
Chapter Fifty-Five: In The Shadowlands


 Nicodemus made one stop before he headed into the forest. It was to track down Orion. When he found the pookah, he was in his natural state. He jumped to his feet leaving the stop where he lounged beside the form of another of his kind.

 "Fury!" Orion stepped away from the female and she slipped into the shadows.

 "Sorry to interrupt," Nicodemus replied, "I needed to see you."

 "What is it!" Orion rumbled. "I was pleasantly engaged!"

 "I apologize," Fury rumbled back, "But I need you to stay close to Siobhan until I get back ---,"

 Orion frowned at Fury. "Come I will walk with you, and you can tell me your plans."

 Fury tilted his head to the forest where the female pookah had disappeared. "And your friend?"

 "I will make amends," Orion murmured with a smile on his pale ghostly face.

 Fury chuckled softly and together they moved away and into the deeper forest. Orion, while in his natural state moved along like a wraith, tall, thin, and as white as moonlight. He scouted ahead, leaving a glowing foot trail for Nicodemus to follow. When they reached the base of the mountain, they stopped to rest.

 "You think Colleen will turn the Shadowlands over to you?" Orion asked.

 "She wants the Shai'Alomar," Fury said. "She thinks I can give her that ability."

 "So, it is as I have heard," Orion said. "You have struck a deal with Colleen Dannan?"

 "There is only one way to bring her out into the open," Fury said. "If she believes I am the no-good bastard I've always been, then she also believes I am willing to give her the ability to get what she wants."

 "You play a dangerous game, my friend," Orion responded. "How will you keep Siobhan safe when you place her in danger?"

 "I have a plan," Fury replied. "But I will need you to keep an eye on Siobhan until I have everything in place. I do not want her making plans alone, thinking she can rescue me if this plan goes wrong."

 "It appears you are planning for the worst and hoping for the best," Orion said causticly.

 "I do not have many allies," Fury said, "Those who join me are doing so out of love and affection for Siobhan – not for me."

 "I will do all I can," Orion answered, then glanced skyward. "The moon will fully set by the time you make your way through the mountain, you will need to be able to see in the darkness."

 "I have the orb moss packed in my kit," Fury replied. "It will light my way and make my passage known to nearby Sith."

 "Safe travels, Nicodemus Fury," Orion said, laying a willowy hand on Fury's shoulder, "I will return to Ranjai Tor and be there when the Daj needs me."

 "Moon Bear has his instructions, and I left word with Falco so he will know what to expect and what to do," Fury replied. "I will see you soon."

 Orion nodded and watched for a moment as Fury began to pick his way up the first level of the mountain. Then he turned with the quickness of light, he was racing back to Ranjai Tor.

 Fury reached the pass just as the moonlight was snuffed out by gathering clouds. The flicker of lightning threatened a rainstorm, but if it did come, he would be trekking through the mountain. He paused at the mouth of the mountain pass and looked around the entry point. He found what he was searching for tucked behind a boulder. Aria and her Sirens used the same orb moss to light their way through the mountain pass and left new lighter wands for the next traveler. He picked up the wand and found the cloth bindings were barely damp. Orb moss regenerated with water, and he pulled his canteen around, sprinkled a bit of water over the cloth, and massaged the water into the spongy moss. Within a few minutes, the orb moss began to emit a pale blue glimmer that with a bit more water, sprang into a bright firefly glow!

 Nicodemus examined the map Moon Bear had drawn and then struck off on his way into the mountain tunnel. He found that someone had scratched marks along the wall of the tunnels he traveled. He referenced the map often to make sure the marks and the details on the map were not leading him to a bottomless pit! After what seemed like hours he saw a faint flicker of light ahead. He had finally reached the other side of the mountain. As Fury edged near the opening of the mountain pass, he prayed the figures standing in the opening were Sith and not Daemons!

 The Sith guards looked surprised to see him standing before them. Fury slowly pulled the pass from inside his shirt and held it up for the Sith guard to see. They spoke to one another in their odd guttural language then turned to Nicodemus and sniffed the air lightly, "Who do you seek?"

 "Your commander, Stone Tiger," Fury said, "I need to counsel with him."

 A soft growl brought another Sith up who looked suspiciously at Fury and then looked to his superior officer for orders. "This is the commander's brother," the captain said, "Take him to the command pavilion."

 "How did you know?" Nicodemus asked as he started to follow the Sith guard.

 "Your Sith brother has marked you," the Sith captain replied. "You carry his scent as well as that of our warrior brother Moon Bear."

