
The Meeting and the Missing

On the next day, Wulf and Dj made it back to the city to find Dennis location and he was too far so it took time. It was still nighttime, everyone else was sleeping but Dennis was awake because he was expecting something to happen, so he got out of his room to wait in the living room until someone rang the doorbell.

"Who touches a doorbell in the middle of the night?!"

Dennis opened the door and found a note to meet up at the park in 30 minutes. He was pissed off that someone was trying to pull a prank like that, but it made him more determined to go that he went to wake up everyone to wait in the living room. He passed the note on too Dwight while he was thinking.

"Was someone looking for me?"

X standed up and delivered a straight faint smack at Dennis that he automatically dodged.

"Auto evasion, we good to go to that place, I'll make sure to bring him alive."

Dennis friends got confused but knowing something could go bad Its already expected.

For the time been someone was knocking on the door again, Owen went to open it but there was no one in sight.

"They must be taking the prank too hard." Someone knocked the door again and Owen opened it but he didn't see nobody. He slammed the door in anger before something else could have happened, but he heard the doorbell again.

"Screw it! Someone else come deal with this!"

Dwight went to open the door, but he only found was a few comics laying on the ground. "Men! How did you not notice these comics!?!" Dwight said.

"How da hell should I know!?!"

Owen said as he started arguing with Dwight. Nidializ was too focused that she started to receive text messages from Dennis because the walk was too long that is complicated to make a conversation with X.

"So, care to explain why you haven't enslaved no one yet?"

X asked while he was looking on his phone.

"Bruh, I'm not a demon."

Dennis said as he putted away his phone. "Then why haven't you called for backup?" X asked again.

"If I knew that you guys were here, I could have done something but since I don't know how! I wasn't able to do nothing."

Basically the two worlds are in collisions, the one that Dennis can't remember with the one from his reality. He was trying to understand if all the dreams he was having are going to come true soon.

"Hey, do you know if there something wrong with my left eye?"

Dennis asked since his left eye was acting up again.

"What about it?"

X asked.

"It keeps emitting a slight small pain that causing me too see a few things that I shouldn't never know."

During 2016 Dennis got flashed by the sun on his left eye that was caused him to see things beyond his reality, destruction, death, visions, and even multiple situations by choices.

"Hmn... well... if you still have that then theirs a slight chance to get you're powers back after the nine of us reunite soon."

X mentioned since he knows what he is doing.

"Nine of us?"

Dennis asked. X stopped Dennis from moving forward and showed him a list of in an animated picture.

"Were supposed to be nine but it's just you and me, and if that note was left at the house that would mean that we found the third member."

X said to Dennis. Dennis started to scratch the back of his head, trying to understand all that information was more complicated to him than remembering what happened in the other world until his left eye started to act up again, gaining new data of his lost memory and about who they going to meet.

"We better hurry it up, our messenger is getting impatient."

With what Dennis said it was already happening on the waiting area. Dj was ordering two hot-dogs, one for Wulf and the other one for a stray dog that was next to Wulf on a bench.

"Are you sure his coming."

Dj noticed that it was getting late and he couldn't wait for that much time.

"They are technically nearby... you should probably head back, I can take things from here."

Dj nodded and left Wulf alone in the park, he had other things to do but he wanted to go back to the house they visited to leave the note but he took the wrong phat and ended up arriving to the beach.

"Da hell I managed to end over here?"

He turned around and saw that his phat way was different and to not risk it he decided to stay at the beach for the night. X and Dennis were just around the corner to reach the park, Dennis was exhausted from walking to realize what X dint do.

"X... you have a car, right?"

Dennis asked.

"Yea. What about it?"

X said as his eyes widen up.


Dennis screamed at X with rage as he started to laugh because of the situation but he won't make the same mistake next time after they just entered the park.

The first step they make, and they felt everything move slowly, but the nerve of someone been behind them made them restore the time flow as quickly as possible. In such a panic, Dennis ended up falling on the ground while X entered in his guard position after pulling out a gun.

"Wow, wow, wow, take it easy man."

X lowered his weapon and gave Dennis a hand up.

"Ok... Let me guess, your half werewolf?"

Dennis already realized because of his K9 sense of smell that even X marked it on the list.

"Yea and I'm here to test my strength to the strongest fighter!"

Without a doubt, Wulf started to rush at Dennis with a straight punch to the face that he almost got hit. He face palmed and took off his coat. X was using a scanner and got shocked from the previous stats that Dennis had compared to now.

"Did he figure out already...?!"

X mentioned in his mind.

"I'm not done yet!"

Wulf was going for another punch to the face, but Dennis dogged it to strike Wulf with a kick to make him trip.

"Are we done here?"

Dennis was getting annoyed.

"We just getting started..."

Wulf stand up to take off his shirt and tossed it at Dennis face that made him take a few steps back to feel the pressure.


As Wulf called out his attack. His body got a speed boost and straightly decided to give an upper cut, but Dennis used that move for his own advantage to gain height to use a body slam that caused a small tremor to the nearby buildings.

"You two are so reckless."

Dennis and Wulf pulled the middle finger because they are exhausted, they helped each other up and made up from their fight.

"We need to get going, someone must have called the cops."

The cops were actually on their way so Wulf grabbed Dennis and decided to run to the house, X in the other hand could had called his car but he went flying thru the air before he could get caught. Back at the house, Owen made the ultimate masterpiece in pizza but before he could taste it something smacked it off his hands.

"Were did my pizza go..."

Owen said. Dennis opened the door, half tired and sweaty helping Wulf that was in the same condition as Dennis. They ended up noticing that X made it before them while he was eating a pizza, Owen got out of the kitchen to witness the crime of his stolen pizza about to be eaten.

"Unhand my delicious masterpiece!"

Owen throwed a knife at X but it got caught by the pizza and dropped to Wulf, he ate both the knife and the pizza.

"Are you ok?"

Dennis asked because no one could be alright when they just ate a knife.

"I'm fine, eating metal is a rare opportunity for me."

Wulf said as he gave a smile full of joy until he started to look around searching for someone, he even screamed out the name of who he was searching.


"You called?"

The only one to respond back was Dennis, Wulf hold on to Dennis shirt out of anger.

"Don't mess around with me... Where is he!?"

"I'm not joking, you just called me by two of my initials."

Wulf let go of Dennis and went to find a room where he can cry and sleep without been watched. The others showed up to see that Dennis was been felt down because someone just went missing.

"Guys... have you all heard of a student named Dj?"

They all shaken their heads.

"Well... it's that our guest knows someone named by that... and he probably got lost on the way here."

Dennis said as he started to stretch his arms.

"That could explain the door knocking a moment ago."

Owen explained what happened about someone knocking on the door a lot of times but they never showed up. The lights on the room changed into a lightest blue that revealed X using a main terminal on the table.

"Wait, he had a computer installed!?! You know how many videos we could have seen with this!?!" Dwight was so mad that he didn't noticed it, he leaned on to a wall to accidentally open up another terminal.

"Dennis, help me out on making a warning."

X asked. Dennis nodded and went to the other terminal.

"The rest of you, go to sleep and be ready to help out tomorrow."

"Who do you think you can boss us around."

X looked back at Dennis friends.

"Do you want this world to be destroyed?"


They all said.

"Then go on."

During the silent night, after hours of successful posts, X and Dennis managed to find every last detail about Dj the only thing needs to do was post it.

"I got this."

Dennis sent the post to various social apps. He then went to see how Wulf was doing while X just went to sleep.