

Back in the other world, we saw the order created by one person, everything that is currently happening in the current world within their rest in their royal bed.

"Hope this year doesn't end up like last time..."

A girl with a low green tone hair was looking at the world where Dennis was staying, but she was enjoying the view of the hospital room. Soon X was on the move of taking action since he needs to figure out what was the weapon that Nidializ called. He sent a note to Nidializ that was delivered and escorted by Kuo.

"Here is your client."

Kuo opened the door that led to X's office, Nidializ entered as Kuo closed the door and left.

"What is this about...?"

Nidializ was confused about what they called her for.

"The reason I called you here was to help you help me learn more about your weapon and more about yourself."

Nidializ was thinking if to agree on this, but the fact about knowing about her weapon was catching her attention.

"Come on, we don't have all day."

X was getting impatient since he had a long-prepared schedule for all this.

"Alright, I allow you to help me help you on knowing about me and about my weapon." Nidializ said.

"Then let's go!" X grabbed Nidializ hand and teleport her into the training hall were all the other versions of Dennis were training and having fun until they noticed someone has joined the fray.

F.D and Neko D were flinging each other like if it was a trampoline.

"Look out!"

Kuo screamed out cause Neko D was flying into Nidializ direction. Wulf was the only one that could stop it since he was near. He placed himself in the way, preparing to catch a ball. He stop Neko D but he got dragged near Nidializ laying down on the floor.


It was the only thing that Wulf could say because he was nervous.

"Are you okay?"

Nidializ crouched to get close to Wulf's face, but she quickly sat when a smoke surrounded Wulf, turning him into an actual wolf. Once the smoke cleared, everyone was confused on what happened except for X. Neko D was petting Wulf, giving him a scratch behind the ears and he liked it, he even was wagging his tail.

"I never seen Wulf go that shy before."

X said since he have's data from everyone, but he couldn't believe that Wulf turned into an actual animal.

"Huh, so does that mean that Kuo can do the same?"

Nidializ asked since it would be possible but Kuo quickly ran away after hearing the question, but X started the training simulation, a few running tracks and obstacles as for the other that recently arrived to see what's going on to have fun.

Meanwhile, at the hospital, Dennis was still asleep, and it was already lunchtime, Claire was still on the bed, but she was sitting on the very edge near Dennis feet.

"Why does this place seem familiar...?"

Claire had flash back from the hospital room, Dennis was resting still injured in the bed as a few other people gathered to help as Claire was next to Dennis.

"Did we meet before... in another world?"

Suddenly one nurse opened the door to check on their patient, and the only that they saw was Claire sitting in the bed.

"Excuse me, but what do you think you're doing on the bed?"

"H-he... just wanted me to be at his side that's all..."

The nurse walked away to leave them alone and for that Claire tried to focus on Dennis for the rest of the day. Meanwhile, Nidializ could understand how to use her weapon. She couldn't use its full potential, but it was a small fragment. Once she was done, she noticed that Owen and Dwight were waiting for her to pay a visit to Dennis.

"Wats up mah dudes" Nidializ said.

"Nothing much" Dwight responded.

"We were waiting for you to come up with a plan to visit Dennis."

Owen said since he was getting bored. As they were getting out of the house to plan a visit to the hospital, they went to pick up a few things. While all that, Nidializ doesn't know how to explain that Dennis is not awake.

"(Calm down... F said that his going to wake up soon so everything should be fine-) AAAH!"

Dwight pocked Nidializ neck since she seemed to space out, they tried to talk to her, but she was blank until Owen moved Dwight out of the way and used a bucket.


"You'll thank me later, we going to the hospital."

Nidializ looked at Owen with the preparation to roast him, but she let him go easy.

"I'm not walking all soaked like this!"

Dwight called Dark and Kuo since something complicated it to contact Claire. As they waited, Dj was already in the hospital by himself.

"Is this seriously the hospital? Seems a bit oddly similar."

Dj looked at his phone to receive a text from Dwight that was a picture of Nidializ that was attacked with water. Dj replied with a laughing emoji and a thumb up to continue to enter the hospital. He asked the room that Dennis was and proceed with a bag of donuts and coffee. He knocked at the door and came in saying nothing or hearing permission.