 Fury nodded and went off after the Sith guard. When he reached the guard, he was mounted, and another horse was waiting. "Let your mount follow me, she has Pookah blood and can see the trail better than you."

 "Aye, I will," Nicodemus replied and quickly mounted. The scenery flew past him, and he crouched lower to the horse's neck so the limbs that brushed over him would not knock him out of the saddle.

 The encampment was large, and the commander's pavilion was at the very center of the camp. They rode into the heart of the Sith base camp and straight to the pavilion. Stone Tiger was waiting at the entrance when Nicodemus dismounted. The Sith guard saluted his commander, took the reins from Fury, and moved off with both horses beside him.

 "It must be of great import for you to travel here, Nicodemus. The forests of the Dumah are not safe for foreigners."

 "It is," Fury said. "I need to see your emperor, he is expecting me." Nicodemus pulled the amulet Moon Bear had given him to show his sire. "Moon Bear said you would recognize this as a proper sign?"

 Stone Tiger took the amulet, examined the medallion, and brought it to his nose. Without another word, he turned to a guard, "Two of the fastest mounts in camp! Now!" Stone Tiger looked at Nicodemus critically, "Leave your pack behind, where we go I do not need you clanking and rattling to draw the Daemons in for a closer look."

 "Are they in the palace?" Fury wanted to know.

 "No, but Kaderyn has them stationed outside the palace walls." Stone Tiger said. "We will be going into the palace by secret passage. Stealth will be needed, and a pack will only slow you down and create more sounds for the Daemons to hear!"

 Two horses were brought up and they pranced and danced in an agitated way that meant they were indeed fast and recently broken to the saddle. The moment Stone Tiger took hold of the reins of his mount, it quieted but continued to huff in eager agitation. It took two Sith guards to hold the other horse still enough for Fury to mount, once in the saddle Nicodemus wielded his control over the mount enough to satisfy Stone Tiger. "You ride a Pookah warrior, bother. Let him be your guide through the forest. Stay low and stay in the saddle!"

 Without another word, Stone Tiger growled something to both pookah warriors, and they together bounded into the night! To ride a Pookah was thought to be a nightmare - it was like riding a hurricane! Fury held on as he had before, only now he knew if he were to be thrown, he would be crushed against the side of a tree or broken to bits against the rocky cliffs. He did as his Sith brother commanded, he leaned low in the saddle, and he held on for dear life! 


 Sometime between the first light of dawn and those few moments where time itself seemed to stop, Sunny's eyes popped open, and she sat bolt upright in bed. She knew something was different. She jumped out of bed jerked open her doors, and ran into the hallway. At the other end of the hallway were Fury's rooms and she listened for his stirrings but not even Falco was up and about. She ran down to the hall and stopped at Fury's study. She rapped sharply on the door. There was no answer. She tried the door and it opened. She pushed it open and there sitting up on the sofa was Moon Bear, his demeanor was first of surprise and then of curiosity.

 "Where is Nicodemus!" she demanded.

 "He is on a mission," Moon Bear replied. "Everyone is still resting, as you should be."

 "Where did he go?" Sunny asked, stepping into the study, and glancing around for some kind of evidence of where the man might have gone. "I can't reach him!"

 "Uncle left me here to watch over you until he returns." Moon Bear told her. "He will contact you when he has reached his destination."

 "Where did he go!" Sunny demanded.

 Moon Bear was silent, his large yellow cat-like eyes wide and unblinking. Sunny spun away from him and back out into the hall. She closed her eyes and reached out but all she felt was darkness. That was out of the ordinary. She had begun to sense him withdrawing and keeping his activities hidden from her. While she was concentrating on reaching Fury she felt an icy fold of shadow brush against her. The shades were close to her. She opened her eyes and saw the flickering shadows moving like schools of dark shiny fish in shallow catch pools of the ocean.

 "Where is Nicodemus Fury?" she asked the fluttering shade-fish that swirled around her.

 "To the Shadowlands he is bound," came the whispered answer.

 She turned in a slow circle keeping her eyes on the flickering shadows. "Why is he traveling there?"

 "He goes where you cannot," came a familiar voice. She turned and staggered backward as she watched a tall willowy white visage come up the staircase.

 "Orion?" Sunny whispered. The same shaggy white hair flowed over his thin shoulders and one eye. With each step he came up the staircase a glowing footprint was left. He was careful not to touch the railing for fear of coming in contact with iron. He looked uncomfortable being under a roof. There was iron everywhere and he could smell its acrid stench!

 The sun will soon be here," Orion told her as he came to stand a few feet from her. His eyes were black as night and to her, he was not the pookah she was accustomed to seeing. He followed her thoughts and smiled, "I am in this form for only a fortnight from nightfall to sunrise. Nicodemus bade that Moon Bear and I watch over you until he returns."

