
Lover Number 3.2

Huang Baozhai grinned, feeling a mix of pride and surprise at her successful attempt to play matchmaker, even though Li Jie's words had caught her off-guard as well.

"T-though I didn't mean it that way!" Li Jie exclaimed, breaking the silence with wide eyes and a flushed face. "I just meant that being with someone who knows you well is important, right?"

Huang Yiming cleared his throat and nodded, avoiding direct eye contact with Li Jie. "I suppose..."

Huang Baozhai facepalmed, feeling a sense of defeat. "It's like I did nothing at all."

Li Jie looked at her with confusion, while Huang Yiming sent her a stern glare.

"Anyway," Huang Baozhai quickly changed the subject, sensing the tension in the air. "I also wanted to tell you something else. I ran into the moody counselor on my way here."

"Mood counselor?" Li Jie tilted his head, but realization dawned on him. "Are you talking about Counselor Shi He?"

"Uh-huh," Huang Baozhai confirmed, rolling her eyes. "I'm talking about that little... uh, person indeed. Always glaring at me as if I'm responsible for his mother's demise!"

"But his mother isn't dead," Li Jie pointed out, giving Huang Baozhai a puzzled look.

Huang Baozhai sighed dramatically and pulled Li Jie closer, playing up her role as the protective older sister. "My sweet innocent little silver pie, you see, there are expressions we use in everyday life. And although I don't want to taint your innocent mind, it's good for you to learn them just in case."

Huang Yiming watched his sister's theatrical display and shook his head, but he remained silent, noticing that Li Jie seemed to enjoy this side of Huang Baozhai.

Li Jie grinned at his friend. "I understand what you meant!" he protested, his grin unwavering. "For a moment, I just took it literally."

"Has someone corrupted my child's innocence before me?!" Huang Baozhai exclaimed, playfully squeezing Li Jie's cheeks. "Blink once if it was Yiming, blink twice if it was someone else!"

Li Jie rolled his eyes but complied, blinking once.

"Oh my god! You did blink!" Huang Baozhai turned to glare at her brother. "If you've been teaching the only pure person I know bad things, then I might as well teach you how to deal with a bad person right here!"

"Please, stop being so dramatic," Huang Yiming finally interjected, rolling his eyes. He loved his sister, but her dramatic tendencies could be overwhelming.

"And didn't you say that Li Jie should learn these things?" he added, shrugging, playing along with his sister's game when he saw Li Jie grinning at both of them.

"I hate that you're not even denying it," Huang Baozhai grumbled, narrowing her eyes. "Go corrupt someone else. Li Jie is mine."

Huang Yiming blushed at his slip of words, realizing what he had said. "I...I didn't mean it that way."

Li Jie, oblivious to the deeper meaning, laughed it off, thinking it was all part of Huang Baozhai's unexpected game. Huang Baozhai, on the other hand, looked at her brother with a mix of pain and confusion, unsure of how to react.

Before anyone could say anything else, there was a knock on the door.

"Your Highness?" Han Yasheng's calm voice came from outside. "If it's convenient, the emperor requests your presence in the garden."

Li Jie's body froze for a moment, his breathing hitching, but he quickly regained his composure and smiled brightly.

"I'll meet him in ten minutes," he replied cheerfully.

"Li Jie..." Huang Yiming gave him a worried look, causing Huang Baozhai to frown in confusion. "I can accompany you, if you'd like."

"There's no need to trouble yourself," Li Jie reassured him, patting Huang Yiming's hand with gratitude and affection. "But could both of you help me fix my hair?"

Huang Yiming didn't say anything and took the jade hairpin, while Li Jie sat back on the bed with his back turned to them, ready to prepare for the meeting with his father, the emperor.

It wasn't a widely known fact, but Huang Baozhai, Li Jie, and Han Yasheng were the only ones aware of Huang Yiming's hidden talent for hairstyling.

As Huang Yiming gently brushed Li Jie's hair, the crown prince's smile remained constant, radiating genuine happiness that went unnoticed by the others in the room.

"He seemed different," Huang Baozhai remarked, her eyebrows furrowing with curiosity. "I've never seen Li Jie smile like that before."

Huang Yiming chose to stay silent, understanding that it wasn't his place to disclose the true cause of Li Jie's demeanor. His gaze lingered on the spot where Li Jie had been sitting, lost in his own thoughts.

Observing her brother's contemplative expression, Huang Baozhai seized the rare opportunity of their solitude to delve into a topic she had been longing to discuss: Huang Yiming's love life.

"You like Li Jie, don't you?" she teased, a mischievous grin spreading across her face. "Actually, no, you love him! It's like a dream come true!"

Huang Yiming was taken aback by his sister's directness. While her words didn't surprise him, it was still somewhat startling to hear her vocalize what he had kept hidden for so long. Huang Baozhai's intuition had surpassed his expectations once again.

He sighed, a mixture of resignation and fondness in his voice. "Yes, Baozhai, I do love Li Jie. I've loved him for a while now."

Huang Baozhai's playful demeanor softened, replaced by a more understanding and empathetic expression. She reached out, placing a comforting hand on her brother's arm.

"I had my suspicions," she admitted gently, her eyes filled with sisterly affection. "You don't have to carry this burden alone, Yiming. We're here for you."

A wave of gratitude washed over Huang Yiming as he realized the depth of his sister's support. Tears welled up in his eyes as he smiled warmly at her.

"Thank you, Baozhai," he whispered, his voice filled with emotion. "Having you by my side means everything to me."

In that moment, the bond between them grew stronger, fortified by their shared understanding and unconditional love. They both knew that facing the complexities of love and longing would be easier with each other's support, and they were ready to navigate the path ahead, hand in hand.