

Scientists found that homosexuality is produced by a gene called gay gene, and they also found a cure for gay gene. Ron Ram is just like an ordinary person. He doesn't think homosexuality is a disease, so why should it be treated? But when the problem appeared, Ron Ram had to decide to receive treatment in order to get everything back, whether it was work or family, but at the cost of losing Bua, the man he loved most.

emmoelmo · LGBT+
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2 Chs

My dear friend.

The memory of his father eventually returned to Ron Ram's mind after the notion had previously left it. At the beginning of this month, he can't even recall the date, but the recollection of his father is more intense than anything else.

his dad. Why? Why? Ron Ram is aware of and is understanding of

But this won't stop his feelings from flowing.

Turn off the TV by taking the remote control in his palm. Silence almost takes on the quality of pressure from the sound. In fact, Ron Ram has no animosity toward his biological father at all. He is only able to consider what is truly wrong with him, or what he is. He had never considered homosexuality to be improper, but as these incidents mounted, he began to have second thoughts about it.

If it causes his father problems, there's no harm in continuing, right?

One word caused everything, including society, labor, income, and daily existence, to collapse.


But what if he isn't?

He will not wish to love a woman if he is not gender-biased, if he is born that way, or if something can change his gender, but he was aware of this from an early age. Is it slack? Not heredity but the environment is to blame for this. Is this a gene that is recessive?

Can this sexual trait be altered?

He raised his hand to take the phone just as he started to consider it. To pass the time, turn on the screen and browse the news feed website. His friends who begin dating have a steady employment, vacation time, and when the time has passed, just showing off images of success. Friendships lose their importance as relationships. Loved ones, close friends, or coworkers are the only things left. Unquestionably, this was a society.

Ron Ram sighed, "Hmm". He briefly moved, studied the message with his black nylon eyes, closed the Facebook application, opened Google's page, and typed the search term. He never considered looking for himself.

'How to stop being gay?'

The majority of items appear to support equal alternative gender, which is the most intriguing aspect. Just why did he do it? It's a question, that. The answer is obvious from the start—because of himself and because he can't handle reality—but it remains in his mind. Finally, his gender identity has a social field that is unacceptable, like an equal subject, merely a superstitious policy, and the reality is still rotting inside.

As can be predicted, there will only be news that supports LGBTQIA in the early stages. However, if you pay great attention, you will notice that these news stories frequently follow the current fashion, and in this range, the alternative gender is well-known. If you mention the steadfast backing from many departments, you will undoubtedly be compared to what the outside world has witnessed.

'Well, homosexuality succeeded!'

'Tomboy Becomes Billionaire!'

'Human equality'

He slides his finger back and forth till he sees news that seems odd, and the news' big headline is attractive.

'There it is! Genes in the body contribute to homosexuality. Today, participants were welcomed by researchers who have discovered a medicine to treat gay genes!'


To start reading right away, click on the palm of his hand. What does genetics have to do with homosexuality? People will claim that heredity is to blame. Because he was the only member of his family that qualified as a gay, Ron Ram will find this unbelievable. if genes are the root of the issue.

Is it a gene that is recessive? Hidden genes? In high school, he first learned about Mendel and all the regulations. Just one tiny head has it. An accounting course taken after starting university didn't do much to improve his scientific grades. The eyes read the interior information as the brain considered them.

'In cooperation with Santi Hospital, the research team at Oliver Company, under the direction of Director Boriphat, found a gene that can cause male patients to exhibit gay tendencies and subsequently develop homosexual tendencies. It was given the label 'gay gene' and a successful, safe therapy medication was also created.

The research committee made public the need for gay volunteers, stated their intention to provide free testing and therapy for homosexuality, and said they would closely follow the course of the treatment with qualified psychiatrists.

Click here to read more information.'

Although the phrase 'treatment' is a little odd, Ron Ram never considered homosexuality to be a disease or something that required treatment, at least not before the family split up.

Additionally, the company declines to hire him because he must maintain his privacy as a gay man. Who knows what his pals are saying behind his back, even though they appear to be supportive of him.

The palm finally clicked to view the official information. He continues to read, most of which may be summed up as follows: project details, participation, benefits to be received, and follow-up treatment.

'Participants in the 'Treatment of Gay Gene' project must be male, of Thai nationality, Thai ethnicity, be at least 18 years old, be able to speak and read Thai, have homosexual inclinations that interfere with job, study, or interpersonal relationships, or have been diagnosed with gender dysphoria.

A kit will be used to screen for gay genes, and if the results are positive, a psychiatrist must assess the situation. Then therapy with an intravenous injection. The medicine itself will activate the gene-binding protein that expresses homosexuality in the body and can modify homosexuality's ideological characteristics.

In total, there will be 1 injection. One hour after the medicine has been administered, monitor the symptoms in the hospital. For a month, check the treatment every week to track the progression of the disease and any drug adverse effects.

In the event that there is an incident when the project is being implemented, the investigative team will cover all nursing and medical costs and make up for any lost wages during such medical care using the minimum wage required by law.'

It's at least thought to be protected.

Ron Ram, who read them all, was torn between believing and disbelieving. However, reliable hospitals and companies are being tested in this case. He was familiar with the name. Although he was aware that the hospital was a model facility and offered excellent services, he had never used the hospital's services. The name of the company is well-known. Like a business that produces food and drugs? Not certain.

