
Stranded in the unknown (ll)

Meanwhile, in the real world. The group was traveling close to one another until they reached a tourist site. Owen and Dj were looking over at London Bridge while Yen and Ace found a map to navigate the streets. Dj then looks at Owen asks him about how his training was going. Owen replied with a shrug. Stating that it was alright. Yen then approached Dj and Owen, showing the map, and showing their exact location while Ace having a bad feeling about their surroundings that caught Dj's attention.

"Whats wrong dude?" Dj asked. Ace told him that something was following them from the moment they got here and that is getting closer. Owen then suggested that they needed to get out of there. So they all traveled through the bridge.

As they kept a normal walking phase they saw something have cut the vehicle's nearby down. No one couldn't identify who or what did it, so they kept going, but as they kept going, Owen was attempting a conversation with Dj.

"Hey... Um... Dj? If any of the girls are single?" Owen asked. Dj paused for a moment and looked at Owen with left risen eyebrow.

"For the matter of fact, some of them are way older than you think. Besides... It makes me believe why the Queen is still single..."

Meanwhile, back at the Celestian kingdom. Celeste was received a report of Nix being missing and she suddenly sneezed. Back over with the group. They arrived at the center and found a white orb floating in the middle of the bridge. At a first glance they felt odd, but amongst them, Yen reacted by yelling out "Dad!!" He then runs at it while the rest tried to stop him.

"Yen! Don't do it!" Dj said. Ran at Yen while attempting a grab, but as he got close. Yen suddenly vanishes into light as he got close to the orb. Dj then punched the ground while Ace and Owen followed. "Don't worry Dennis... Will find you at all costs!!"

Dj then followed his friends and vanished into the light with no trace to be found. Meanwhile, back with Dennis. He and Sin were walking down the street. Dennis was thinking about how to get out while Sin was using a map to find their target.

"So... What is the name of this place, anyway?" Dennis asked. He was staring around and noticed more people wearing masks along the way.

"People call this place the forgotten world... It is the end and crossing point to a different world or to say dimensions..." Sin said to Dennis. He puts the map away and diverted his attention to Dennis for a short time.

"That mostly sounds like the void to me... But I have a bad feeling about our surroundings..." Dennis then puts his hands in his pockets and prepared himself a spell. Ready to use at any moment.

"What do you mean?" As Sin asked. He saw Dennis looking to his right side at the other side of the street and noticed the people wearing masks in big numbers. "I see what you mean..." Sin then makes a quick movement with his left arm to call out his weapon, but as soon as he went for it. A gun shot from a sniper was heard, and it almost hit Sin.

"Run!!" Dennis yelled. The people with masks pulled out many ranged weapons and melee weapons. Dennis and Sin then ran into the nearest alleyway to their left and Dennis cast an ice wall to cover their tracks, but it didn't last long. They soon heard explosions as they tried to gain distance, but as they tried to get away. Dennis stopped running and turned around as he called out his weapon.

"Dennis! We need to get out of here!! What in the world are you doing!?!" Sin asked. He grabbed Dennis and attempted to pull him, but Dennis didn't budge.

"There are three things I hate in my life... Mondays, the damn cold and being chased down like an animal... And besides, we only need one of them alive anyway..." Dennis said. His plan seemed basic, but it was good enough to work.

"What do you mean...?" Sin asks.

"For intel..." Dennis said to Sin. He then prepared himself as he saw his ice wall cracking.

"You put a hard bargain, but we can still run away." As soon as Sin mentioned that possibility. He heard footsteps coming from the back side of the alley. When he turned around. He noticed the people's shadows, with many weapons in hand, coming from two sides.

"I'll create another wall. You deal with the people at the front!" Dennis said out loud. He prepared his left hand with another spell while Sin called out a similar sword to Dennis's, but it had an eye on the center of the hilt.

"Switch!!" they both said to each other. Dennis took the back side and cast out an ice wall while the first he cast shattered when Sin was charging in. He saw men and women in white masks with laughing and crying faces. Getting their firearms ready. Sin approaches to the nearest target and takes a swing, releasing dark energy from his sword and pushed the people back.

"Sin, take cover!" Dennis shouts. Sin couches completely as someone approached him with a baseball bat, swinging it at the moment he crouched. Dennis then came over and kicked the person in the face. Pushing them away from their partner. Sin then gets up and noticed that they ended up being crowded.

"Um... I hate to break it to ya, but we need to do something now or we are both dead!" Sin said to Dennis.

"Hey, do you remember what happened around the valley of Veranius?" Dennis asked Sin. Sin then said yes to his question and huddled up on to each other's backs. Both prepared with their swords hoisted. Looking at all their enemies surrounding them.

