
GDI At Nier

What do you think will happen when a regular Command and Conquer GDI gamer is put in a world of Nier with the power of commanding an army? Well, total chaos of course. ........ This Story is going to be focusing on both the character and the consequences of every step the OC has done. Upload every Tuesday and Friday

Souleye123 · Derivasi dari game
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32 Chs

Victory without a cost

"In war, whichever side may call itself the victor, there are no winners, but all are losers." - Neville Chamberlain


(Others Pov)

With the Broadcast sent to the whole world, Entire androids were in a state of unrest, and an Emergency has been announced by the High Council for androids to arm themself and prepare themself for a battle that they never expected in their entire life.

A battle for Humanity

Never once they expected this day to comes.

Meanwhile, in space, the bunker is in a state of total chaos, with red light blaring the room, and the sound of heavy metal as Android rushes left and right across the hallway from the sudden emergency mission that was given.

"12B we need you to he-"

"I don't care if you did not finish the mission 4S, Just hurry up and go!"

"I swear I am not lying 10E, the bunker is in total chaos!"

Operator continues trying to recall some of YoRHa to head to the location immediately even if they are in the middle of Mission or in the farthest end of the world.

Others try to equip one of the heaviest weapons that YoRHa has in the armory with great haste and after equipping their armor they immediately run to the nearest hangar.

While all of YoRHa android was in rush, Commander White also have to deal with a problem.

She is currently doing a Global meeting with all leaders around the world

Even though I said all leader there is only 5 Person in front of the screen and all of them are General

There is 5 General for each territory, First was the USA, Russia, Europe, Asia, and lastly Commander White herself from space.

Africa is not included because Machine Have infested the place making it impossible to Occupy, there are more including the High Council and many others but commander white did include them because they have their own problem they have to deal with because of the Broadcasting that the human did.

"We must rescue the human! I already send reinforcement right now, but it will take an hour with our ship"

> Cold-headed android, he masters the way of winter. He has white hair and a beard around his Chin, he is General Ustorv, he governs the Military in Russia

"Can't it go any faster?"

>She is responsible for providing the world with vehicles and weapons. Blond hair White skin, General Isabella, He governs the Military in the USA

"We are now overloading the engine, we already going as fast as we can and can't go any faster!" he said, when smoke appear in the background "BLYAT" and then he run to fix it.

All of the Global leaders of the Army Of Humanity were in rus- no desperate to send reinforcement anyways they can. Android is programmed to do anything it can if it can save a single human, but if their number is 10000 times that number and with the lives of every single One of them in danger? Of course, they will be desperate to save them.

"If I am right there is Blue Ridge II right around the corner" Commander White touch her chin

"That's right! I'll send them right now" General Isabella turns his face around and speak "HEY SEND BLUE RIDGE II from the Pacific!"

"How about you Commander White? how is your deployment?"

>The one that brings huge success in retaking France and turning the land into a fortress, He is General Napoleon, He Governs the entire military in Europe.

"I already Deploy and recall all YoRHa from the bunker and other countries, even the reserve, but it is going to take some time for all of them to arrive with the Lack of Flight Unit" Commander White answered

"Then I pray to humanity that YoRHa is fast enough heading there"

> He Dress like a monk and is Bald. he is none other than General Penny, and he governs the military in Asia

"The battle is not decided yet" Commander speaks as she looks at a huge map together with the other General to think of a plan in this desperate time

Meanwhile Combat model and support model were in a rush to be deployed to the ground but the problem is that the Flight unit can only deploy one by one.

A line of androids in the hallway tried to enter the hangar and Crane put down one by one Flight Units to meet the demand of Flight Unit.

After they got to the flight unit they immediately head down to the surface with the Operator briefing as they go.

They received a report of what is happening

Many of the androids were excited about meeting humans but when they hear a bit more about what the report said, they were even more, rushed hoping to save them.

But when they arrived all Hope lost all of them in the air to watch is happening.

All across the place was burned and destroyed, Machine present were all over the area, destroying many structures using several weapons they have, Screams people were everywhere in the city.

A Flak gun, gunshot, explosion, and many more can be seen everywhere in the City trying to eliminate the machine, V-35 Ox Flying above the city trying to evacuate the citizen, and Fighter Jet continues trying to destroy the Flying type machine, everywhere the battlefield was just pure chaos.

