
Operation control X (part 6)

As Nidializ screams made Dennis and his other versions go deaf. Without any sound to rely on. The only thing that they can trust is body movement. But as soon as Nidializ was trying to gain control over her self, she began hearing a faint static sound.

"You boys don't know what you are going to deal with..." Nidializ said.

Nidializ began to walk towards Dennis. As she had her weapon in hand, pointing it at her friends. They had no clue on what she was saying but as soon as she got close to Dennis it became a stand still. Dennis looked deep into his friends eyes and saw that she was trapped in her own mind. He pointed the weapon at his friend as his left eye began to glow. F took notice on how Dennis and Nidializ are acting right now and slowly backed away with Neko D. No one dared to take the first move until they where certain on how to approach.

"Hmm... Nidializ is trying to follow his footsteps... Not bad, not bad. But she better keep up." Heartless said.

He was the spectator of the at this point since he isn't doing anything. And by the time he noticed a change in the air.

"This should be good..." Heartless said.

As Dennis and Nidializ lowered there weapons for a moment of peace. Nidializ eyes stopped glowing as she was finally regaining control over herself. Dennis was able to hear again for a slight moment and wanted to hear out Nidializ for a moment to get some answers for what happened to her.

"Bro, what happened to you?" Dennis asked.

"I don't know... One moment I was just trapped in a blank world while in the next I'm back here..." Nidializ said.

Then F recovered his hearing and stepped in with the conversation and placed Neko D on Dennis head. F tapped Nidializ head that forced her to go back into her mind.

"F, is that even safe?" Dennis asked.

"Either that or we get our hands chopped down." F said.

Meanwhile, inside Nidializ head. She found her self in a blank world, almost similar to the dream world. She was trapped in her own mind with her weapon floating in front of her. Then she started to hear a female voice coming from her own weapon.

"Do you seek power...?"

"Not entirely..." Nidializ said in response to the question.

"Do you want to help your friends...?"

"Yes!!" Nidializ said out loud.

"Very well... I shall now bestow you with the power of light...."

"Wait what?"

Nidializ got confused after she began too see that her body was being covered with light. As she regained consciousness back, she saw Dennis and the others waiting by making a plan to approach.

"For how long was I out?" Nidializ asked.

"About like two or three hours." F said.

Nidializ then felt something warm and heavy on her lap. When she took a look, she found Neko D resting. She didnt bothered to ask or move him so she just petted him as time passed by.

"So, how are we going to do this?" Heartless asked.

"Easy, we head to Farion, find X and take them down." F said.

"As if. We know that X isnt the type to go down easy. When we find him, ill be the one to face him head on." Dennis said.

He then pulled out a device that could brake the mind control and bring X back to their side. Dennis stepped back to make some calls, he then called the others teams to head into the city first. Then he called his friends that stayed in the ship to get in the city by tonight so they can go ahead with the plan.

"Guess we staying out late, we should be able to find X during midnight..." Dennis said.

He then laid down to take a nap.

As hours passed by. Everyone that was in the ship made it to the location that Dennis standing. While the rest of his alternate versions encountered X miles away from everyone. X was handing a few papers to Wulf, he then gave a look and noticed that something was wrong.

"X... you sure about this?" Wulf asked.

"Yes, I don't have much time, please deliver this to Dennis as soon as possible." X said.

X began to leave to return to Farion before he could have lost his senses.

Meanwhile, back with the others by the ship. Dennis got back on board to make sure some of the things of the ships are ready before finding X. Soon after, he received a file download on his phone. When he checked it, it contained information on how to deal with Farion. Dennis realized that this could work, but it makes it the only option that he has when the time is right.

"Once our fight is done... We must combine our strengths into one to take down Farion... He has gained more power than the last encounter so we must take this seriously and be sure that this is our only option to take him down..." Dennis said out loud from the file he received.

Dennis put his phone away and began to stare at Farion from the distance.

"So... You got stronger while we messed around, not bad Farion... But ill be coming to you at full pure power tomorrow... Just you wait." Dennis said.

He then went to the bedroom that he stayed last time and saw Nidializ trying to brush Neko D's hair. Dennis was wondering why is she brushing his hair since it is complicated but Neko D didn't mind at all.

"What the heck? I thought we all hated hair brushes." Dennis said.


"What do you mean by that? Even F doesn't brush his hair." Dennis said.

"What are you talking about." Nidializ asked.

"Neow, neow."

"That he likes having his hair brushed but while the rest of us hate it. But forget it. Also, Neko, don't hold back on who you going to fight tomorrow." Dennis said.

He then went to sleep as well as everyone to wait for the next day.

Hello. I would like to thank you for reading this story! I would appreciate if you, the reader, let know what you think of this story in the comments or as a review. I hope you enjoy this chapter and the next up coming chapter.

DjxCarmacreators' thoughts