dj.

"What the hell is a mind jack?"

Dj asked.

"It means getting inside his mind and see the problem."

Owen said to Dj. They all then looked at the door after hearing the slightest noise in the doorknob.

"Come in."

Dennis said. Giving permission to the person in the other side of the door. As the door was opened, they all saw that it was Lota and had her medical kit in hand.

"Alright! Who needs some healing!?"

Lota asked. She saw that Dennis had his burn marks again and quickly went over to him to check on his burns.

"Dennis... Show me your hands..."

Lota said. Dennis then got nervous and showed his hands. She saw that the burn marks are almost healed, but his hands are a bit damaged.

"No more fire magic from you!! If you keep this up, you will get seriously hurt!!"

"Well then... Dj, you in charge. If you need something just ask."

Dennis said. He then placed his gun on the desk and walked out of the room along with Lota. As they all saw this. They wondered what to do with the gun.

"Well... What should we do?"

Dwight asked. They all then looked at Dj. He was the one currently in charge and was nervous after seeing the gun.

"Alright... Since Dennis is out of commission for a few days... I'll be in charge. First order of business shall be helping out Spike."

Dj said. Owen then caught interest and walked towards him.

"Hey, is there some that can help us here?"

Owen asked. Dj then was thinking the same thing for a moment. Then he figured out who can help them in this situation, but they need to contact someone from the other world.

"Actually... Let me call someone."

Dj said. He then pulled out his phone from his left pocket and was looking around his contacts. He scrolled down rapidly until he found the name and pressed the call icon. As he called the person, Dj noticed that he activated a video call by accident.

"Oh boy..."

Dj said to himself. The person who he called was Nix. She ended answering and Dj saw her in her lab wearing a white lab coat.

"Dj? I'm surprised that you even called me today. Do you need something?"

Nix asked. She avoided the formalities due that she was busy doing something.

"Well... We actually need your help with something..."

Dj said. At that moment Nix heard him. She quickly ended the video call and a portal appeared right behind Dj. It surprised everyone that made them go in their guards. They then saw Nix walk out of the portal with her hands up.

"Relax guys, I am here to help."

Nix said. The guys then lowered their weapons, but Dj ended up picking up Dennis's gun that was on the desk.

"Follow me."

Dj said to Nix. She followed him to the secret room inside the office. As they both entered, they saw Spike tied up on a chair and was blind folded.

"Dj... What the hell did you do!?"

Nix asked. She quickly went towards Spike, but as soon as she got closer to him, she felt a malicious presence that stopped right on the spot.

"We found him like this a few hours ago... We had to tie him up to keep him under control for now while thinking of a solution to bring him back."

Dj said to Nix.

"Tell me... Has he shown any kind of body changes lately?"

Nix asked.

"Two days ago, Spike body changed after consuming black ice. His body reverted back to normal, but his arms were stained in black. Yesterday, we had an encounter with the enemy, and they took him and stole something from Dennis while today we found him like this..."

Dj said. He then looked down and closed his eyes. Regretting that he could have done more before acting.

"This is fine... I can fix him..."

Nix said. She then turned around and looked at Dj with a tear coming out from her right eye. Nut during the middle of her talk. Spike was awake and was able to hear everything.

"Leave... You can't fix what was already done..."

Spike said to Nix.

"Dj... Can you give me like, five hours of alone time with Spike?"

Nix asked Dj. She looked at him and saw that he was being nervous.


Dj said to Nix. He then walked out of the room and left Nix alone with Spike. Once he got out. Everyone heard Spike screaming in pain. At that moment, Dwight walked up to Dj and was wondering was going on.

"Hey! What the heck is happening in there!?"

Dwight asked.

"Don't worry... She has it under control..."

Dj said to Dwight. He then sat down on the desk chair and was waiting for the time to pass.

Meanwhile, Dennis was being examined by Lota in the kitchen. She was inspecting his arms and legs after he returned from the simulation.

"Your burns haven't gotten too serious from the looks of it, but you need to go to a hospital."

Lota said to Dennis.

"I already told you, I am not going to a hospital. If the enemy is still around, I won't go."

Dennis said. He then sat down, slightly frustrated. Wondering what his next move would be after what happened today.