A lot of YoRHa was Frozen in the air not moving fear and confusion consumed most of YoRHa. Never in the history of YoRHa was seeing such burned place.

"U-uh what should we do?" One of YoRHa In group said

While many of them stay in the air one of the androids received a call

"Alert: Incoming Transmission"

"From who?" 1B turns her face to the pods

"Hypothesis: Possible one of Ground Force trying to connect"

1B look at each Android and they nod at 1B

".....Patch it through Pod," 1B said with a bit of hesitation

"Established Vidio Uplink"

When the Video showed she was surprised by the said person

"You must be YoRHa right?"

She saw that the person is none other than the person who broadcast

"Y-you were the person who was at the live broadcast"

"That's right and I am the Commander of the GDI force and the one leading this base, and I need all of your help"

1B expression turns serious "Yes what is it?"

"Good, If you see a damaging machine building around the area ignore them"


"It's fine! the building can be repaired, and we will deal with the evacuation of all humans in the city. But I need you all to deal with a more pressing concern. Right now we have a crack that appears way behind the defensive line and they keep pouring out of the machine making our soldiers spread thin across the city, so I need you all to shut that hole before the Machine breaks our line of defense and destroys the rest of our Home!"


"Good Luck YoRHa" the Vidio cut off and 1B looked at the YoRHa android

More YoRHa have gathered in the group after hearing the voice

1B takes a deep breath to calm herself "You hear him, Move out Android!" They activate their Engine and are now heading there

While they fly above the ground they heard several voices from the radio.

"H-help me" "O-oh God this is the end-" "Command! We got a group of machines trying to-"

All of YoRHa androids flinch some were even in tears from seeing the place, but still focuses on the task.

After heading to the location they see many tunnels to the underground and Saw many Machines coming out of them.

"All YoRHa! Split and deal with them!" One of the YoRHa leaders spoke with anger at her word


All of YoRHa then split across the Blue Zone, some decide to fight in the air to help fight the Flying type machine and help some people transport, while some drop out of their flight unit and decide to fight brute force against the machine.

The Battle For the Future of Mankind Has begun

(Commander Pov)

"Main objective received"


Protect the Civilian transport


"This is GDI Forces Radio Stuttgart! Come in, come in!" Another Plane was shut down as it is trying to evacuate the civilian.

I have managed to gather all of the GDI force around the Blue Zone and now trying to stop the machine from stopping the evacuation, I even bring my personal best GDI Force that I have and all of them are Heroic rank.

"Oh my god! They're destroying everything!"

....But like People said, even though we have the Quality versus Quantity, their number was just too much for us to handle and many Parts of Blue Zone were lost to the machine.

"The city is on fire, all of it! So many people-"

Over the horizon, machines marching to our city, continue to destroy and kill everything in sight without any hesitation or mercy.

"It's gone... all of it! It's gone-"

Our pure hard work of fixing the city is falling right before our eyes, our very own city is now turning to fresh new ruin.

"-ending of the flesh and they're just-"

But that's not the point, right now I still have a job to do

"Assault Platoon Epsilon at your service, sir!"

"Good protect the Citizens long enough so they can evacuate," I said through the video

"B-but sir! there are still some people who are stuck under the ruin!"

"I know, I already send reinforcement but you all need to defend-"

But our conversation was stopped when something drop from the sky shaking the ground around them

I look over from the camera and Saw weird shape machine

"W-what the fuck is that," one of the soldiers said

"Don't stand around and shoot it" one of the officers said in the background

I take a closer look and see the machine has A multi-legged one equipped with two massive blades in the front and the shape almost looks like a ball.

My eye went wide from seeing the familiar machine "That's Goliath Spider RUN-" I try to tell them but it was too late

Blood splatter the screen as the Goliath Spider uses electricity to kill all human around the radius, screaming people and the sound of gunshot come out of the video

"Epsilon! Come in, Come in." video scattered in front of me "DAMMIT" I slam the table in anger

Seeing as they did not call back, I quickly change my point of view other battlefields to controls while asking the Operators "HEY Operator! How's the production of other Vehicles?"

Seeing as we lack force inside the Blue Zone I immediately make the production of Vehicles with great haste.

