
A new training regime: morning

It was a new day. At 6am of the morning, Dennis woke up cause of the sunlight in his room that was aiming at his left eye. From a burning sensation on to the face. Dennis got off the bed and went into the shade. He then bit on to his shirt to avoid screaming to wake up everyone else.

[Dennis] "Grrrrrrr....."

Dennis growled in anger. It took quite some time for Dennis to calm down that even Obliviona materialize her self into her human body. She noticed Dennis growling and snapped her fingers multiple times to get Dennis attention.

[Obliviona] "Calm down, Dennis. You're going to wake everybody in this place if you keep growling like that."

Dennis stopped growling and loosened his bite on his shirt to place his attention on Obliviona.

[Dennis] "Sorry about that... I have lost my mind when the sun hit my left eye..."

As Dennis got up from the floor, he covered his left eye using his hoody. Obliviona took notice and approached. When she got close, she pinned Dennis to the nearest wall to have a closer look. Dennis was trying to look away, but Obliviona placed her left hand on Dennis chin and forced him to look straight at her.

[Dennis] "(What the- how is she that strong!?!?)"

Dennis got surprised by Obliviona's natural strength, he couldn't fight back to avoid eye contact. As Obliviona had a good inspection on Dennis's left eye. She saw that he had nine other versions of himself trapped in his body and was building up tension.

[Obliviona] "Oh my goodness... This could explain why you're so easy to boss around."

As Obliviona mentioned, Dennis was building tension because of his fused state. And the longer he stays fused, the greater the strain to control himself. Obliviona then took off Dennis's coat.

[Dennis] "Hey! Give that back!"

Dennis was trying to reach out to his coat once Obliviona took it off from him.

[Obliviona] "I'll be borrowing this for today. A girl needs a fresh pair of clothing."

Dennis left eye began twitching uncontrollably after hearing Obliviona talk. He clearly was not in the mood to take this and opened the barrier he had active during the night and entered into the room that Nidializ was staying. As the barrier opened, it made a soft sound that waked up Nidializ and she saw Dennis busting in thru the wall.

[Nidializ] "Good morning bro... Are you feeling ok?"

[Dennis] "More or less, do you want get ready and go to the coffee shop nearby?"

[Nidializ] "Sure, just let me get ready, I'll be outside in a few minutes."

Dennis nodded and headed back to his room and found that Obliviona was wearing his coat completely zipped. He then noticed some of her clothing on the bed.

[Dennis] "You got to be kidding me, you are not going out only with a shirt and my coat on!!"

[Obliviona] "Shut it, I can't be seen in public with such ragged clothing. Also, you need a bath."

[Dennis] "That's beyond reasoning on my viewpoint."

Obliviona noticed that Dennis had a bag in his hand and pulled out a flask that had water. He then opened and drank the water, then poured what was left of it over his body. It expelled all the dirt and smell from his body that a cumulated for days.

[Obliviona] "Dennis... When was the last time you got a bath?"

[Dennis] "A few days ago, I haven't taken a bath when I got back from breathing Farion. Right now, the dirt and body odder from my body was repelled by Neko D that is in my fused state with eight other versions of myself."

When Dennis finished talking, he saw Obliviona with a shocked expression. With no further things to be said, Dennis went out of the castle and was waiting, sitting on a bench. He felt nostalgic for some reason and remembered the dream he had before he woke up in the hospital.

As time passed by, Nidializ got out of the castle and saw Dennis sitting on a bench. Dennis gave one glance out of boredom and saw Nidializ wearing a white shirt, some long dark blue pants and her light blue coat with her hair tied behind.

[Nidializ] "Sorry for the wait, bro, but aren't you forgetting something?"

Nidializ asked since she saw Dennis only with his dark grey shirt and black long pants. Dennis looked over himself and remembered that Obliviona had his coat for the rest of the day.

[Dennis] "Not, really. But we should get going, we may have a long day ahead of us."

As Dennis mentions. They both went off to the coffee shop. When they arrived, Dennis ordered two bagels, three plain muffins and four coffee's for the go. On their way back to the castle, Nidializ ate one of the bagels while Dennis was drinking a coffee.

[Nidializ] "Hey Dennis. Who was that girl in your room? Was that your lady friend?"

Nidializ gave a smile as she was nudging Dennis left shoulder. Dennis got flustered for one second, then he shook his head to snap out of it.

[Dennis] "Actually, that was my weapon Obliviona..."

[Nidializ] "Obliviona... I would like to meet her when I get the chance..."

[Dennis] "Oh? Then I guess your day is your lucky day because we need to deliver this to her before she gets mad at me."

Dennis pointed out on the coffee and the food. As they headed back to the castle. Nidializ followed Dennis since he knows where Obliviona was waiting. When they reached the castle entrance from the right. Dennis pointed at the sign that said training grounds.

As they headed to the training grounds, they saw that the place was empty.

[Dennis] "There she is."

Dennis spotted Obliviona wearing the black coat that she took from him while resting under a tree. When they made it to the tree that Obliviona was resting under, they sat next to her to wake her up. Nidializ poked Obliviona once, but she didn't wake up, but Dennis knew away to wake her up. He cast a small piece of the black ice and placed it near Obliviona's neck.

[Dennis] "This should to the trick."

Dennis took one sip of his coffee and saw Obliviona waking up. When she woke up, she saw Dennis and Nidializ drinking coffee while offering some to her.

[Obliviona] "Just in time..."

Obliviona took one sip from her coffee and was wide awake. She got up and stretched her body once the queen arrived. Dennis didn't expect for Celeste to join in. She took the last remaining coffee and joined them for the rest of the morning until it was midday.