
Gate of God

This is a strange and inexplicable world...Mountains, water, stones, flowers, grass, trees, wood, the Sun, moonlight, stars... All creation under the Heavens and Earths are sources of energy. In this world, there are all the classics from his previous world, but there is a new addition: The Law of Dao. Fang Zhengzhi was conflicted. I can obtain power from reading books? Should I read Tao Te Ching first? Or should I read The Art of Becoming Invisible? What about the Analects of Confucius or... The Golden Lotus? With The Law Of Dao as his foundation, can Fang Zhengzhi master the Dao of All Creation and open the gate of God?

Xin Yi · Fantasi Timur
Peringkat tidak cukup
1117 Chs

Fang Zhengzhi had never heard of Meng Tian, and he had never heard of the World of the Sage. But so what? It would all be fine as long as Yan Xiu knew about it.

Yan Xiu and Fang Zhengzhi trusted each other immensely.

"Do you know this Meng Tian?"

"Yes I do."

"Do you know about the World of the Sage?"

"I know a little."


Fang Zhengzhi nodded.

Each of the candidates rushed to go through the gates.

There was an age old saying that it was better to enter first. Being inside first meant that one was more familiar with the world and thus in an advantageous position.

However, Fang Zhengzhi and Yan Xiu were in no hurry.

As such, the two of them waited quietly outside. They only made their way through the gate after everyone entered.

There was no big plan behind their patience. Fang Zhengzhi was just afraid that squeezing with the rest would dirty his clothes. He also did not want to get wet.
