
The battle against Mecha part 1

As the crack got bigger. Dj and Claire stepped back and were on their guard. They saw Mecha a sleep and didn't attempt to make a sound. I then saw them in the distance while placing Rampage down so that she can rest.

"This can't be good..."

I hurried to my friends to see what was the problem. Once I reached them, Dj grabbed my left arm to stop me from getting closer to Mecha.

"Don't get near him... He is plotting something even in his sleep..."

Dj said to me. I then looked at Mecha from where I was standing. He seemed to be a sleep but at the same time active. It concerns me that he can do something at any moment.

"Guess your right. And I don't think I can fight for a while... Even if I cheated death, I need to recover from the wounds..."

I then sat down near to a pile of planks. Claire then walked up to me and lifted my shirt to see my wounds.

"Eleven bullet wounds on the chest... Five at the stomach and one to the heart... We need to get you to a hospital fast!"

"Well... I can use healing magic, but I can't heal myself..."

I said to Claire. She then pinned me down in confusion. Claire didn't know what to do with my body, but she wanted to do something to help me recover. We then heard footsteps getting closer. When we looked, we saw that it was Nidializ that was ready to fight.

"Dennis? Are you ok?"

"Yea... I'm fine. I just need to rest..."

I said to Nidializ. She then dropped her weapon and came over to me to look at my wounds.

"Dude, we need to get you to a hospital."

"I'm fine... I just need to rest it off..."

I then closed my eyes, and I felt a sharp pain coming from my left eye. It gave me an unpleasant sensation about what could happen next.


"I know!!"

When I called out Dj's name. He punched the ground and made an earth wall in front of him. He then stepped back was getting his fist ready for what could happen next.

"Hey, you all need to get some cover!! Mecha is about to wake up any moment!!"

Dj said to us. Nidializ then picked up her weapon and stood next to Dj while Claire was taking me to somewhere else to find cover.

"No... We can't let them fight Mecha by themselves..."


"Because Mecha is about to go all out... And if we fail... Everyone else will be done for good..."

Claire then placed me down and went to join Dj and Nidializ in the fight. But I would not let them fight without me. I then stood up and took a deep breath. My eye began to glow, giving me enough strength to keep on fighting.

As I walked towards my friends. The wall that Dj made was converted into energy.

"No way... He can absorb elemental magic!?!"

Dj said. He then got ready, but I stopped him by placing my left hand on his right shoulder.

"Dj, if you really want to fight. You need to give it your all..."

I said to Dj. I then collapsed right in front of him.

"Damn it... Claire, get Dennis out of here!! Nidializ, you with me!! We need to hold on till Dennis can recover."

"Don't worry. I got your back."

Nidializ then stood next to Dj while Claire took me away to let me recover. But as soon as Mecha finished absorbing the wall. He was getting ready to wake up. As Mecha opened his eyes. The only thing that can be seen in them where pitch black eye with his pupils been bloody red.

"Here goes nothing!!"

Dj then charged in at Mecha with a right fist. But he stopped Dj's fist with a fast grab from his left arm.

"Ah, so we meet again. Guess time has run out for you and your friends."

"I don't think so!!"

Nidializ came in to attack Mecha. She targeted his left arm. But he let go of Dj and dodge it.

"So you fools are eager to die? Then come and get it!"

Mecha then turned his right hand into a machine gun barrel and aimed at Dj. Dj and Nidializ where ready to fight, but something was holding them back. And it was the fear of death.

"No words, actions? You two are just cowards, I will do you two a favor by ending your miserable lives."

Mecha said. Then Dj and Nidializ heard the voices of their weapons.

"No one should fear death... The only thing that you need to fear is life..."

As they heard their weapons. They got serious and focused on Mecha. Dj then went charging again, but this time he was going to finish what he started. He got close to Mecha and punched him right in the face. Nidializ then followed up attacked Mecha. Sending him back into the tree.

"We can take you out ourselves and save Dennis the trouble from fighting. And I know that the only way to take you out is by going all out..."

Dj took off his upper clothing and tossed it to the ground. He then stretched his body while Nidializ was confused. She then walked towards Mecha to continue the fight to let Dj finish up on what he was doing.

"Ok... I can do this... I just need to get in the zone..."

Nidializ was focusing on Mecha until her eyes began to glow red. She switched to kill mode at that very moment and charged at Mecha with her sword, aiming at him. When she made contact. She ended up piercing a small hole in Mecha's stomach while destroying the tree.

"Is that all?"

Mecha asked. Nidializ then entered into her second stage of sword usage. She took a step back and ended up with two swords.

"I have a few things saved... I didn't get trained with Dennis for nothing!"

When Nidializ took one step forward. She vanished in front of Mecha's sight and ended up behind him. She quickly struck his back that sent him over to Dj.

"He is all yours!!"

Nidializ said. Dj heard her loud and clear and was ready to attack.

"Comet punch!!"

As Dj called out his attack. He swung his fist forward that released a high concentrated amount of magic that even Mecha couldn't absorb. Dj then followed it up by charging at Mecha while having his right fist ready. As the comet punch connected, Dj ended up going for an uppercut that took out Mecha.

"Ow that hurts!!!"

Dj was wiggling his right hand after giving an upper cut to Mecha while it sent him flying and landing hard on the ground. Nidializ went over to Dj and slightly punched his shoulder that made the pain go away. She then went looking for Claire that was taking cover behind the wooden planks.

"Hey, how's Dennis holding up?"

"Silently a sleep, I'm just worried on how things going to play out from here on out."

I then woke up after hearing Claire. It felt weird, but my body seems to have healed in a short amount of time.

"Alright... Time to fight."

Claire then stopped me from standing up.

"What are you doing?"

"Going to fight."

I said to Claire. I then stood up and Nidializ tilted her head.

"Dude, we just finished the fight."

When I heard Nidializ saying that they just finished the fight. I got worried. The reason why is that Mecha won't go down that easy. Even if it just a hard hit to the face.

"You two... Have screwed up big time..."

My body ended up reverting back to its original state and was my plain old self again.

"And I screwed up big time. We are all totally screwed."

In that moment. Dj saw Mecha was getting up and had a lock on target. He then charged up energy and switched into his dragon form. As a blue light covered Mecha. It expanded that was near the height of the other building.

"Not this again!!"

Dj then retreated towards us and made another wall.

"We need to go. Mecha switched to his dragon mode."

I sighted in front of Dj and I pulled out my phone and I called someone that could help us out.

"I'm going to regret this… Aster, I need you to do me a favor in exchange, I'll help you free you from whatever possessed you…"

I then put my phone away and a red light came out from the ground that Mecha was standing on. It then consumed Mecha and took him away.