"What's up with you two suddenly?"

Dj looked at Claire that was near tears.

"He won't wake up... I can't feel any pulse in his veins or heart!"

Claire started crying and covered her face. Dj sighed and moved Claire out of the way.

"X warned me about this, that's why I came here alone."

He pulled out a doughnut and opened one coffee. He tried first waking Dennis up with the doughnut but no response, then he poured coffee on his head to see if it worked.

It was a miracle that it worked since Dennis opened his eyes and bites the doughnut that was in front of his face. Dennis was still sleepy, but he was nibbling on the doughnut.

"Take it easy and stay calm."

Dj was patting Dennis on the head to calm him down because he was about to bite someone.

"Dj, how did you manage to make that work?" Claire asked.

"I took the entire night to understand how it works."

Dennis stopped eating the doughnut to say a few words.

"Ragnarök... Farion... shadows... god?"

Dj and Claire were confused with the things that Dennis said that made Dj report the things he said to X while Claire was making sure if he was ok.

"Dennis... I thought I lost you the moment you didn't have a pulse!"

She kissed his cheek and forehead and hold him down close with a hug.

"What happened...?"

Dennis asked, since he barely remembers what he does last night.

"You got a terrible injury in your neck. The doctors said it was a miracle that it dint damaged any of your vital points."

Dennis tilted his head as he moved a part of his shirt to take a quick look of his neck. It confused him that there was no injury at all.

"Are you sure I got injured...?"

Claire nodded as they noticed Dj leave the area.

"Well, this sucks I won't be able to leave until everything is clear..."

Meanwhile on DJ's way back to the household, he saw the others heading their way to the hospital on foot.

"Hold it, what are you three doing here?" Dj asked.

"We were just heading to visit Dennis."

Dj turned them around and slowly pushed them back to the house.

"Don't bother going... He is still sleeping so he won't wake for at least 2 days."

Meanwhile, in the location of the M's new base... Stalker took his time searching and found the location, a small island in the Barbuda triangle. He was mad that he had to be in a place like this.

"Of all the places in this retched world... why must it be in the cursed Barbuda triangle!!??!"

He rushed in to look for his boss in time to hear a brief intel about their aim.

"Ah, Stalker, it's good to see you again in such a short notice come meet our new comrades."

Stalker stood still as he heard footsteps behind him, he dint dared to turn around but he felt someone that he should be afraid of. The person was getting closer, Stalker could feel the heat of their body to identify that it was a girl.

"You're here pretty early stalker..." Stalker turned around out of curiosity to just get hit on their face.

"OUCH!! That actually hurt!"


The one that landed a punch on Stalkers face was named Storm and the one that Stalker was afraid of is named Nautical that kept moving near to their boss.

"Listen up, I have something important to show you so follow me."

They followed M into one of the experimental facilities to find robot that was slowly been powered and repaired.

"B-boss!? Where did you find it?!"

Stalker got startled since he knows what it was, but it doesn't belong in this world. Storm touched the window to get a closer look.

"The ultimate mech beast Farion..."

The room got darker and only the light focused on M as he slowly faded.

"The legend says that Farion holds the powers of a devil and a god... this is going to be interesting; you did an excellent work Stalker, but it's just the start of it..."

The room finally went pitch black as time passed by recapping all the things happened, Farion's voice echoed into the darkness.

"Eleven days remain that I stay dormant... until my awakening, I will destroy everything in this world."

During the first day... It was the first of July, Dennis was still a sleep, but he was wide awake in his mind. He found himself surrounded by memory orbs that recapped every memory that was forgotten.

"Ten more days before my birthday... I can hardly remember the last one but who was the one that saved me...?"

Dennis touched one of the orbs that showed the first time they encountered X, then the one that they met with Wulf, then Kuo, Dark, Eve, F.D and Neko D but there wasn't any about Heartless.

"That's weird... but this one over here seems completely odd."

He touched the orb that had a clear sky, the floor was water that was reflecting the sky that ended up inside the memory trying to remember. Dennis walked on a marked path of white flowers that lead to a podium. Once he reached that podium everything changed, his clothing, the scenery, and the way he was thinking.

"When did I get here?"

