
Lover Number 5.6

"Li Jie?" Han Yasheng gently caressed the boy's face, trying to rouse him from his slumber. This was the first time she had called the prince's name so intimately, without fear of being overheard. "It's already morning."

The night had passed, and sunlight streamed into Li Jie's room, casting a bright glow that somehow made everything feel lighter. Even though he had spent the night on the floor, there was a warmth in his heart, knowing that Han Yasheng was there by his side.

"I'm not late for breakfast, am I?" Li Jie slowly opened his eyes. Surprisingly, he didn't feel the usual rush of anxiety. The presence of Han Yasheng brought a sense of calmness and reassurance.

"No, you're not," Han Yasheng smiled. "I won't let those old geezers find any fault in you."

"I'm sorry," Li Jie suddenly sat up, concern etched on his face. "I fell asleep like that! You should have woken me up! I'm so sorry."

"I fell asleep too, so it's both our fault, don't you think?" Han Yasheng reassured him, concealing the truth that she had spent the night vigilantly watching over him. She had plans to protect Li Jie from the scheming individuals in the harem who sought to manipulate him for their own gains. "We're partners in crime."

"You're right..." Li Jie replied after a momentary pause. Despite his unconventional sleeping position, he felt no discomfort.

"I'll help you get ready," Han Yasheng stood up, leading the prince to the seat in front of the mirror.

Silently, Han Yasheng began to comb through Li Jie's tangled hair. As she observed his white locks, a pang of sadness washed over her.

"It's still white?" Li Jie chuckled, though the humor didn't reach his eyes.

"Yes..." Han Yasheng replied, her voice tinged with sorrow. No matter how many times she witnessed it, she couldn't grow accustomed to seeing his hair devoid of color.

Having observed the behaviors of the royal family for so long, Han Yasheng knew that both the prince and the empress's hair would turn white overnight when subjected to intense stress. Li Jie, however, suffered far more than the empress.

She couldn't recall the last time she saw his once-silky black hair. Ever since he began his studies as the crown prince, his hair had remained an ethereal white.

But with Parsa... There had been a brief period when his black roots started to emerge, only for the emperor to swiftly turn them white again.

This realization only reaffirmed that her son had never known a moment of true peace, even when he pretended.

Dressing Li Jie in his white and golden attire, Han Yasheng couldn't help but wonder how much more his mental well-being would be tested as circumstances continued to change.

"..." Han Yasheng noticed that Li Jie wanted to say something but struggled to find the words. After she secured his jade hairpin, the boy finally mustered the courage to speak. "M- Mom?"

"Yes?" Han Yasheng smiled, sensing both awkwardness and a glimmer of happiness in Li Jie's words.

"I'm going to be the emperor," he declared. "Not an empress."

Han Yasheng's hand froze in mid-air. Had she ever said something that made him believe he would become an empress? Perhaps she had inadvertently planted that idea. Regret clouded her thoughts, but Li Jie interrupted her introspection.

"People assume my role in the bed, and even if their assumptions are correct, it doesn't make me weak," Li Jie explained, gently patting Han Yasheng's hand on his shoulder to assure her he meant no offense. "Because of that, everyone sees me as a girl, but I am the crown prince. Even if I were to enter a meaningful relationship, I won't allow them to undermine my position based on that."

"I will support you no matter what," Han Yasheng reassured, her hand lingering on his shoulder. "Now, off you go."

Li Jie chuckled, squeezing Han Yasheng's hand in gratitude and assurance. Han Yasheng couldn't tear her gaze away from Li Jie's bandaged hands, a reminder of the pain he had endured.

"Don't show this to anyone," she whispered, having chosen his clothes carefully with the longest sleeves to conceal the bandages. "And be cautious around His Majesty."

"Thank you," Li Jie expressed his gratitude, rising from his seat and making his way towards the door. "Thank you, truly."

His bodyguards stood by, ready to accompany him, and they followed quietly as Li Jie left his residence, heading towards the main palace.

"Your Highness!" Huang Baozhai called out, running towards him as soon as he stepped out of his residence. "Shall we go together?"

"You're joining me too?" Li Jie chuckled, gesturing for his guards to allow her to join their entourage.

"Yes," Huang Baozhai nodded, intertwining her fingers with Li Jie's as soon as the guards stepped aside.

Within the palace, it was not a surprise to see the Huang siblings strolling alongside the crown prince, their comfortable interaction accepted without question, although the guards had to maintain a certain level of formality.

"You may not have heard yet, but His Majesty has decided to host a two-week-long feast for every meal," Huang Baozhai informed him, squeezing his hands discreetly as a reminder to be cautious with his emotions in public.

"And I assume the guest list only includes nobles?" Li Jie glanced downward. He had mastered the art of controlling his emotions, but sometimes, in the face of his father's oppressive actions, he couldn't help but lose control.

"Yes," Huang Baozhai nudged their shoulders together. "Yiming...oops, sorry. Excuse my slip of the tongue, your highness. Dear Yiming is already there, so let's pretend to be...uh, joyful about it."

"You should stop teasing him like that," Li Jie laughed, feeling a weight lift off his heart. Huang Baozhai was always there to uplift his spirits when he was feeling low. "One day, he might snap back at you."

"Well," Huang Baozhai tried to conceal her smirk, grateful that Li Jie was looking forward and didn't notice. "If that were to happen, you could always jump in and protect me, you know? Stop him from harming me. You would protect me, wouldn't you, Your Highness?"

"I would," Li Jie shook his head, slightly amused. The events of last night were still fresh in his mind, causing the youthful image he had carefully cultivated to slip away momentarily. Now, in his golden attire, he appeared and felt far more mature than his age. He didn't fully grasp the intention behind Huang Baozhai's words and dismissed it as a playful jest.

"Your arrival should be announced," Han Yasheng interjected, pausing in her steps. "Your Highness, please proceed. We will speak later."

Li Jie nodded, then made his way towards the doors of the main residence.

"His Highness the Crown Prince Li Jie has arrived!"

Everyone stood as soon as his arrival was announced, everyone except the emperor and empress.

One day, I will be announced as Emperor, Li Jie thought resolutely, his head held high as he gracefully walked towards his seat. The weight of the young prince's presence was palpable, causing a ripple of unease among those who witnessed his dignified presence.

And on that day, he will kneel before me.


Let me know if you have any thoughts about this~~

SagharShirazicreators' thoughts