

Leo's life changes as he awakens in a new world different from the one he knows. He struggles to find his way back to his home and his younger brother. He soon discovers that the humans in this world all possess "Gates" and it is revealed that Leo also possesses a gate but is ridiculed by everyone once they find out that his gate is the weakest and most abnormal gate to ever appear in this world. The abnormality of Leo's gate eventually changes from a curse to a blessing granting him the power he needs to survive and eventually become the strongest.

Chimasper · Fantasi
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33 Chs

Test your Gate

It was already dark with torches already placed at different locations illuminating the entire village.

"What would happen if I'm actually a Menzhu?"

"Anyone with the status of a Menzhu is treated like a God in this world and with your help, we can develop this village and gain more powerful allies that could help protect us and also train our soldiers in the most effective way." The Chief was honest with his answer.

Long ago, the Chief had encountered a young man, whom he suspected to be a Menzhu. The Chief explained this new world to the man, after which they went on to test his gate. Turns out that he was actually a Menzhu but he was selfish and decided to migrate to a more developed village. The Chief didn't want such a situation to repeat itself with Leo and that was why he was very careful with the information he was revealing.

"What if my gate is actually not that of a Menzhu?" Leo inquired with a low voice.

Surely, the thought of this possibility had crossed the Chief's mind.

"Though I would rather not think too much about that possibility, but if that was the case, a good number of the people would be devastated but they'll eventually get better."

"What about me? What would happen to me? His voice now shaky.

"You will become a member of the village and I'll see to it that you learn how to survive in this world irrespective of your gate."

"Ok, sir."

The room was silent with only the crackling sounds of the torch suspended on the wall reverberating throughout the room.

"Is there anything else you would like to know?"

"Yes." Leo forced a smile on his face.

"What is your gate sir?"

The Chief returned the smile back.

"I possess the Gate of the Bird, subgate of the Owl, second stage." The Chief answered with a proud tone.

"An Owl gate, does that mean you have the ability to fly."

"No I can't fly. Only people that have evolved to third stage can partially transform and utilize the features of their subgate and at the fourth stage, one can achieve full transformation."

"Are you strong?" Leo was straightforward with his question.

"Unfortunately, I'm not. My gate is one of the weak ones and I'm still at the second stage."

Leo remembered what the Chief said about the stages.

"How long did it take you to evolve your gate to the second stage."

The Chief mood took a quick turn and he became very upset.

"It took me over 20years to evolve and I've been in the second stage for almost a decade now."

"It takes that long to evolve?"

"No, it depends on how far you can go without giving up or dying. I was only able to evolve because of a near death experience I had when I journeyed to another village in search of aid."

"Wait a minute. Does it mean that you never tried to evolve?"

"No, I didn't. My gate is more suited for a lookout role than for battle."

Leo felt satisfied with all the answers he had received and was now more aware of the situation he was in. But just thinking about how he could never see Jax again just didn't sit well with him, although the fact that Jax was still living his life happily as he did before, brought Leo some closure, even though he had no idea how that was possible.

"First thing tomorrow, we shall confirm your gate and determine if you really are a Menzhu. Try to prepare yourself for whatever outcome."

The Chief got up and left the room. After which Gwen came in after a short while, to hand Leo some clothes to change into. Leo not only remembered her but also her name. They just met a few hours ago afterall.

"Hi Gwen. It's nice to see you again."

"Gwen was now conscious and expectant of Leo's flirt and decided to play along."

"I see you've gotten the answers you were after. Change into this, courtesy of lady Kiva. She doesn't want you looking like a beggar tomorrow."

Leo laughed after hearing Gwen finally talk in a normal way.

'She's actually funny, maybe this world isn't all that bad.'

She dropped the clothes that were neatly folded on the bed and turned to leave the room.

"Hey Gwen," Leo called out as she was about to walk out.

She stopped, looking back to know if Leo needed something from her.

'I hope he doesn't want me to sleep with him. I'll be very pissed if he says something like that.'

She looked at him again. Time appeared to have come to a halt as Gwen was thinking about why Leo called her back.

'Maybe he wants me to sleep over because he's scared. Not many people would be ok if they appeared in another world. Maybe I could sit next to him until he falls asleep, that's the best I can …"

"Hey, can you hear me." Leo had been calling her, but she was clearly distracted by something.

"Oh, sorry. What did you say." She felt embarrassed.

"I'm sorry if this comes off as rude, but I was wondering what your gate was."

She immediately realized that she was overthinking and had jumped to a conclusion even without hearing him out.

"Mine is the Gate of the Canine, subgate of the Fox, first stage."

"I think I'm starting to get the whole subgate thing now."

"The test for your gate will be held tomorrow?" Gwen had turned around, though still standing at the entrance.

"Yes. First thing in the morning."

"Are you scared?"

Leo made a wide smile.

"Yes I'm scared. If my gate is not powerful, then everyone in the village will hate me."

Gwen was surprised that he would think that way.

"They have no right to hate, after all, it's not like we can choose our own gates."

This succeeded in consoling Leo a bit.

"Good night Leo."

"Good night Gwen. Thank you."

Morning came with the 2 suns rising and the birds singing. Leo came out of his room wearing a light sandal with ropes that ran across his trouser just like that of kiva and a sleeveless kimono-shirt with fur trimmings that exposed his muscles and chest.

"Leo!" Mr. Mbaku the Chief called out.

"Over here"

Leo quickly ran over to meet with the Chief. With the Chief was Kiva, Lucius and 2 other middle aged men dressed in uniforms similar to that of Lucius.

"These guys must also be soldiers. The test must be dangerous if this much guards are needed."

"They are here to make sure nothing goes wrong. Come we must hurry, it's best to go now while most of the animals are still inactive to avoid being disturbed."

They all moved into the jungle and walked for some time before appearing at an open field.

"This is where the test to determine your gate would hold." The Chief spoke as he examined the trees around the field.

Leo had taken in the beauty of the jungle and was mesmerized by it.

"So what next."

The Chief smiled, bowed his head and closed his eyes. He opened up his eyes to reveal the golden glow.



The moment the Chief spoke these words, a crack formed on the ground and widened up. Leo was standing next to the crack and went closer to look at it, only for a hand to plunge out and scare the life out of Leo.