He looked back and saw that the path he went through was gone. There were news reporters and bloggers asking questions all at once that Dennis couldn't answer till everything went pitch black to drown him in a black ocean that even the light couldn't reach.

"It's cold..."

Dennis could feel something nearby, like someone just put a hand on their shoulders. He turned around and saw himself but in a whitened world in a mirror. He touched out of curiosity and it started to suck him in.

"Wait... why am I back in this room?"

Dennis looked around and remembered the first time he woke up in the world of dreams, but when he looked out the window everything has been erased as shadows raised up from ground, causing Dennis to wake up from a panic.

It was still the first day of July, Dennis woke up in a panic that scared Claire while she was fixing her hair. She turned around in worry after she heard Dennis panting for air. His heartbeat increased rapidly, and it was hard for him to calm down. Claire went to get the doctors to check on his condition. Meanwhile, back at the house, everyone was completely bored, nothing much to do, and it was too hot outside.

"Ok, all of you can go play in the simulation room, I finished fixing and cleaning it, so I don't want no scratches."

X gave them the warning as everyone nodded and calmly went in.

"I swear... you have a soft spot for them" F.D said to annoy X.

"Yea, you may be right, but answer me this. Whose plan is going smoothly right now?" X said.

"Well, if I have to say... It got to be his..."

F.D pointed up, showing to whoever is in that direction.

"I fear for the worst, but we need to make a stand. We must gather our forces and specialists if we want to make a change."

F.D shake his head after hearing what X said.

"You're wrong, but only he can stop him and that's all."

F.D went out of the house and teleport somewhere far. X made a few contacts and especially one from another world. Back at the hospital, the doctors told Dennis that he will be able to leave tomorrow, but it was a matter of time. He responded so calmly to the doctor's questions, but he feared for something else, he could feel the presence of monster nearby and he did not know how to react. Claire tried to calm him down with head pats for the time been. On the next day...

It was the second day of July; Dennis was getting ready to get the thing in his arm off since it was pissing him off. It was still early but Dj visited.

"Your late." Dennis was looking at Dj very angrily.

"Did I did something wrong?" Dennis was about to burst a vein after hearing that question.

"You poured coffee on my head!!"

"Sorry about that but we have other things to discuss..."

Dj locked the door as Claire closed the window curtains, they all understand the situation, but they have not talked about it before since it was hard to understand.

"Guess I'll do all the talking; I can only remember a bit of our past. X and the other are truly my alts... But I cannot figure out why they are here, I mean, dimensional traveling is impossible but traveling through time makes sense.

" Dj raised his hand to ask a question.

"Well, we can just ask X, right?" Dennis shacked his head.

"I don't trust him, but it gives me a reason to wonder if he came here with a task because he said his the leader of the GDXS corporation from the kingdom, I can understand from that he is from another place that is far away that I can't remember..."

Claire took a deep breathe to explain to give a bit of intel on what Dennis was saying.

"Well... Idk if this useful but I saw some girls a few days ago in this room, it was sudden, I don't know how they entered but they seemed to know us. From the looks of it the scenery changed as well to their perspective."

They were confused but acted normal once a doctor came in to take thing off from Dennis hand. On their way out, Dj was texting X that they got out while he already sent someone to pick up Dennis.

"Dark, Eve?"

Dennis saw them and called their names.

"We came to pick you up dumb skull."

"U don't have to be harsh on him sis."

Dennis sighed and raised up his hands.

"This should be fun, see you guys at the house."

Dj and Claire waived at Dennis as they noticed F.D and Nidializ coming over.

"Was that Dennis?"

"Yes." Claire responded to Nidializ's question since she wanted to ask something to him.

"Well guys, its best if we...."

F.D turned around because he felt danger nearby.

"If we what now?" Dj asked since F.D did not finish his sentence.

"Nobody... move...."

He searched for the incoming danger, but it was hard to pinpoint the location. He was staring at the buildings across the street, but the attack could come from any ware.

"Um... hard to give it to ya but they are in the building that is not finished."

Everyone looked to the building that Claire was pointing at while she had a hand near her ear.

"I can hear them from over here, they don't know what to do... while they complain about been their but.... Woman!!!! U BETTER GET DOWN HERE AND TELL IT TO MY FACE!!!"