"Then why don't you take the enemy back to the other world!?"

Lota asked. Dennis looked at her and closed his eyes. He understood the question, but it was to annoy for him to give a straight face.

"Because we don't know how... If I knew away, I would have done it, but I think the answer lies within this..."

Dennis said to Lota while pulling out a bright red star from his right pocket.

"That's strange... I never seen something like this before..."

Lota said. It then caught Dennis attention for a moment.

"Wait, do you know something similar to this?"

"Yes... My mother used to tell me stories about the stars..."

Lota said. Dennis then caught interest on hearing the story, but he felt surge of magical energy building up on the second floor. It even forced him to look up.

"What in the god damn world is going on up there...?"

Dennis asked himself. He left the kitchen and Lota followed him back to his office. As they got closer, Dennis felt that something wasn't right. He immediately kicks the door open and sees everyone looking down.

"Can one of you explain what the hell is going on!?!"

Dennis asked. No one was able to muster up the courage to answer him. Dennis looked at everyone and was able to see that they are regretting their actions.


Dennis said in a low tone voice after realizing what was going on. He quickly rushes to secret room and moves Owen that was blocking the way. As he opened the door. He saw Nix down on the floor, half tired after using so much magic.

"Nix? What the hell is going on?"

Dennis asked her. She couldn't respond. He then looked at Spike he was still tied up on the chair, but something seemed out of place. Dennis walks towards Spike and takes off the blind fold and noticed that his eyes were glowing.

"You mind locked him...? That shouldn't be possible..."

Dennis said. He understood what Nix was doing to his friend, but it comes with a great consequence. A spell that can freeze someone's mind, but it leads them to roam without an end in their minds.

"I had to do it... I don't know why you haven't done it yourself... You know all this spells... Dennis..."

Nix said.

"That is true..."

Dennis said. He immediately pulls out his book and the star show up next to it.

"But you just gave me an idea, and it's a terrible one."

Dennis said to Nix. He quickly grabbed the star and felt power flow through his body. It then took control over Dennis. The star then forced Dennis cast a spell. It began separating Spike in to two. One that was the original while the second was his corrupted form, but he was pale. After that, Dennis was able to gain control over his body and saw the two Spikes in front of him.

"Dennis... What have you done now?"

Nix asked. She saw everything happen in a blink of an eye.

"I'm not sure, but I believe I found our problem."

Dennis said. Nix and Dennis saw Spike go back to his senses. He was acting normal until he saw an exact copy of himself on the ground.

"Dennis, what did you do?"

Spike asked. He looked at Dennis, doubting his current actions.

"Split the current you, bringing you back to normal but now we have a corrupted you on floor."

Dennis said to Spike. It was a clear explanation that even Nix was able to understand. But as soon as Dennis gave out his explanation. The other Spike started to stand up.

"Well then, I believe we don't need to get acquainted here so let's cut to the chase..."

Dennis said to the other Spike.

"You gave me freedom, for that I'm thankful. But I follow my own path, and I want to cause pain."

The other Spike said. He then didn't take long to catch up to speed, but he immediately activated his shadow mode and two dragon heads appeared on him.

"None of you will survive... The end is inevitable..."

The other Spike said.

"You just challenged the wrong person pall..."

Dennis said with a smile. He was confident, but he was aware of what could happen.

"Then I'll see you soon while this world gets destroyed..."

The other Spike said. Then his body was covered in its own shadow. It then vanished to somewhere else. After that happened, Dennis untied Spike and gave Nix a hand. Once walked out the room. Everyone was glad that Spike was alright.

A few hours pass. Dennis finished explaining everything to everyone what was happening. Now it just a matter to discuss the next plans.

"Okay, we need to hunt down the future Dj and the other Spike. They are capable of teaming up to gather enemy forces to send an onslaught."

Dennis said to everyone. They all understood what could happen and they didn't bother stopping Dennis discussion.

"We are limited to a few options but we this is a fight that we can't back out. Take out nests before it hatches, and their numbers will drop. If no one has nothing to say, then let's get to work."

Dennis said. He then extended his right arm and Obliviona appeared in his hand. Everyone else got their weapons ready except for the kids. They stayed behind with Mora while the others deal with nests.