It looks fine, he thought to himself. The mind considers whether he should join this project as the hand presses to save the file and the link. If it makes him love females. Will being one of the most upright members of society have a positive impact on his future?

He doesn't know, but life was miserable in the past.

"Ron Ram, what are you doing, dear friend?"

A voice was cut off, the door to the room opened, and a young man with a big grin, a head of fuzzy black hair, and black eyes that resembled Ron Ram emerged. He is Bua, a trustworthy buddy and housemate. Since the day of the Ron Ram's father event, he has been residing in the same building. It's been said that without Bua, Ron Ram wouldn't know where to sleep.

"Look at anything. Are you back, Bua?" Ron Ram grinned and left, appearing extremely calm but with pressure and stress pushing behind him. He placed the phone next him, adjusted the sofa, and invited another man—a good friend—to sit next to him.

"Come back here. I want to share something with you." Bua set the suitcase down, removed his socks, and took a seat next to Ron Ram. Talk in an upbeat tone while turning to face the other party. For Ron Ram, Bua is constantly shining brilliantly like the sun. Bua likes to assist. This may be yet additional factor contributing to the friend's rarity.

"Bua, what's the matter?"

"Do you remember that I am the page's administrator, 'Love Cat'? Today, a black cat's abandonment was reported by someone. They think it represents bad luck, like when people leave them. There are numerous cats looking for homes, not just one. Not good, is it?"

Ron Ram nodded in agreement as he heard Bua describe his experience at work and replied, "Ah, poor boy."

Ron Ram and Bua attended the same accounting faculty. The fact that Bua was hired by one of the four major companies in the country is not unusual. Bua received first-class honors in his graduation and never had a failing grade. Ron Ram indeed received a second-class honor, but he also had trouble finding employment. His own decisions and the explanations offered by various companies do not exactly align with those of Bua.

"Ron Ram, are you listening?"

"Yes, I'll listen to what you have to say."

"Oh, I just can't take it. What gives you anxiety? You always tell me, though." When Bua watched Ron Ram fall unconscious, he said less and was less angry. Instead, he just turned, stared straight ahead, waved his hands to indicate that each person might respond. His close friends expressed their concern.

"I'm sorry, it happened..." In the beginning, Ron Ram appeared to be in the mood to say something, but in the end, he was powerless to resist.

"It's only that the company that just conducted the job interview called to let me know the outcome. They rejected me because…I'm gay." After a brief period of silence, Ron Ram continued.

"So I reasoned that it would be great if I could change homosexuality. Open Google and have a look at this." Bua observed in silence.

In order to find participants for the Gay Gene Treatment Project, Ron Ram's rough hand opened the news link and details. Bua took it as well and read it for a time before there was stillness. Ron Ram was its destroyer in a matter of seconds, so it didn't take long.

"I believe I will apply,"

"Ron Ram, why did you apply? Why is being homosexual a problem?"

He paused in response to Bua's question, grinned, and drew a well-defined face from his lips. He spoke softly and low as he replied. Even if the facts didn't surface until less than an hour ago, Ron Ram had already considered this solution.

"Although this is right, society has not yet recognized it. Finally, they haven't really accepted it deep down."

"I believe there is a company that accepts. If you are concerned about getting a job. Just need to look for a bit more. If they reject us. Simply put, it suggests that we are not a good fit for their culture." Ron Ram's emotional reasons were sparked by Bua's attempt to speak from a different perspective because even Bua was aware that Ron Ram had rejected the job. It should, in fact, be a family concern.

"I will look for a job" In response, Ron Ram grinned. Being truly ordinary, he is just an ordinary person. His family is not overly warm, but they are not abandoned either. His honor seems to be extremely good, and his academic performance has always been at a medium level, but in reality there isn't much, if any, transfer from study to daily life.

It's exceptional only in this case.

"I've got some free time. It would be excellent if I submit an application for this project." Even more than Bua, according to Ron Ram, he appeared to be talking to himself.

"Do you really believe this is good?" Bua sighed and appeared concerned, but in the end, Bua grinned and added, "I actually think it's really reliable. Anyway, I appreciate your choice, but…"

"I think…" With a gentle beat. "Homosexuality is not wrong."

Ron Ram wants to say it, so yes.

"I had the same thought process." For his companions to hear, Ron Ram chuckled subtly. Before moving his head back and forth.

"However, it now needs to take chances. If it will help my father accept it, I want to find a job."

Bua no longer wanted to impose any restrictions after hearing Ron Ram mention this. It must be exhausting, the audience just nodded and remarked with sympathy.

"I suppose there must be a lot of pressure."

Ron Ram responded with a nod before rising, slouching, and yawning. changing the mood with a broad grin.

"Hmph..! Long periods of sitting might wear you out. Take a stroll outside. Do you need anything, Bua?"

"Get going! A little bottle of Coke."

"That's fine, my friend."


Steps entered the 7-Eleven shop close to the apartment and grabbed a tiny bottle of Coca-Cola. Ron Ram recalls it vividly. Coke Zero never appealed to Bua. Bua frequently claimed that good Coke should have sugar, starting in the days of university.

Nothing has altered at all.

Pick up a bag of crunchy treats at random, and smiles appear out of nowhere. Consider how cozy school days were.

"Hey Ron Ram, how about we play some basketball?"

"Well, I'll be there straight away. Let's first finish up my homework."

Images retained in memory do not disappear.

However, there aren't many options at the moment.