Everyone got confused that even F.D started to move, he pulled out a lance and started to stretch to prepare to for a jump.

"Claire, you sure they are up?" F.D asked.

"YES!!! Now they are talking about DJ's body!?!"

"What did they say about me?!" From all the commotion, Nidializ was the only one acting calm.

"F.D, throw it a lil bit against the wind flow."

F.D shrugged and followed orders, his lance pierced the wall he wanted to strike, giving him a clear position of his target.

"Yawl can go back to the house, I got this."

Everyone said goodbye to F.D and decided to go back to the household.

"Now... let us dance, Florencia Chronos."

The Lance created a zone where time could not flow as he teleported to his lance.

"I knew you ass heads where behind this but its glad to see your faces again, Stalker, Nautic and Storm."

They got into a battle stance because they do not know what F.D will do.

"Calm down, I'm not here to fight but to make a deal, u see, your employer has a friend of mine that would love to return to us"

Storm sat down on a box to discuss this with F.D

"Go on..."

F.D explained everything to them, but it was going to be complicated.

"Deal but in return, u ow me a date."

"Wait that's not in the deal!" F.D was mad.

"Either u go on that date or deals are off."

F.D took a deep breath and took one step forward.

"Storm... why don't I promise u to go to the pool and have a relaxing day? Sound good, right?"

Storm thought about it while Nautic was begging her to accept it.

"You have a deal."

"Good, but first... I need to do this."

As he teleported behind Stalker, he landed a suplex on the guy and he could not walk on the next day.

July third of 2017, Storm asked her boss to see if they have a new member today they had one, so she was scared on how F.D knows about her.

"Everyone I would like to present you our newest member."

M said as Stalker was waiting with an ice pack on his head and Nautic was confused till the new member entered. The doors opened showing a girl that was taller than everyone, she had messy hair while she seemed that she couldn't rest well.

"Why don't u introduce yourself, Maita?"

She waved while trying to hide an injury on her neck. Storm was suspicious and asked what their mission was.

"You guys can do whatever u want today."

M said as he sat down on his chair.

"Ok then I'm going to take her with us to have fun, she needs to learn how things work here."

Nautic said as a suggestion M thought about it and did not complain, he just waved his to be dismissed.

"Hey storm... let's take her to the pool already."

Storm nodded as they dragged Maita with them. As time passed by, Dennis was relaxing under a parasol while Owen was in the pool drinking a lemonade.

"Can this day go any faster!?" Dennis said.

Owen took off his sunglasses to stare at Dennis.

"Yo chill, you got out of the hospital yesterday so calm down."

Dennis tried to flip Owen off by pulling out the middle finger and went back to sleep, but for some reason he was having a hard time remembering what happened last night.

"Hope Wulf doesn't end up with a headache..."

He saw an image about Wulf being slammed by Dark then Claire. Dwight came out with his music box to play some music. Owen snapped his fingers and ended up detonating it.


"Mah boi is sleeping here, so be quiet." Owen said.

"I'll show you quite!"

Dwight went back in to get his device fixed. Meanwhile Neko D was in the roof sleeping until he picked up a familiar presence that he went down to look. Storm & Nautic planned away to take down their target without no one noticing.

"Alright, so we go in act natural and we poison our target."

Maita didn't care that much, but she noticed someone was watching them when she look to her right. Neko D was amazed to see an old friend, so he got closer while waving his right hand, Maita waved back as she went to him. The difference in size made them smile that Maita picked up Neko D and brought him to her friends, that they looked at her very curiously.

"Did you abducted this small child?"

"Nautic, can't you think for a moment, she must have founded it heading here."

Neko D said neow and Maita moved to the pool entrance of the house, spotting Owen and Dennis trying to relax. The noise of the gate being opened awoken Dennis from his sleep then felled back since he didn't see no one. Maita putted Neko D down and went near Dennis.

"Hey what do you think you're doing?" Owen said to Maita, and her response was the same as Neko D.


As she said that, her friends entered and went in the pool to relax that caught Owen's attention.

"Da hell, we weren't expecting guests..."

Owen was in the corner that was nearest to Dennis while Maita said again.