"Well, this is a kind of a similar experience that we had with our master Zeke at that time!" Dennis said. He continued on talking while the enemies approached them one by one while going down. "We got surrounded and had to fight with every option we had!" an enemy approached Dennis with a crowbar. Dennis blocked the attack, cut the person down, and took the crowbar. He then tossed it over to Sin, that was fighting two more people. Sin heard the crowbar heading towards him, and he immediately moved to the side. The crowbar then hit someone that Sin was fighting, and out of the distraction, Sin knocked down his other opponent with his sword and regrouped with Dennis.

"If you put it like that... That means we must use the limit breaker?" As Sin asked. Dennis tossed a body that passed over Sin and crashed on to the enemy.

"Yes, now we better act fast cause the wall won't last long!!" Dennis stated, and they both looked at the wall slowly break. After wards a person approached Dennis with a sidearm while shooting. Dennis blocked a few of the shots while the last one he cut it in half and took down the person by stabbing the person in the heart. The person then spouted a small amount of black-colored blood.

"Sin, think fast!!" Dennis shouted. Dennis picked up the sidearm and tossed it at Sin. He grabbed it with his left hand and started shooting any target in sight. Four people got hit in the head, but they were still standing. It scared Sin for a moment and continued shooting until the gun ran out of bullets.

"Dennis... I think we have a problem. Whatever these things are, won't die!" As Sin stated. He threw the gun at the enemy. It landed on their face and the mask slightly cracked. Dennis was fighting two people with his hands while his sword was still on the person he stabbed through the heart. A punch after another. Their masks were deteriorating until it completely cracked.

"Pierce the heart or break the masks, these people are like living puppets!!" Dennis said. He then got side punched in the face and returned the favor with a kick in their jaw while falling. Dennis then recovered and saw a baseball bat laying on the ground. He picked it up and use it on the fight. Sin, however, was aiming for the heart with each piercing strike from his sword, but they couldn't keep it from fighting forever.

They huddled up again in the center and saw the many bodies they took down while a few remained in the moment while more waited on the other side of the wall. Sin was focused on the enemy on the front, while Dennis was focused on the ones in the back with a baseball bat at hand.

"Dennis, I don't think I can keep this up for much longer..." Sin said. He called off his weapon. It was draining too much from him. He wouldn't be able to keep fighting for much longer.

"I know... But just a little longer, so can we take care of what we have here, and we make a run for it..." Dennis said. He then took off his coat and tied it around his hips and gotten himself into a running position while holding the bat. They took a moment to evaluate their opponents and once they were done. They went charging into the enemy.

Sin had five people in front of him. Two held a rifle and a shotgun, the other three had knives. He took a moment to realize what he could have done. Sin punched the first person who was in front of him, then grabbed them as soon as he heard the first shot from the rifle that ended hitting the person he grabbed. Afterwards, Sin tossed the body at the guy that had the shotgun, grabbed the knife and sliced the mask of the other person who came from his left while he threw the knife at the person who had the rifle and it landed on their heart. The last person tried to stab Sin, but he moved out of the way and disarmed the person and used their own weapon against them.

Meanwhile, Dennis bashed the baseball bat at someone's face, and it broke their mask. He then swung it at someone coming from behind him and it knocked them down. Another one came charging in with a knife at Dennis, but he swung the bat way too low, and it made the person trip and drop their weapon.

"Until next time..." Dennis said to the person. He created an ice sphere and stabbed the person through the heart. Dennis then took a moment and realized that all the enemies in the area were down while the ice wall was still breaking. Completely exhausted from the fight, Dennis noticed a few guns he could use.

"What are you doing?" Sin asks Dennis. He saw Dennis pick up a shotgun and was scavenging around for the ammunition, but he picked up two sidearms and a bunch of ammunition clips for them. Lastly, a few knives just in case. Dennis placed the knives around his belt, while the sidearms in his back pockets while he carried the shotgun in hand.

"Look, we going to need any sort of weaponry we can get. Besides, you don't have a maiden weapon that needs a constant supply of mana to maintain itself from a far distance." Dennis said to Sin, and he soon picked up his sword and called it off.

"Alright, but I hope you know what you're doing..." Sin said. He picked up the rifle amongst the people he took down and they had a few ammunition mags for it and picked it up. As soon as they got their things set, the ice wall fell apart, and it made them panic. When the ice wall went down, Sin and Dennis saw a full set of armor leading the people in masks.

"What is that? I have never seen something like that before..." As Sin asked to himself, Dennis already took action by grabbing the baseball bat and enchanting it with fire. He then threw it at the armor, and it set all the body's that were on the ground on fire. It worked as an excellent distraction, and they ran away. As the body of the fallen turned into ash while releasing a haunting screech of the fallen. The armor absorbed their remains while the rest of the people stayed back and watched the armor walk through the fire.