
The Nightmare Gateway and Beyond (Final)

While Dennis was looking at the gate. He felt something was wrong. He then looked down at the guards and noticed that they were making a bigger defense.

"Alright... I guess it's show time..."

Dennis said. He then zipped up his coat and putted on his hoodie and slid off the cliff.

Meanwhile, down in the camp. Dj and Spike made it and noticed that all the soldiers were still building up a defense. Tents colored in with and green slowly falling off because of the wind while the last remaining soldiers approached Dj and Spike.

"You two must leave now."

The soldier in the middle said.

"Out of the way pal, Dennis sent us here to stand guard, and he is really mad at you guys so better move it."

Dj said to the soldier. He then grabbed the soldier's sword and snapped it as if it was a stick. The soldiers then got out of the way. Leaving an open path for Dj and Spike to follow.

"Is Dennis really mad at them?"

Spike asked. He had his head tilted while looking at Dj.

"Yeah... The castle was empty when we woke up, and I feel on whoever is behind this must be up to no good."

Dj said. He then looked up and saw that the gate was the same one he saw in the dream world with Dennis.

"Hey, no matter what happens. We always have each other's back."

Spike said. He then had his fist ready for a fist bump. He carelessly aimed it at Dj while having eyes on the gate and Dj responded to the fist bump.

"Then let's do this!"

Dj said out loud. As his voice echoes around the area. The gate opened its doors to reveal an endless hallway of darkness and from within it. The only thing that they all heard was footsteps. Slowly getting louder with each step.

The soldiers were shaking in fear, and they couldn't get their guard up properly. Dj and Spike saw this and stepped up. As they went through the group of soldiers, they took a leap of fate to stand in the front lines.


Dj called out his weapon and ended up punching the ground. Causing a massive tree to grow behind him and it pushed away the soldiers into their camp.

Celeste and Sally saw all this, and they ended up losing sight of Dennis. They couldn't say anything from the commotion while the footsteps got even louder.

"Who the heck is coming out?"

Spike asked. He looked inside the gate and saw a miasma coming out of it.

"Who ever it is... Is best to not take em easy..."

Dj said. He then looked at the gate and saw a red light coming out. They both got quickly into a fighting stance while waiting for their opponent.

Meanwhile, Dennis made it to the camp. As he saw the soldiers coward in fear. He only felt disappointed that the soldiers he used to lead before couldn't stand up to fight.

"It's a shame that things have come to this... So why don't ya give us a show... Amaltus..."

Dennis said out loud. Then two hands came out of the gate. As the hands came out, Owen saw all this and was sitting in the commander's chair.

"Alright! Let's get moving!!"


As the ship was taking a course at the gate. Dj and Spike took charge into the gate to face Amaltus. But as they got in, the only thing they saw was someone standing still, waiting for an approach.

"Wait, is that Amaltus?"

"Yeah... I remember that black mask and suit from anywhere..."

Dj said. He quickly recognized Amaltus mask. They shaped as nearly as it was human, but the eyes had red glass, making it hard to see the reactions. Then they stooped before they could get even close to Amaltus.

"What's the matter? You seeing a ghost?"

Amaltus asked. He then took a step forward with open arms. But he then heard another set of footsteps heading in his direction. Dj and Spike turned around and saw Dennis walking towards them with his weapon already in his right hand.

"Let's go all out from the start!!"

Dennis said. He then took off his hoodie and went directly charging at Amaltus with his sword, prepared for a direct strike.

"A forward charge? Shouldn't you be discussing a plan with your friends?"

"We already worked on it..."

Dennis said in a low tone of voice and his face expression changed. He was taking this fight seriously from the start. Amaltus took a step back to avoid the first hit, but Dj was following up behind Dennis and he had a better hit reach than Dennis. At that same time, the ship came in and Amaltus couldn't stop it.

"You... This was your plan all along!?! I won't allow it! None of ya'll will make it across!!"

At that very moment. Amaltus's words reached Dennis, Dj and Spike and they all felt something strange going on.

"Your on!"

They all said to Amaltus. Dennis was first in line to attack. He approached Amaltus with a simple swing of his sword, but Amaltus dodged in time. Dj then came in from Dennis right and punched Amaltus in the face with his left fist. Then Spike came in as fast as lighting and grabbed Amaltus by the collar and pinned him down on the ground.

"Spike! Keep the flow going! We taking this to the other side!"

"Got it!!"