Dennis didn't open his eyes, but he responded.

"Neko D is there something wrong...?"

Dennis asked. Maita crouched to get near Dennis posture level to say it again. "Neow." Dennis raised an eyebrow in confusion. "

(ok now I know that is not him for sure)"

Dennis said to himself in his mind. He opened his eyes and saw a girl in front of her that had a worried look on her. He took off his shades to put back on his glasses to see properly to greet her.

"Hi there, my names Dennis, may I ask for yours?"

Maita suddenly blushed; she shakes her head to concentrate to give a response to Dennis.

"My... my.... Name is... Maita..."

Dennis eyes widen up after hearing her name, he gotten up and patted his seat so that Maita could sit down.

"If you excuse me, I ma go get some drinks."

Maita quickly grabbed Dennis hand and pulled him on to her. She covered Dennis eyes while he froze in fear.

"Hey! What are you doing to him!"

Owen tried to get out of the pool, but they have held him down by Storm and Nautic.

"Get Off Me Woman!!"

He tried to fend off Storm and Nautic, but they were too persistent. Owen was looking around and saw Claire walking by to the couch and yelled out her name.


She went out and saw all the commotion, Owen had his hand out and she quickly went to help him.

"What the hell is this!? Get your hands off him!!"

Claire jumped on to the poll and taken down Storm and Nautic with one pounce.

"Thanks for the help."

Owen decided to focus on helping Dennis, but he saw that he was crying, Owen stepped back as he saw that Maita was getting sad as well and bringing Dennis closer to her.

"Its... Alright... I'll be fine..."

Owen clashed his fist and hit the wall, then he noticed small white orbs surrounding them.

"What is this?"

Claire asked. It was like an old memory, it showed Dennis, Claire, Maita and 2 unknown people in one situation that was like a happy memory to them.

"So it wasn't a dream after all..."

Maita uncovered Dennis eyes releasing an emotional urge of pain and happiness. Storm and Nautic vanished as everyone was paying attention to Dennis and Maita crying.

"We need to go before it's too late."

Storm dragged Nautic out of the area, but they were interrupted halfway to return to their base. "

You two going somewhere."

F.D was waiting patiently for his prey whit his weapon in hand. He started to aim at it with a passion to kill.

"What are you doing here?! I thought we had a deal!"

Storm was frustrated since she dint relaxed at all.

"I believe our deal was completed, so you better leave before I get on edge."

F.D pulled out his lance to give out a warning. Storm crossed her arms while Nautic opened a portal and brought Storm with her.

"Well, nothing much to do here except wait, am I right Stalker?"

Stalker was standing on a lamp post and jumped off.

"Yea I guess you're right, also here's the documents that I promised."

"Thanks but can you explain me how you understood my deal?"

Stalker smirked and looked away.

"Oh please, I know how corrupt my boss is, I couldn't stand it any longer with his research." Stalker blunted.

F.D took a look on the documents and saw 3 plans going in motion. He was terrified at first, but he took a deep breath and looked at Stalker.

"You should leave during the day Dennis find his base and tell him to activate the manifestation protocol."

F.D turned away to head back to the house and departed ways with Stalker. On that same day Dennis was setting up an extra bed for Maita in his room, each room had a space for two people Claire and Nidializ shared the same room, Owen and Dwight shared another room and Dennis and Dj shared another one, Dennis alts rarely sleep but they do whenever they want to, for example, Neko D is usually found in Dennis room or in Claire's room but this night was an exception.

"Whose she?" Dj asked.

"Dj, great timing I would like to introduce you to Maita" Maita stood up and approached Dj, he had no words to say but Maita hugged him, and she looked happy. Meanwhile, in X's office every alt was on a chair, F.D entered and tossed the documents on the table.

"We have until the 11th to get ready and before he finishes awakening his powers soon."

X saw the papers and looked at F.D strangely.

"What's he going to do tomorrow?"

F.D slide some pictures on to the table and pointing the one in the middle.

"His heading to their base tomorrow morning, make sure you have a medical supplies at 6pm."

F.D left the room and left the others to think.

"Well, guys, you heard him lets go." X said.

Everyone else did their own thing and wait it out for the now.