"We already made 200 units to fight the enemy and currently they are engaging in combat around the Blue Zone"

That means over 500 Soldier or more but.."Not enough, make more!"

"But sir... we don't have enough resources to make more"

"Cih" She is right

I was thinking to make more harvesters to pump out more Tiberium from below the ground, but I don't want the whole world to notice the Tiberium because of how valuable it is, especially if it is Machine Lifeform. If they got the wind of this, I can already tell the Machine will try to steal Tiberium and make an already strong machine to even more dangerous. The Good news is there is a dome protecting the Tiberium and harvester, for some reason the machine has not noticed it yet so that's good.

But this battle was way out of my control, thousand of soldiers I control in every place, and demands like order, reinforcement, intelligence, Air support, and soo many things requested at every second of it. I also try to ignore the number of casualties appearing on the screen which keeps rising every minute. Eva, the Operator has been trying to help me as much as possible.

I stop my thought when I notice beeb sound for a call on the screen

'Who would try to call now?' I look over the contact and I was surprised who it is.

When the video is shown I was happy by the person "9S, 2B I am Soo glad to see both of you here" Both of them smile at me

"Commander, what's the situation?" 2B got straight to the point

"Extremely bad, they already destroy many buildings, and the number of dead is already predicted to be thousand and it is increasing as we speak." 2B and 9s flinch when hearing this "the reason why there are Soo many casualties is because they have managed to breach the line of defense using some kind of manmade hole right below the Blue Zone, if the crack is not being dealt the death count will continue rise."

"Understood Commander, we will deal with the crack," 9S said with a serious expression

They were about to cut the video but I stopped them "No, I need your help with something else. I lost contact with one of the evac transport, I need you to find them and rescue them, sending the coordinate now!"

"Understood!" Both androids nod at me

"Good Luck"

Both YoRHa Nod at me again, then they Cut the feed and I focus on the task

"Requesting Bomber on our Location!" "T-there are too many of them! we need to reinforce-" "Enemy Goliath Spotted Retreat!" "Yeah take that you machine scum, eat hot Sound!" "Be advised report shows multiple hostiles inside the building" "The walls, they're destroying the walls!"

Comms scatter around the Command Center and each operator works hard on handling the situation. the best as they can. sweat can be seen on their forehead from dealing with the same stress.

While all this sound bad, we have some good news.

YoRHa with their flight unit has devastated a large portion of the Machine in the sky, giving our transport more time to evacuate the citizen, but on the ground, the machine keep coming like a wave, we try to send Air Strike but enemy Laser was too effective against our airstrike, so we have been using artillery to destroy most of them, of course, the attack cause some collateral damage and sacrifice some of the city was hurting for me as I saw the explosion happening around the city block because of the artillery strike, but it was necessary to turn the tide of battle. The Artillery leader literally has to double and triple-check my order to bomb the city to stop the enemy advance.

I heard some of my Operator was in tear from seeing the burning city, but ignore it to continue dealing with threath.

"Sir almost half of the machine coming out from the crack have been reduced by 50% after YoRha manage to seal the hole, but we are still struggling to gain Ground because of the number machine have overwhelmed us even the report shows we have to abandon B 6-5"

'B 6-5 is a garden area if I am right cih and I started to like that place'


There are different types of territory

Y is considered a yellow Zone and takes up to 80% of earth's territory and is where most of the androids and Machines live.

B is considered as Blue Zone and where most humans live and take up to only 0,2%.

While the rest are red Zone where human even android and Machine has a hard time Living here.


"That's fine, just continue the attack!"


While they focusing on the battle I thought 'We manage to defend ourselves from Machine attack from the crack below the Blue Zone using some leftover GDI troops like APC, Pitbull, Rifleman, Missile Squad, and many more. Even better YoRHa just arrive in time to help our troops around the Blue Zone lessening their burden, so we should be fine.' but my thought was cut because of another problem

"Commander, they are trying to destroy the power plant, I'll send the situation to the screen"

I look at the big screen and see a live video showing the machine continues hitting the power plant station continuously and damaging the Building 'Now they know our weakness? this day is just getting bad' i quickly connect to YoRHa Channel

"Cih, This Is Commander of GDI to all YoRHa! the machine is trying to destroy many of our Powerplant around the Blue Zone, if they are to destroy one of our power plants, all of our defense will go offline and we will lose the City, and defend them at all costs!"

