
Rescuing Spike (2)

As Dennis led his friends towards the city. They began to notice a few changes. From passing by the forest, all the trees lost their colors. The further they go, the darker it gets.

"Guys, stop."

Dennis said. He then stands still and signals his friend with an open hand.

"What's wrong?"

Owen asked. Dennis then pointed out at their surroundings and felt that something was wrong.

"Wait... This trees didn't looked like this last time... Was someone here while we were gone?"

Dj asked. He remembers the place all to well, same as Dennis. They were almost about to reach the city, but knowing that the trees are almost black. It gave them that theirs trouble up ahead.

"All I can say is that who ever did this ain't far. We also have the nightmare gate here, I'm surprised that we didn't show up in here when we araived."

Dennis said. He then felt something getting close. He turned around towards the direction of the city and felt a strong presence heading there way.

"Everyone move!!"

As they all heard Dennis. Dj and Owen moved out of the way by going to the right while Donte and Dwight went to the left while Dennis called out his weapon and went into a defensive stance. With a right foot back and left foot at front. He was holding the hilt of the sword with his right hand and pointed it down to block an incoming attack. Dennis waited for his opponent to show itself, but there was nothing in front of them.

"Wait... Why is there nothing?"

Dennis asked himself. He then drops his guard and gets punched in the stomach. It was enough to send him flying, but he emediately gets grabbed and thrown to the ground. He felt as if he was attacked by a beast. The others then noticed that something was going on. First one to take action was Owen, he called out his weapon but he saw nothing.

"Dennis, weres the thing at?!"

Owen asked. When he saw Dennis stand up, he went back to his guard, but he had serious face that made him think something was wrong.

"Oi! Answer me dammit!"

"It's invisible! What ever that thing was is still nearby!!"

Dennis said to Owen. But when he responded. He turned around out of reflex and blocked a incoming hit. The force of the hit was too strong that it pushed him back. They all saw this and they didn't know what to do, but Dj remembered something that Dennis has right now.

"Bro! Your glasses have infrared vision!"

"Well, I can't see it. This thing works only if the enemy is visible!"

"Then make it visible!!"

Dj said to Dennis. Dennis realized something that he should have done from the start. But it would make him weaker due to his current state.

"Alright... Everyone follow my command to the fullest details or else were screwed!!"

Dennis said. They all nodded at him and gotten themselves ready. Dennis then plunged his sword at the ground and concentrated. During his concentration. His left eye glowed a bright golden brown.

"Owen shoot behind me!"

Owen quickly took aim and pulled the trigger. Two bullets where heading at Dennis from his left and as expected. The bullets hit something but nothing appeared.

"Were did it go now!?!"

Owen asked.

"Dj behind you!!"

As Dj heard Dennis. He turned around and quickly took a swing with his left hand at whatever was behind him. But he saw that whatever got hit was pushed back and left a small trail.

"Um... Dennis, I think we got an additional problem..."

"What do you mean?"

Dennis asked.

"Whatever I just hit... It was dropping oil..."

Dj said to Dennis. The only thing that went to their minds at that point was a robot. It then hit Dennis the reason why he wasn't able to see nothing with his infrared vision on his glasses.

"Dwight, Donte move!"

From a sudden quick reaction. Dwight grabbed Donte by his left arm and took him next to Dennis. After that, a massive invisible object landed on the spot they were standing still.

"Hey, we need a plan or else were going to be squashed."

Dwight said. He was wondering on what to do as he waited for Dennis commands.

"Dwight, you wana go for a test run?"

Dennis asked.

"Hell yeah!"

Dwight said all motivated.

"Alright, then go for it!"

As Dennis gave the word. Dwight's body began to course with electricity. Blue colored lighting was going all over his body till it created his weapon. One long sword hilt with two side crystal blades that had a faint blue glow. It was different from what it was before. The only that noticed was Owen.

"Oi, did your weapon changed?"

Owen asked.

"Even if it did, I like how it is right now. So we're is the enemy right now Dennis?"

Dwight asked as he looked back, but he saw Dennis looking around as if he was following something.

"Um... Dennis?"

Dwight asked once more. Dennis then looked at Dwight and pointed down to the ground.

"It is right below us..."

Dennis said. They then moved out of the way and saw that ground was tearing apart. As it happened. Dennis was able to see what it was.

"You got to be kidding me!! We have a robot here!!"

Dennis said. The robot was facing him and was ready to attack.

"I got it!!"

Dwight said. He charged in and stabbed the robot on its back. His weapon then released a small amount of electricity that went inside the robot and deactivated it.

"I told you guys that I got it."

Dwight said. He then called off his weapon and started laughing to enjoy the moment. The others got confused for a moment, since it wasn't normal for a robot to be taken down with electricity.

"Are we not going to question what happened here?"

Donte asked and he looked back at his friends. They all shook their heads and continued walking towards the city. Meanwhile, deep at the center of the city. The Emperor was looking at the nightmare gate alongside with future Dj and Spike as their hostage. They were surrounded by their own kind, covering the buildings while only showing a pathway to the gate.

"Sir, what do you want me to do with him?"

The future Dj asked. He was looking at Spike that was tied up and had a black tape in their mouth on the ground.

"Don't worry, I will convert him into one of us..."

The Emperor said. He then grabbed Spike by his neck and activated his shadow mode. It then covered Spike and was slowly consuming him. Spike then opened his eyes and saw the Emperor in front of him. His body felt numb and wasn't able to move.

"Acept your faith... No one is here to save you..."

The Emperor said to Spike. Spike then looked at the Emperor with a sad expression while his eyes began to glow light green. Accepting his faith to being converted into one of his enemies. His body began to change, turning him back to when he consumed the black ice shard.

"A fine servant I must say. Now go and finish off your friends."

As the Emperor gave an order. The future Dj stood in the way of Spike. Stopping him from continuing his order.

"Sir, let me handle them... I still have some unfinished business with them."

The future Dj said.

"Fine, open the a portal to the nightmare realm before you depart."

The Empero said. The future Dj pointed his left hand in front of him to create a portal. Inside that portal, they could only see were floating islands all around into a endless pit of darkness.

"Come, we got things to do."

The Emperor said to Spike, but he refused.

"I'm... Staying..."

Spike then pushed the Emperor aside and began to walk towards the gate. He then felt his wings coming out of his back and took flight. He landa on top of the gate to simply see the entire city.

"Well then, don't let any of them follow me."


The Emperor then went inside the portal and it closed behind him. Leaving the future Dj and Spike at the gate.