
The nest of nightmares (2)

Thirty minutes before the echoing… Mora was on her way towards her the scream. Running by abandoned buildings and spotted one that destroyed. Rage still blinded her and the only thing she had in mind was shutting up who ever was screaming. But she wasn't the only one that was being drawn. The military had a camp set up nearby and the one in charge of the area for the night was lieutenant Luciel.

"Alright, I want this place fixed up before midnight!"

Luciel said. He then looked at his wrist and saw that the time was 10pm. Not giving enough time for the soldiers to finish. But Luciel was losing focus by the sound of the screams.

"Is there a survivor nearby…?"

Luciel asked himself. Then one of his leading soldiers walked up to him and saluted.

"Lieutenant Luciel, is there something that bothers you?"

The soldier asked.

"Is it only me or do you hear a faint screaming?"

"No sir, I hear nothing."

The soldier said to Luciel. Luciel had a bad feeling about and wanted to act fast. He then whistled and all the soldiers went to pick up their guns and stationed themselves, covering every entrance.

"I want nothing or anyone leaving or entering this place!!"

"Sir yes sir!!"

Luciel then pulled out his sidearm and headed off towards the screams. From his perspective, he saw that the area changed into an alleyway that leaded to an illuminated door.

"This day can't get any weirder..."

Luciel said to himself. He then walked towards the door and stopped in front of it. Something wasn't right, so he ended up turning around and saw Mora.

"Who are you?"

Luciel asked. Mora didn't respond. She just walked towards Luciel and moved him to the side.

"Hey! What are you doing?! You shouldn't be here!"

Luciel said to Mora. She took a deep breath and readied his right fist. Mora knew what she was doing. She then punched the door, breaking it down and went through it.

"Wait! Hold on!!"

Luciel followed and as he went in. He found himself in a baseball stadium. It was empty, but they felt that someone was there.

"Look lady, I don't know what's your deal, but you shouldn't be here."

"Can you shut up for a minute!! You are literally worse than Dennis when he gets bored!"

Mora screamed at Luciel. She was at her limit and tried to calm herself down by focusing on one thing only, revenge.

"Wait, so you know him?! Can you tell me where he is?"

Luciel asked. But before Mora could respond. They looked at the center of the stadium and saw a giant black orb spinning around.

"What in the world is that?"

Luciel asked.

"That is a nest... And a big one at most. This one probably has like a thousand ns..."

Mora said. Her expression changed from anger to calm. But something was off and only Luciel figured out.

"Wait if this is a nest... shouldn't there be like a mother guarding it?"

As soon as Luciel asked. They heard a scream echoing from above and turned their heads upwards. A giant bird with black wings was flying down and was flapping its wings hard while sending something to the ground.


Mora shouted and pushed Luciel out of the way. He ended up on the ground. She then moved back and saw black feathers that were the size of an adult land on the ground.

"Well, now we know what we are dealing with..."

"I should order my men to head here to give us an edge."

"Don't, your men don't know what to do here."

Mora said to Luciel. He then got up from the ground and pointed his sidearm at the sky.

"Then we better do something before it kills us!!"

"You want something done? Fine! I'll take care of it!"

Mora then extended her left hand and four black hands came out of her shadow. The hands then went up in the air and grabbed the bird by its neck.

"Now die!!"

Mora then moved her left hand to the side, and it sent the bird into a stadium light post. The bird then gave out a final faint scream that echoed all over the island. Over at the house. Everyone heard the scream.

"And that was for ruining my drink, you over sized bird!!"

"Okay, you must be the third person I see today that can do crazy stuff..."

Luciel said. It amazed him at what Mora just did, but she acting strange after taking out the bird.

"Hey what's wrong?"

"Remember that you asked about the guardian?"


"Well, first, the bird wasn't the guardian... Second, that is the guardian..."

Mora pointed out at the black orb. It then grew uncontrollably and covered the ground in a dark purple liquid. Luciel and Mora took a step back and tried to go back through the way they came. But the door vanished when they turned around.

"Wait, the door was here minutes ago!!"

Luciel said.

"I guess we doing this the hard way..."

Mora said. They then turned around and saw purple colored skeletons were coming out from the ground and from the orb. A man in dark gray armor with a helmet shaped like a skull appeared.

"Who the hell are you!?!"

They both asked. The man then pulled out a bone sword from the ground and pointed it at them. Giving out the order to the skeletons to attack. Mora and Luciel then fought for their lives.

Meanwhile, Dennis and Dj were on their way and picked a strong ns nearby. The area changed, turning every building white while the road was red and it was heading towards a stadium.

"Dennis, should we strategies?!"

"I don't think we got enough time!"

Dennis said. They both then took a giant leap and soared into the sky. As they were in the sky, they saw over a hundred enemies forming a circle while slowly hearing gun shots.

"What in the world is going on...?"

Dj asked.

"Whatever it is... We going to interfere..."

Dennis said. He then grabbed Dj and snapped his right middle finger and teleported to the ground. But before they could arrive. Mora and Luciel were still fighting for their lives. Mora was using her shadow hands knockdown the skeletons while Luciel was shooting them in the head, but with each one that they take down. Another one rises.

"Why do they keep appearing!?!"

Luciel said. He tried to shoot a skeleton that was approaching him, but he heard a click. No bullet came out, and he ended up tossing his sidearm to the ground and pulled out a knife with his left hand.

"Don't worry, we will find away out of this!"

Mora said to Luciel. She then punched a skeleton, and it went back up. Suddenly, Dennis and Dj showed in front of them with their weapons prepared.

Taking a this remaining week off. Uplooads starts this monday 9th of august. Going to take this few days to fix a few things.

DjxCarmacreators' thoughts