
The First Encounter

The day finally arrived for Dennis to go to the movies with his friends. They were all waiting for him to show up to have fun in the arcades. When he recently showed up, someone was screaming his name.


Dennis turned around quickly after hearing Dwight scream out his name. He hurried there to mess up his flat-top hair.

"Hey! W-what you do that for!?"

Dwight asked.

"You can't scream in here!"

Dennis said as Owen & Nidializ laughed. They grabbed both of Dennis' arms and pulled him into the arcades. They dint know what to play, but Dennis knows the perfect game to play.

"Let us play some air hockey!"

They pumped Dennis up to take the victory in glory. He touched the hockey puck and enlightened himself with the disk on the table. Dwight went up first since he was most confident.

"Prepare to lose Dennis!"

Dennis laughed since he was having so much fun. He was the first to send the disc into the scoreboard in one hit.

"No fair, let's go again!"

Dwight grabbed the disc and sent it back to Dennis, and Dennis returned the favor and won again. Dennis stretched his arms as Dwight was stepping back to give someone else a try.

"Owen, teach this guy how it's done!"


Owen prepared himself since he understood Dennis's game. He grabbed the disc and sent it back to him with a full hit and Dennis blocked it, automatically sending it back into the goal.

"Is there someone that can give me a proper challenge?"

Dennis asked as he was showing off. Someone threw their mini bag at Dennis, making him dodge, and once he saw who it was, he put on his true game face.

"I'm the one that is going to give you a proper fight, you boys are a disgrace to face him like that."

Nidializ said.

"He recently got out of the hospital."

Dwight mentioned as it prepared Nidializ to change the score at all costs, Dennis gave her the disc and gave her a chance to score once while he was tying his coat around his waist. The score was 3 to 1, Dennis was prepared to go all out in this match, he grabbed the disc straight to the goal, but Nidializ blocked it with a counter, sending it back straight to Dennis goal but he blocked it while returning the favor.

"Not bad, but we can go faster."

Dennis grabbed the disc and carefully placed it in the center of his goal, then he hit it hard at full speed it was unblock able into the goal.

"I see you have your tricks, but that doesn't mean that I'll lose."

Nidializ mentioned while it confused Dennis that it allowed Nidializ to get a score. Dennis left eye bothered him during the moment.

"I don't have any tricks; I'm technically using skills... plus is getting hard to focus."

Dennis hit the disc, and Nidializ sent it back into the goal. While they were playing, someone was looking at them thru the window.

"How long was it since you last saw me?"

The guy that was staring at the match thru the window mentioned. As they were playing peacefully until they noticed the score was at 6 to 6.

"Ok... let's wrap this round with a 3 v 1!"

With a sudden phase, Dennis did the first move that was being blocked by Dwight that got sent back and countered. Owen strikes it back and again it got countered. Nidializ sent it back as the last chance and Dennis re-countered it with a vertical strike into the goal, changing 6-7.

"What the hell!? How you do that?!"

Owen had to ask since he knew Dennis was near his limit while at the last score.

"Maybe next time you guys will beat me."

Dennis mentioned while was trying to stabilize his left arm from the sharp sensation left behind from the medication that was still lingering.

"Let's just go to the movie before it starts."

Dwight mentioned. They quickly went to get the tickets but someone was blocking the way, even to they noticed it had Dennis height and size while the clothing is very similar but not in color.

"Bluejacket, same color hair, and a bit of a pale skin with lights..."

Dennis said. The stranger turned around to put his hand on Dennis. He noticed a bit the resembles, but when Dennis looked at the eyes, he received a sense of Déjà vu as if they met before.

"Hey... your name wouldn't be... X, right?"

Dennis asked since he is trying to remember something important, but he let it slide for now.

"Wait, you still remember my name?"

X had to ask since Dennis said his name that even Dennis's friends entered shock that he knew the person in front of them.

"Dude, you need to do some explaining later."

Dennis said.

"I don't think so."

X moved Dennis to the side and pulled out an ID to explain it for Dennis' sake.

"My name is X, leader of the Organization division from the kingdom."

X referred by the kingdom was from a different place that is not in their current world.

"Eh... They don't know where that is."

It disappointed X that Dennis never told his friends about his adventures, but Dennis was having a bad time remembering things than usual.

"Ok then, follow me."

They followed X to the nearest park, but soon to get involved in a plan of his.

"I have a favor to ask, will you guys come with me to my place?" X asked.


Everyone got confused since X could have said it in the movies, but his intentions were different to avoid being followed.

"It just during this summer vacation while we wait for the others to show up..."

Everyone else was against the idea, but Dennis wanted to know a few things that made little sense.

"I'll be glad to go with you."

Nidializ panicked, and she insisted to go now cause of Dennis, Owen and Dwight did the same since they wanted their friend to be safe for the time been. But X was already a step ahead.

"U guys don't need to worry to get parental approval, I already contacted them."

X said as he took a glance at Dennis, ready with a question.

"Before we go, did something happen that made you come here?"

Dennis had to ask since he had a lot of questions still hanging.

"Dammit Dennis, it was the only thing that you should know at least!"

Dennis thought. The only thing that came into his mind was the message he heard and the name from who it was.

"Wait, does it involve a person named Ragnarök?"

X got surprised at that moment that he nodded and opened the doors to his car and that he knew that theirs two people currently missing.