 "Why has he gone to the Shadowlands?" Sunny asked. "He's supposed to be here!" she shook her head, her voice sounding petulant and childish.

 "And he will return," Orion told her. He looked to Moon Bear, "The Sith will tell you. I will not be far, we are to return to the mesa today. There are the sick to tend to."

 Sunny nodded silently and watched in amazement as Orion left the staircase landing quicker than her eyes could follow! Dust motes swirled around in the shadows that swirled faster and drifted upwards into the rafters of the castle. When Orion had gone Sunny turned to Moon Bear where he stood in the doorway of Fury's study. "Well?"

 Falco appeared behind the Sith and had just finished reading the letter left for him. He slipped past Moon Bear and handed the letter to Sunny, "This explains everything Roma," Falco replied. "I will get started with your morning meal and then we'll proceed per instructions." He left the study and Sunny looked at the letter and joined Moon Bear where he stood poking at the fire burning warmly in the grate.

 "What does my uncle write?" Moon Bear asked, glancing over his shoulder at Sunny.

"Falco my faithful and loyal friend, please watch and make certain my Sith nephew is comfortable and support him as you would me, for he is master in my absence. Make ready to stand your ground with Siobhan, she will try to find a way to me, but she must stay safe and well away from where Gaddis Anu and I journey. Make the arrangements for Siobhan to return to the quarantine tents for the next rounds of blood draws, Aria and her sirens know what to do as does Siobhan. She will be upset and displeased with my departure, but as soon as I am able I will reach out to her and explain. Cooperate as much as you are able, but under no circumstances is the Daj to be allowed from my nephew or Orion's protection. I am certain you will do your best. Yours in friendship, Nicodemus."

 "So, you will cooperate?" Moon Bear asked, his ears pricking forward slightly in question.

 "The Shadowlands?" Sunny muttered folding the letter and placing it on the study table. "Why the Shadowlands?"

 "The Dannan witch plans to bring the Shai'Alomar back into Nu'Ada." Moon Bear said. "She knows your ability to move metal."

 Sunny looked confused for a moment, then she gasped as the sudden realization hit her square in the chest, taking her breath with it!

 "The mini cooler!" she whispered, she looked down at her hands and then up at Moon Bear. "I did it!"

 "There is a plan," Moon Bear told her. "You must not seek him out until the plan is in motion!"

 She nodded slowly. "I never even thought about the mini cooler! And it was fine and so was I!"

 "Falco returns," Moon Bear said, his ears twitching as he heard the man's footsteps on the stairs.

 Falco entered with a tray and set it down on the table where earlier Fury had penned his letter. "Aria will come to you and help you prepare for the day, Roma."

 "Thank you, Falco," Sunny murmured. "Would you know the books in your masters' library? There are books I can study on the place he's gone. The Shadowlands?"

 "I will endeavor to find what I can among his collections, Roma."

 "Thank you, I will be discrete in my readings," Sunny told the steward.

 Falco smiled faintly. "I will make a concerted effort to find what you need, Roma."

 Moon Bear lifted the tray cover and he purred at what was obvious to Sunny, Sith fare. He took the plate and the small fork and went over to where the fire was burning cheerfully. Sunny took her breakfast, and they ate in silence, each in their particular thoughts.

 Sunny marveled at the idea that she had been able to transport metal through the arch and was completely unharmed by it! As she remembered the details she realized that Gaddis must have guessed she would be able to pass unharmed. It had been the Ne'Median emperor who had suggested it! She frowned, "Did he know, Moon Bear? Did Gaddis know I could do it?"

 The Sith paused, the morsel of raw dark red meat dangling from the tiny fork. He snarled lightly and glanced over at her. "I do not know the thoughts of my emperor!"

 "What do you think?" Sunny demanded. "Surely you have an opinion!"

 "We all witnessed your feat!" Moon Bear rumbled. "Only you came and went without knowledge of what you had done. It was powerful magic, and it came not from the Dannan of Arwyn but from the Ancient Ones."

 "When is she returning to Arwyn?" Sunny wanted to know, "When is Colleen going back to Arwyn?"

 "At the dark of the moon," Moon Bear said. "As the Dannan she can return to Arwyn anytime she wishes, but this time, she does not want to be seen."

 "I need to warn Aunt Fiona," Sunny said, shoving her plate away, her appetite gone. "She needs to be prepared, she and Tully both need to be ready for her."

 "You will wait until we hear from my uncle!" Moon Bear declared. "You will obey his order!"