
The other three

Dennis was on his way to the beach to find a bit of silence to think of a way to locate the missing 3 in such a short notice, as he was parking the scooter near some palm trees, he looked for a place to lie down and rest for the morning as he walked on a small path that lead to one of the private spot that are hard to find.

"How da hell I'm going to find someone out of the blue as if they had a rare touch of the description, I need to find..."

Dennis laid down on a flattened rock near some palm trees looking at the sea. It was so beautiful that it was perfect to enjoy it with someone, but in luck someone joined Dennis that he even sensed someone's presence.

"If you're here to ask me to move the scooter, then forget it."

Dennis dint tried to look whoever was near him since it seemed pointless until he felt something sitting on his lap. He felt that this spot belonged to the person that was bothering him, so he sat normally to see who it was.

"No way..."

Dennis couldn't believe that the person who he was looking for found him, a small human with a cattail, it was the same size of 3-year-old child.

"Neow." It was the only it can say since it was like talking to a baby that just learned its first words.

"You must be the other me... Generation self... you look a lot like me and the clothing is very detailed in character."

It amazed Dennis on how detailed his generation was dressed even so it had a cat tail the only problem is on how to name it.

"Hmm... you're a half cat, looks a lot like me... I shall call you Neko D."

It wasn't a brilliant name, but it fitted perfectly into its nature that Dennis' new companion stand on his head to dance for celebration. Dennis looked at the time and it still seemed early, betting as well if the others woken up he had a move prepared to wake them up.

"I should start getting home, c'mon you need to meet everyone else."

Dennis took Neko D back to the house for other plans in preparations for the great day. As time passed, X wondered where Dennis was heading to such early in the morning.

"Did he go to eat breakfast?"

Dark and Kuo laughed since they know where Dennis went to.

"Speak up before I force you to speak!"

X was mad and salty for not knowing where Dennis went to that he was 30s away from pulling out a gun that made Dark panic.

"Chill man! He just went to the beach!"

"It isn't like he got captured or something."

X was infuriated for them to have not realized how weak Dennis is since he wasn't at full potential.

"He could be in danger as we speak! That boy doesn't know what to do here since he drifted away from violence!"

Once X turned around to see the fence entrance, he saw something coming straight at his face that made contact and bounced on to Dark's lap.

"Who is this cute little guy and why does it have a cat tail?"

Before everyone could realize it, Dennis entered and grabbed Neko D to curl him into a ball and putted him in the nearest air canon.

"Everyone stand back, I'm going to wake them up."

Dennis putted on some shades, started aiming and fired Neko D into the room where mostly everyone was sleeping in.


Neko D crashed into the window, bouncing around making everyone panic in the room, making them fall and take minor damage. Owen was already awake and opened the door to see that everyone was on the floor being tea bagged by a small human.

"A small human with a cat tail, yep, that's normal."

30 minutes passed for everyone get ready to sit down in the living room for X's presentation. He had a tablet on his hands to move the screen to show what his going to explain.

"Good morning everyone, hope that yawl slept properly and excuse my friend on waking you up."

Dennis had to raise his hand since he was the culprit while Neko D was sitting on Claire's lap, while everyone was sitting down, X noticed Wulf holding all the guns from the ammunition room.

"Put them back Wulf, I sent someone to move them for me, now as I was saying, me and my friends came from different worlds, we band together to save the lives from our worlds and near destruction for example, I am normal robot until my creator took Dennis DNA to perfect me as I am now."

Dennis stand up and left the room before he could hear more about what happened since he was about to have a hard time remembering and taking full responsibility for all the things he had to do for all the suffering and joy he had to cause.

"This world is the very core of our universes, if something happens to it ours will get affected, such as wars, natural disasters, apocalypses and furthermore invasions."

Dwight tried to raise his hand since he had a question, but he asked anyway to get X's attention.

"If you guys are here, doesn't that mean that you left your worlds without no one to protect it?"

X took a deep breath and took his own glasses to chatter around it.

"We did, we had everything prepared just in case we were gone, and things turn bad we will show up to fix it but right now over one hundred problems to solve thanks to your friend."

X moved on to the next image to show everyone was happening.

"Dennis passed his will to the reality and that brought us here to settle the a score to save the entire universe from been destroyed."

Nidializ raised her hand to make a question.

"How many days do we have?" X already had an answer for that.