(2B Pov) {The Dark Colossus, OST}

We have found the location of the evacuation but...

"Alert: all humans around 500 meters are confirmed dead" Pod 147 Report to me

We search for any survivors but nobody managed to survive and the only thing that was left was a dead body scattered around the place.

I want to puke from seeing the place.

But my attention was taken by 9S anger

"GOT DANGIT" 9S Punch a nearby machine

"9S calm down-"

"How are we supposed to Calm down when we failed humanity again 2B!" 9S snap at 2B

I stand still to let him calm down after he manage to calm himself and took a deep breath he understood what happened and apologize to 2B

"U-uh I am sorry 2B"

"...That's fine"

We were lost on what should do when we heard the broadcast that was sent by a commander

After hearing a little I look at Operator 6O who also watching the Broadcast

"Operator 6O?" 2B Cut down another machine while hearing the report

"Already done. we have confirmed the location where most of the defense received energy, sending the coordinate now!" 6O Says through the video with great haste and the Video cut

'Looks like the Bunker are also busy over there' But I shift my focus back here

"Location of the power source is confirmed, Marking on map." Pod 042 said

The camera then moves to the nearest Powerplant where the majority of the machine located

"Proposal: destroy the machine around the power plant quickly"

I Look at my partner "Come on 9S"


While we try to head there running as fast as possible we saw other Flight units in the background

Some of YoRHa around the region activated their engines and headed to the PowerPlant but in different directions while destroying the machine blocking their way. While some of YoRHa who are on the ground continued to try to gain some ground against the machine while being helped by human soldiers who are beside them, we even Saw more YoRHa reinforcement from space and Resistance Android from other places coming in and beginning fighting or shooting.

9S Saw in the background another squadron getting down to the surface from space and can't help himself but voice his thought

"I never think to see such a high number of YoRHa on one location!" 9S continues shooting the machine in his path.

What 9S said is right, I already think the number of YoRHa in this location already reach 50 and I can already tell more will be coming, never in the history of YoRHa where this much YoRHa was needed in one location I even saw a rare experimental YoRHa and other faction here. Considering that the bunker only has 100-150 androids this is indeed high.

(You need to remember that 1 YoRHa android makes up to 1000 machines and it is usually scattered around the world to deal with the threat. That is why It was weird seeing all YoRHa In one location)

"Then the situation is direr than we thought if they need to deploy all of it" 2B replied but still focusing on the battle.

We continue Killing and shooting the machine blocking our way, But all the time Scanner model was getting even more confused by the situation

"T-this number does not make any sense! Are they really determined to destroy Humanity?!" 9S was freaked out by the number of machines around the place, it does not matter Both air and ground number are too much that even the Automatic defense can not keep up with the number.

If Humanity's Automatic defense already thinned up much of the Machine then.. this is only a fraction of the number we are fighting? Just how much did the machine send? And what were their plans for doing this?

I continue fighting until I notice in the skys "9S Watch out!" I grab his hand with force and pull 9S from the falling plane that is heading to our spot

After we are a bit far We turn around and saw a V-35 Ox Transport have smoke on its tail

"HELP-" The comms came to life but the plane crashed to the ground before finishing it's word

After the dust and wind clear out we just remember that other humans were inside the transport and dies before we can save them.


"...Another Human died, we need to hurry Eliminate the machine!"

When we arrive at the place we quickly kill any machine around the place and successfully clear out all of the machines with some damage to some of our parts.

As we are taking a break from the long battle a single machine is stopping us

"2B, I am detecting Something massive coming here!"

"Goliath Class detected," Pod 042 said

"Goliath....." I say with a bit of anger, I usually don't like the machine, but for the first time, I hate them Will all my heart.

I spotted the Goliath Flyer flying toward the Power plant and it begin to charge up it's Cannon

"I WON'T LET YOU" I Dash to goliath with a sword in my arms while releasing such great hate

"2B I'll hack the Goliath while you-" 9S was cut off by an explosion that happened to the Goliath


"Ugh" 2B says in surprise, she stops dashing and covers her face from an explosive from debris and smoke As a plane just went by us after shooting the Goliath with a missile.