As Dennis told Spike to keep it going. He quickly lifted Amaltus up and Dj came in and punched Amaltus to keep the movement going. Dennis then aimed his hand and sent a black fire ball with his left hand.

"Time for a gun and run guys!"

Dennis said. He then took the lead and called off his weapon to charge in with his right fist.

"You better think twice!!"

Amaltus said to them all. He quickly got on his feet and clashed his hands together to turn his fists into dark flames. Dennis saw all this happen before his eyes, but it would not stop him. He quickly took off his glasses and tossed it behind him.

"Dennis! Stand behind me!"

Spike yelled out. He quickly stood in front of Dennis while Dj grabbed the glasses.


Spike called out a shield. It was colored white and had an orange cross in the center. He quickly grabbed and stood his ground in front of Dennis.

"Darkest flame!!"

As Amaltus called out his attack. The guys were going on the defensive. While Spike acted as the front guard. Dennis was the center while Dj was the support.

"Dennis grab Spike!"

Dj said to Dennis. Dennis quickly grabbed Spike with both his hands. He then used black ice on the ground. Dj then grabbed on to Dennis's coat with his right hand while he was aiming at the door with his left hand. His left hand gave out an orange glow.

"Explosive burst!!"

As Dj called out his move. A powerful explosion occurred in his left hand that gave enough firepower to propulsion themselves on to Amaltus attack.

"Nothing can't block my pure dark flames!!"

Amaltus said. Then Spike's eyes began to glow as a bright emerald green.

"Dennis, give the word."

Spike said. He was waiting for Dennis to give out the order so that they can finish this fight already.

"Let's show them what we made of!!"

As Dennis gave out the word. Spike's shield repelled the flames while Dj was giving it his all on the propulsion. As time passed by, the flames subdue, leaving a direct opening for an attack. Spike immediately tossed his shield at Amaltus and Dennis tossed his friend on to Dj.

"This is useless. Why go through such the effort to fight me as a team if you can take me on by yourself Dennis?"

"Amaltus, you don't know who I am. I'm Dennis the Menace, and I'm the only one standing in your way from destroying both worlds!!"

At that moment. Dennis's body activated shadow mode, and it vanished into the pitch black darkness. Amaltus quickly lost sight of Dennis, and he could only see Dj and Spike approaching, but he soon realized that Dennis was behind him.

"It is no use if you can't see in the dark..."

Amaltus said. Then the gate closed, leaving everything in the darkness. Suddenly everyone was looking at each other in gray scale.

"That was your biggest mistake..."

Dennis said to Amaltus. He quickly grabbed him and had a black fire ball on hand.

"No hard feelings... Let's finish this off in another time."

Dennis said to Amaltus. He quickly punched him in the face with the black fire ball. Amaltus then got sent into the darkness to never be seen again. Then Dennis used a normal fireball to signal the ship to pick them up, but as it was a vast area of darkness, there's no telling what is a floor.

"Dennis, teleport us in."

Dj said. He grabbed on to Dennis's shoulder while holding on to Spike. But before they could go, they felt something was missing. They all turned around and saw the hands coming right at them fast.

"You persistent bastard."

Dennis said. He then quickly snapped his middle finger from his right hand before the hands could quickly grab them. Inside the ship, everyone was was looking at the scanner, trying to understand how to map the area. Until Dennis showed up with Dj and Spike.

"Ship, get us out of here. We got hands behind us and we running out of time."

Dennis said. The ship then accelerated. It was the last stretch to make out, but without an exit point it was hard to figure. Until a bright white light appeared in front of them. Nobody said no words and just accepted it.

Moments later, everyone was unconsciously fine on the ship. Once they all opened their eyes, they saw the vast blue ocean, and the sky covered in gray clouds.

"We made it?"

Everyone asked themselves.

"We have made it across. You can all relax, we will land in 12 hours."

The ship said.

"Easy fights are over... Now it's time for long normal fights... Wake me up... around 24 hours..."

Dennis said he quickly passed out in his seat for the rest of the entire day. Everyone understands what has Dennis done for the past month and all the time he used to get things done and not rest. The adventure was just about to get started once everyone could get some rest.

I’m sorry if I took longer to complete and upload this chapter and being out of time limit. I was currently busy, and I was able to use my free time to finish this last chapter for this volume. I hope you all enjoy it so far, because I’ll still keep working on this story.

DjxCarmacreators' thoughts