"Can't say, the legend that we found says that the destroyer will show up to take down the chosen, and that's when you guys are united, Dennis chose you guys for the greater good since he saw potential in your skills to build the ultimate team. So what do you say, are you in or are you out?"

Owen stood up formally to give out an answer.

"Whatever takes me out from a boring life then I'm in!"

Dwight stand up and gave Owen a fist bump to confirm that he as well is in. Dj and Claire stand up with full determination.

"Very good... so what about you? You just going to leave your friends behind on all the fun?"

X was talking about Nidializ since she was the only one missing to respond until she stand up.

"Count me out."

She left to go find Dennis to tell him about what's happening. Dennis was found in his room trying to remember what happened when he landed on the boat.

"Can this day get any worse?"

Dennis said as he heard footsteps on the other side of the door. Nidializ opened the door and locked it so no one else could enter.

"Hey... did something happen in the talk?"

"Something? I'll tell you something, X was trying to recruit us to be a part of your team to save the world, and I told him that I won't be part of it."

Dennis gave a sigh of relief and while a screen opened showing a hidden video.

"Wait a second... I told you about this before and when you interfered, I wanted to recruit you since you saw everything."

Nidializ started to laugh a bit but she was thinking if to change her decision.

"So, what's it going to be? There's going to be a lot of places to find if you join." Dennis said.

"Guess your right but are you feeling ok?"

Nidializ looked at Dennis a bit tired and before he could respond he fainted. She positioned Dennis into a sleeping position and opened the window for him and left the room to tell X that she will join.

On the next day, Dennis was still sleeping without being able to wake up, but as for everyone else, they had plans for a game night. In the middle of the morning X had the news on, and Nidializ was drawing but she stopped to overhear that they won't have classes for this semester that she quickly got out of the couch to go find her friends that are waiting in the same room looking at Dennis condition getting worse.

"Someone get me a bucket with iced water!"

Claire took off her sweater to tie it on her waist to focus on treating Dennis. Nidializ entered the room to tell everyone that they had no classes, but she didn't go on the matter at hands.

"What's going on?"

Dj had to take everyone out of the room to give Claire enough workspace as possible.

"Ima say this quick; it seems as our friend got a fever, we think it's because of all the pressure his having so we need to ask once he wakes up."

Everyone seems down until Wulf showed up with a list of things for party preparations.

"Can you guys get some of these things for me? Today it's a very important day."

They all agreed on helping for the preparations for the party. Hours passed after that event, everyone was making preparations for game night while Claire and Dj had to stay behind to look out for Dennis that was still sleeping to end up back in the void of dreams. As the preparations were going smoothly, Nidializ was in charge of the games. She was accompanied by Neko D that wanted to get a game for Dennis. They entered a store to get some board games that were next to a video game store.

"What is that cat taking so long...?"

Neko D was taking a lot of time to get a game, but as time passed a stranger walked up to Nidializ to ask a question.

"Excuse me, young lady, but do you know that small child?"

Nidializ look back into the store to see Neko D getting out of the store with the game on its hands.

"If you're talking about this guy, I can tell you, but you need to tell me in return."


The guy said while he sat down on a nearby bench in front of the store. Neko D stands on top of Nidializ, holding on to a sign with his name, then the stranger introduced himself.

"Keep it a secret from your friend, the names Dennis, but you can call me F.D to make a difference."

Neko D took F.D's coat off to show the marks of his right arm to Nidializ. She got shocked on the mark started to have a neon glow to it but.

"Neow, neow, neow!"

"What do you mean I need to leave?!"

Neko D was staring deep into F.D's eyes while he was holding on to his shirt.

"I know what you are doing, I'll be back when I'm done with my task and don't tell Dennis that I'm here."

As F.D left, Dennis was entering the void of dreams, he was walking since he passed out searching for the gate to get out of here but there was another purpose of why he is back and its to find one of the other members.

"I swear if I have to find this guy in the exit, he is going to ow me one on my birthday."

On his way, Dennis entered the dream world without going thru the gate, he quickly walked fast to the exit and grabbed Nezaron that was waiving at him.


Dennis was beyond conversation of reasoning at the moment that he was looking at Nezaron with a death stare.

"F-fine... a guy named Heartless was waiting for you to since you left."