We saw the plane activate it's booster and turn around trying to eliminate other machines.

"Look's like that's all of them" 9S Scan around the place for any more threat

"Enemy around the Powerplant has been eliminated, reroute to support the allies on the groun-"

A sudden shake of the ground stopped my speech.

"What on earth....?"


We Saw in the distance, something big walking here while bringing down many buildings in their path

After looking closely, they begin to notice the familiar size of the Unit.

"Is that...."

"2B ENGLES" 9S Scream

Engles jump in front of the entire Defense knocking people around and blasting them away

"UWAHH" many people fly from the shockwave alone when it lands.

The whole troops stop shooting from shock seeing it, some of them were even dumb struck from seeing it.

".....This day is just getting worse"

(Commander Pov)

"Sir, we are detecting 3 Engles, they are breaking our line of defense!"

"I know I can see it"

I was sweating as hell as red light blared the room from the sudden new Enemy entering the battlefield.

From my point of view, I Saw the Engles swing it's arms and instantly destroy anything it's way

"AKHH" the Scream when troops got blown away by the huge machine. Even vehicles were instantly penetrated like paper.

Most of the Operators who first time Saw Engles were still in a shocked state because of the strength and size of the Goliath destroying our force.

Then I Saw One of the Engles begin to charge it's laser and fire at our troops, I try to stop that thing but it was too late.


once it's done the defender and wall that protected the city were left with nothing but land that is melted and Destroys

"T-that attack has just eliminated an Entire battalion!" The Operator speaks with fear

"Walls are being breached! our troops can not keep up with the number of Machine t-they are entering the city"

Entire battalion

My preparation has gone just like that

I was in a rage at this and quickly ordered Operators


"U-uh Right! Emp Control Network firing"

EMP was a fire at Engles from the sky, as Blue electricity hitting Engles stunning all 3 of them and making the stop moving

"ALL GDI Focus fire on the Engles!"

From my point of view, all Unit in the surrounding area point their Guns, weapons, Bomb just anything that the GDI have and they begin to shoot the thing YoRHa also shoots it's a weapon, quickly destroying one of the Engles as we blow to peace

As our force keeps shooting a blinding light stops us from continuing shooting as we try to block the blinding light.


Out of nowhere, a Laser strike hit the Engles instantly destroying the Engles and the surrounding area as explosions decimate the Engles and all around it. Once it is done the area were melted and nothing was left.

I was blinded by the bright light until I recover some of it.

"Uhh what was that?" One of the Operator tries to recover their eye from the blind as he keeps blinking his eyes.

"If I remember correctly, it is one of YoRHa Superweapon called Satelit Laser Strike, or SLS for short. The report shows it is YoRHa most powerful weaponry, must have been used to destroy the Engles" The other operator answer

'SLS, such a powerful weapon but still not enough to beat these Machines? Even Dark Souls have limit'

"Commander, we have reported that Reinforcement has arrived including YoRHa and the Resistance androids, currently they are helping defend the wall"

We saw as even more YoRHa androids came from the sea and landed riding their flight unit while the Resistance Androids come out of their trucks and begin shooting the machine and helping some of the injured humans.

While seeing a friendly face brought a smile on my face, I look over part of the city where fighting still happening

I shift my focus to the windows that show the entire city's situation as flak guns shoot up to the sky and several clouds of smoke appear all around the city

"The Battle is not over until we retake the city"

"Understood commander"

'This is going to be a long day' I put a coffee beside me to prepare myself for the long day of fighting


ANNDD CUT. The anime for Nier Automata was Soo cool!! With the release of Nier Automata Anime, I have more inspiration to add my fanfic like how strong was Engles like god damns the laser was enough to melt the land, how Pod fights, how strong YoRHa Flight unit is, and many others.

Another thing, knowing Lilly was alive It kind change my whole fanfic *sigh* I Got to repair some of it.

I am also sorry, for the late update, I received a couple of PTSD on how bad the fanfic was from the review, leaving me crying in the corner and hating to write.

Oh yeah *Sound of guns* You are obliged to watch, like, and give it 5 stars on every review for Nier Automata Anime if you want to read this fanfic, this is not a request.