
The ruler of the kingdom (final)

Dennis was on his way to enter the capital. He was being indecisive about either to warn everybody or not do anything at all. When he realized what must be done, he closed his fists and took a step forward.

"I'm going to hate this day..." Dennis said.

He said that due to that he has to see Selest. She was the only one that can respond the only question that Dennis needed but he wasn't going to be able to get in easily. Dennis was stopped by two guards that didn't gave him access into the capital. One guard was standing in the right and the other one was standing on the left.

"Can you two kind sirs step aside?" Dennis asked politely.

"No we cannot, we going to need your name and id." The guard standing on the left asked.

Dennis looked straight at the guard as he felt like he already seen him before. He pulled out his baton as both soldiers pulled out their swords.

"Alright gentlemen, ill say this in another way. Get the hell out of the way or we going to have consequences."

The guards ignored what Dennis said. Then he realized that he was fairly known in this place. He put the baton away and tried to gave out an act.

"This is clearly not our day. I'm going to have to make a report later and let Selest know that I got late."

The guards looked at each other. As they began to become worried for who Dennis. They both moved out of the way to allow Dennis to enter the capital.

"Well that was easy... Now time to settle this."

Dennis snapped his fingers and rift showed up in front of him. He was wondering why he didn't used this before. But he figured that it could be Heartless that was nearby. When he entered he was walking on a hallway that was pitch black with a light at the other side.

Meanwhile in the center of the capital. The place that Selest was staying. Everyone was waiting for Dennis to show up but his other versions had a few questions to make. They all walked towards the throne that Selest was sitting at. She had an emerald green color hair and was dressed on a white dress. X was the first to make a question as he kneels.

"Selest, I need a team to fix my ship. It received mayor damage and we don't know how long it will take if it just us." X said.

Selest was thinking to accept his request or denied it. While she was thinking she wanted something in return.

"Ill send fixing crew, just give me a week to get it ready while in return. I want to know everything that happened." Selest said.

X didn't wanted to give out information but he had no other option. But he realized that he could use someone as bait.

"You have a deal but I'm not going to be the one giving you answers. But he will."

X pointed at Heartless. Heartless opened a rift and noticed that Dennis was in it. All of the other versions of him got imposition while the top leads stayed in the meddle. When Dennis got out. He saw F and X standing in the middle while the others standed on the right side while he saw his friends on the left side.

"Selest, did you call me in about a week? Because I have a few things in mind that I want to say to you!" Dennis immediately got mad.

He then immediately pulled out his phone and plugged it to X.

"What are you doing?" Selest asked.

"I'm just going to show you something that is from part of our concerns right now."

Dennis was showing a total of five pictures. The first picture was Farion when he found it in outside in his world. The second one was about the gate he found in the simulation. Dennis stopped right there to explain.

"As you can see. We have encountered this entity known as Farion and during the same time this gate appeared. We don't know the reason or purpose of the gate. But the next thing ill show you is a different problem."

Dennis began to show the next remaining pictures. The third picture was Amaltus. The fourth picture was the girl he found while last picture was the shadow he saw before crashing on the lake.

"This guy right here is Amaltus. For some reason he knows who I am but I don't. Then this is the girl I was asked to find. Never got the name so I want to know when get in agreement. And to top it off. I spotted a shadow being formed near the mountains. Now I want answer to the next following question so think carefully."

Dennis said. He was getting straight at the point when he said all that. Then he unplugged his phone from X and he started to act as if he was high. As Selest started to think. She was trying to figure out what would Dennis question be. But as soon she took a glance at Dennis, she felt that he was about to ask for a fight.

"What would you like to ask?" Selest asked.

"One, I want to you to bring and tell me who is the girl I rescued. And two, what happened to me when I left?" Dennis asked.

Selest was trying to build the courage to tell Dennis what happened to him. She was going to use an excuse to avoid the topic but Dennis saw right thru her.

"You know what... Just forget it." Dennis said.

He then turned around to go back into the rift that Heartless opened.

"Wait!" Selest said.

Dennis stop from entering the rift. He turned around to hear what Selest wanted to say.

"Look, I know you want answers... But I don't think I can answer all of them. We can tell you what we know and who you are. You truly are the Dennis that we all know. But when you left, we never heard from you by the time you left two years ago. The only thing that we can say is you left with Claire and Dj and that's all that I got to say."

Selest told of what currently know. But Dennis felt that something was missing. He then kneeled down to explain why he wanted answers.

"You see... The reason why I'm asking is because I didn't remember anything. But during my entire experience today. I was able to remember everyone. Until now I just wanted to make something clear."

Dennis stood up and called out Obliviona. He then stabbed the floor and looked at Selest straight in the eyes.

"I like to declare that I Dennis the menace will be returning as active leader of the GDXS and commander of your imperial guard."

The other versions of Dennis smiled at him with confidence while his friends looked at him in shock. Selest was glad that Dennis was going to return back to her. But she wanted to make something clear.

"So, where is Dj and Claire? Are they on their way or are they a sleep?" Selest said.

Dennis looked at her with a blank stare that Wulf had to step in carry him out. The other versions of him went out as well. The only ones that stayed behind were F, X and Neko D. F was the most reasonable one among the nine.

"You see, we have a small problem. The cat opened a portal that allowed us to get here. We have lost most parts of the ship while relocating at the house in this world. And we need to establish communication with the others."

By all that. They only wanted is to establish communication. Selest agreed to help by all that. With no words to be said. They all left to do their own things. As everyone made it back to the house. Wulf placed Dennis on the couch and Kuo tossed a bucket of water at him.

"Thanks for bringing back my senses."

Dennis said as he pulled out his phone, he set the picture of the shadow at the screen.

"Ok, the ns activity here is crazy. Like we need to keep tasks here while fighting at the same time." Dennis said.

"Then why don't we set three teams?" Kuo suggested.

Everyone could agree to it but X didn't want to be part of it since he needs to fix and install most of the stuff at the house.

"I think its obvious how the teams are going to be and called..." Eve said.

Dennis, F and Heartless went to one side of the living room. Kuo, Wulf and Neko D went to one of the corners while Dark and Eve stayed together. By that on the next day they decided to agree on a team name since they had to hold on the fort for awhile.

Hello. I would like to thank you for reading this story! I would appreciate it if you, the reader, let know what you think of this story in the comments or a review. I hope you enjoy this chapter and the next one coming!

DjxCarmacreators' thoughts