Dennis' death stare intensifies while looking at Nezaron directly to the eyes until he felt the presence of the person named Heartless.

"Da heck? He looks like me, but his body is made from darkness." Dennis said.

"So you knew!?!"

Nezaron said as he kept looking back and forth at Dennis and Heartless.

"Of course, I had to get him out from the realm of shadows. He was like my favorite alt back in the day."

Dennis gave a hand to Heartless to help him stand up to get out of the dream world. Heartless body was so fragile that Dennis picked him up to carry him out of here. Back in the house, Claire was doing everything to get Dennis' temperature to go down. She took a moment to rest looking at the door until Dennis opened his eyes saying something.

"Is it morning...?" Dennis asked as he tried to get up.

"Dennis?" Claire stands up to help Dennis get up from the bed to help him get some fresh air.

"Was I out for an entire day...?"

Dennis asked since he felt that his body is tired that he can't barely move.

"You fainted hard right there..."

Claire hugged Dennis, trying to comfort him as she was trying to make him sit down on the balcony to look at the beautiful sky.

"Isn't this relaxing for you Dennis?"

"Yea... hope this won't be the last time we see it..."

Dj entered the balcony with a bucket, he was prepared for every case of an emergency when he saw Dennis resting on Claire's lap.

"Everything under control?" Dj asked.


Dwight kicked the door to tell everyone to head downstairs to the party, Claire had to put Dennis down near a wall so he can sleep comfortably for the time been.

Meanwhile, in one of the far islands that somehow was discovered, it had an advanced tech building with a lot of security and a lot of robot guards. This was one aim that someone needs to destroy, and it was the place where the person was preparing the things to destroy the world.

"Stalker! Did you grab the intel that I requested to retrieve from that boy?"

"Yes boss, it was really easy."

The guy that was Stalkers boss never revealed his face, but he pressed a button that revealed Farion's body. The boss had plans with it as well he had a specific book that had no title that would be great for Dennis' team. It triggered the security as someone was invading to start an attack.

"Let's see... pretty base you have here M, it will be a matter of time before I destroy it."

They overheard it over the speaker. M, known as the boss of who brings the end of the world, was experimenting called Nightmare Shadows, as well called NS after understanding its nature.

"I knew this day would come; Stalker go play with him."

"Yes, boss."

Stalker left the room as M was preparing the escape coordinates. As F.D was taking a small walk by the entrance, he was seen by the guards as they moved and automatic turrets aiming at his head. He felt the adrenaline course thru his body.

"Let the fun begin!"

F.D's eyes glowed crimsoned red as he was preparing his fist for combat. The first guard came at him, but he already punched the first guard and grabbed the baton the guard was holding.

"This should be good..."

F.D rushed at the other guards, hitting them hard on the head as if he was executing them one by one until he had to focus on with the turrets, he grabbed another baton and tossed it at full speed to spin to destroy them.

"That was easy."

He got closer to the entrance until he saw someone waiting for him.

"Aw, you shouldn't have waited for me stalker." F.D said.

"Doesn't matter you won't be able to pass this."

Stalker vanished as he was creating a shadow wall that was calling out an NS.

"Shadow wall and a heavy NS... just too easy..."

F.D took off his jacket to let his right arm release its power. From a distance, a laser cannon was being armed and changed directions to F.D's location, charging a shot.

"Enhanced reload!"

F.D arms seemed as if he was changing gears, moved to a stance to swing, and charged it more.

"Final stance attack 3: Rail cannon!!"

A blast came from far away, breaking the wall and destroying the NS. As F.D turned around to leave, he heard the sorrows of despair from the NS creating its own soldiers.

"Oh, it is on..."

F.D punched the ground to pull out a bazooka, he jumped back to gain some running distance to focus on the spots that he needs to shoot.

"I'm going to send you all back to the far plane."

F.D started to give a running start, then jumped to fire at the pin pointed targets that costed four rounds, he tossed away his bazooka to hit an air slam on the ground to switch attack mode.

"Blade sync formation active."

F.D cut down the NS with his hand one by one until he reached the core of it all.

"Orbital strike... overloaded!!"

A satellite in space was charging up a blast on F.D's location to destroy the island, he quickly left to head to X house as the entire world felt a small tremble and without the government or military knowing about the incident. F.D lighted up a smoke after he returned to the main land and tossed it in to the sky while seen the building burn in the distance.