
The ruler of the kingdom (part 3)

As Dennis and Sara were on their way to the mountains, they managed to get out of the town to take the path that leads to where they want to go. They couldn't help the feeling that something was following them. Dennis stopped to make sure of what he was sensing was either an ns or an unknown entity.

"Hey, why did you stop?" Sara asked.

"Something ain't right..." Dennis said.

He then proceeded to inspect the area, but a sudden tremor didn't give him enough time. Sara noticed a crack on the ground under Dennis right foot. She had to do something to get him out of there.

"Dennis, whatever you do... don't panic." Sara said.

Dennis suddenly looked at the ground and saw the crack. The only thing that came to his mind was to jump but his body was frozen in fear. He knew that something was coming and he needed to move fast.

"I think I'm beyond the point of panic..." Dennis said.

He was going to pull out his gun but didn't found it in his pockets. He checked his front pockets, back pockets and coat pockets, and he still hasn't found it. Then Dennis thought it over in his head and aimed his left arm at the ground.

"Sara, just keep going. Ill catch up once I get out of this situation." Dennis said.

"Alright! Ill try my best to find them!" Sara said.

She ran towards the mountains as she leaves Dennis behind to deal with his current problem.

"Come on... You know that I can feel you waiting for the moment... So bring it!"

Dennis started to cast a normal fireball. He felt something was coming and he was ready to face it. As it was getting closer, the crack was getting bigger till the point that it could have been a giant pit trap. Then he noticed that it was getting dark all of a sudden.

"Wait a second. There was no for cast of a cloudy day." Dennis said.

Then he looked at the sky and saw something dropping in fast. Dennis pointed the fireball at the sky and let it go. As the fireball was about to make contact. Whatever the thing that was approaching stopped the fireball and the one from the ground emerged. Sending Dennis up into the air. He could see what was he dealing with. He saw a creature with massive claws while the other one was the bird that he saw.

"Both ns...? Ok this is going to far enough." Dennis said.

He then realized that he was still going up as he passed by the ns. He got a clear altitude. Perfect to perform an area attack to target both ns. Dennis pulled out his baton with his right hand while he had casted a black fireball with his left.

"Hey! Don't loose track of your pray!!"

Dennis started to descend at full speed at the bird ns. It knew about Dennis as soon as he got close. The ns tried to move out of the way but Dennis was faster. Dennis landed on the back the head and strike it hard with the baton that made the ns blackout. It started descend on to the other ns. Dennis had his fireball ready. So he jumped on ahead and used his own momentum to be ahead.

"Oh no you don't!'

Dennis saw the other ns trying to burrow down. He knew that he had only one chance to strike hard. At first he was considering how much terrain would be affected, but it didn't matter if he let the ns escape. Dennis placed his left hand at front to increase its impact. The ns looked at Dennis as it used its giant claws to block. When Dennis saw the attempt on blocking his attack. He immediately snapped.

"That wont work!"

Dennis left eye started to glow. As he approached, his left arm started to ignite to give more power to his current attack. When it made contact, it started to absorb the ns as the ground turned into a giant pit trap.

"I did not plan this thru..."

Dennis said. He then got collided by the other ns and fallen into the pit trap. As they started to fall. Dennis let go of the fireball to use the explosion to get out of the pit. The other by ns was being absorbed the fireball.


Dennis realized that the fireball could detonate by it self at any moment. He got him self into a position that the blast could send him flying. Once he did, the fireball detonated and the explosion sent him flying out of the pit. As he was out, he felt the presence of another ns. He looked at the direction of the mountains and noticed a shadow emerging.

"At this rate I'm going end up passing out if the ns keep showing up..."

Dennis aimed put his hands on his coat pockets and used the gust of wind to his advantage. He had a nice steady flow on gliding to the moments. After a short time in the air. He noticed an opening past by the mountains and saw pink dot slowly moving.

"Oh, so thats the way up..."

Dennis looked at the other side of the mountain and saw an opening in the forest. It had a lake so he could easy land in it to brake his fall. But he was overthinking it, after another look at the same spot. He noticed that someone was near the lake. Dennis took a deep breath then released the air inside of him.

"This can only work once..."

Dennis stopped himself from gliding by taking out his hands. He started to fall since he didn't had no control, he turned around aimed with his left hand to use one of his blast.

Meanwhile on the lake... There where two girls trying to look for something. One of them had blue hair while the other one had blond hair.

"Say, don't you think something happened with those explosions?" The girl with the blue hair said.

"Nah, that's probably some youngsters using fire works." The girl with the blond hair said.

While they started to look at the sky. They noticed that something was heading towards the lake.

"Wait is that a... oh no, Silvia get down!!"

The girl with the blond hair tackled Silvia. To get her our of the way. They heard a giant splash that it could be heard from the mountain. It even caused a rainbow.

"Thank you Zach"

Silvia said. Once they both standed up they noticed something floating at the lake. They took a closers look and noticed that it was a guy. That guy was none other than Dennis.

When they took him out of the water. He immediately opened his eyes and looked at a girl with blue hair that was Silvia and the one with blond hair that was Zach.

"Am I dead? Because I didn't expect to see you two hang out so normally..."

Dennis finally passed out. His body couldn't handle the impact from landing on the water. They tried to bring him back to his senses but Sara arrived out of the blue to see what happen.

"What happened to him?!"


Silvia and Zach got shocked since Sara was breathing heavily as she started to look at Dennis. She noticed that Dennis was out cold.

"Zach, can you carry him? We need to go see Selest." Sara said.

"Sure but why do we need to go see the queen?" Zach asked.

"Because... Dennis has something to ask her."

Zach looked at Dennis and couldn't believe that it was actually him. Even Silvia was surprised for his return. They both understand that this an important situation.

"Ok lets go! Silvia we can look for that thing later!"


Zack was carrying Dennis on her back, as they all ran on their way to the capital. The entrance wasn't far. They made just in time to take a quick brake. Before guards could should up. They showed them id's and had to cover for Dennis with a story that its a relative that came to visit. Once the guards left Dennis woke up.

"Are we in...?"

They all nodded at Dennis.

"You guys can go on ahead. I need some time to think about on what I'm going to say."

The girls left Dennis alone and continued to see Selest. Dennis was thinking about the other ns that was showing up but he cleared his mind and went onward with his objective. Things could have went for the worst if it played this wrong. But he knew what he had to do as he kept going into the capital.

Hello. I would like to thank you for reading this story! I would appreciate it if you, the reader, let know what you think of this story in the comments or a review. I hope you enjoy this chapter and the next one coming!

DjxCarmacreators' thoughts