
Gangster's paradise

In "Gangster's Paradise," secrets and danger intertwine as Chelsea and Claire navigate a world of deception and betrayal. When their lives collide with those of Eugene, Marquez, and Derek, they find themselves thrust into a dangerous game where trust is a luxury they can't afford. As hidden truths come to light and loyalties are tested, the sisters must confront the dark forces that threaten to tear their family apart. Set against the backdrop of a seedy underworld and the glittering facade of luxury, "Gangster's Paradise" is a thrilling tale of survival, redemption, and the bonds that hold us together in the face of adversity.

Fantasy_babe2015 · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
11 Chs


The next morning

July 13


The sound of my alarm clock beeped waking me up. Slamming my hand down almost destroying it the way I got startled by it. I yawn as I pushed the covers of me. Headed straight to the bathroom to fresh up for my last day.

I decided to dress regular with a white t-shirt and a pair of jeans with my black crocs. I enter downstairs seeing the witch making breaks and Claire eating cereal, guess she doesn't want her cooking neither because I rather starve.

"You hungry?" She asked me still focusing on the fried bacon being prepared.

"No I'll eat cereal but thanks for your hospitality" I said sweetly but sarcastically.

She realized it and grumbled.

"Why do you hate me?" She asked as she turned off the gas, looking at me.

"Um let me think. You snitched on me for no possible reason and two you're a bitch" I smiled cheekily

"I've been nothing but good to you two. You're as ungrateful as your mother" she sniffles.

Is this chick crying right now?

Claire and I snickered but had to come to a stop when we heard dad coming down the steps.

"Morning" He mumbled.

"Morning" we replied in sync.

"What's for breakfast?" He asked rubbing his stomach.

"Doo doo with piss" Claire whispered in my ear and I tried my best to not laugh but failed horribly.

I burst out cackling literally falling on my buttocks.

"Chelsea!" Dad shouted making me jump.

"My bad" I apologized and finished eating.

Once I was full I did my plate and left for work. By time I got there the shop was already opened. "Morning Mr Jefferson" I greeted putting on my name tag and joined the other workers.

There was this one person out of the 12 of us her name was Shirley. She's like my best friend but a matured version. I tell her everything because we're good like that.

So I decided to tell her the bad news. "Shirley I have something to tell you" I sighed.

"What is it chica?" She asked in her Spanish accent.

"Nothing serious just letting you know that I'm quitting. Today" I said looking at my feet.

"Oh no did you tell Mr Jefferson about it?"

"No but I will after I finish my work. Can't leave a job unfinished right?" I laughed.

"Ye right" She agreed.


It was almost closing time and we were slowly starting to pack up. I made it my decision to tell him I'm quitting. I know he won't like it because I was the reason for his daily jerking off session during break.

Like I said last night if I don't quitting now he'll do something to me where I have to bring the police into it and in prison pedophiles like him aren't getting the special treatment. He'll become someone's bitch in there.

"Mr Jefferson i-"

A loud commotion interrupted me. I decided to go check it out. The noise continued, sounded like arguing between a man and a woman. We don't tolerate this behavior in here so I have to escorted them. When I found them I couldn't believe my eyes. It was my aunt and her baby father Derek. "I know that's why you staying at Sanchez. Because you fucking him!" He yelled at her.

"Excuse sir and ma'am you can't be arguing up in here. We have customers and your language and behavior is scaring them." I said and he turned to me with a angry expression.

Maybe I should've minded my business besides I was going to quit anyways.

"And who the fuck are you?" He barked leaning into my face. I could smell alcohol on his breath.

"Derek stop it you're drunk" She sobbed reaching for him as he got closer to me. He turned away from me and I see him reach for something in his coat with his gloved hands and a gunshot was heard.

Valerie dropped to the floor and he turned back around throwing the gun to me and my dumbass caught it. Not realizing what just happened while he walked away. Out of the store. People started coming to the isle I was standing in and saw me with the gun. A lady screamed and pulled out her phone to call the police.

I dropped the gun and walked towards her to convince her that it wasn't me. More people gathered and saw the dead body and everything.

"Back up bitch!" She yelled at me with fear.

I turned around to run for my life because I wasn't going to be accused of something I didn't do. But unfortunately my passage was blocked by a bunch of people.

One of them grabbed me. "They're on their way" the lady informed walking towards me with a hateful look. "I got one question for you little girl. Why did you do it?" I sobbed trying to loosen the grip on my arm as it tightens. "I didn't do it!" I cried and she huffed. "I saw that gun in your hand and you're telling me that you didn't do it" She chuckled. "Hold her down so when the police gets here it won't be hard for them" she ordered the person trapping me in their grip.

If I run I'll get shot by the police so I'll just keep calm. I'm innocent anyways.

Soon after the police arrived along with the ambulance behind it.

The man holding me down carried me out handing me over to the police as they attached the cuffed to my wrist.

That click made me lose it all over again. I started crying as they pushed me into the back of their car and drove off with me.

Sanchez's pov

I was driving home with Clair in the back of my car to pick Chelsea up from her job when I got a call from her boss to turn the radio on. I hesitated at first but Clair told me to do it so I did. When I switched it on to,the news station my heart dropped.

In tonight's breaking news a 38 years old Valerie Harper was shot in the head by 16 year old Chelsea Gonzalez, daughter of insurance company INSURE.

I nearly crashed the car but eventually parking it at her workplace. Her boss met me right at the entrance with a look of shock "Where's my daughter!?" I yelled, unable to control my anger.

"She's at the police where she'll be interrogated." a cop came between after seeing how close I was to the elderly man.

I apologize and backed up a little bit. Whatever happened here must've really traumatized him completely. "Where's her body?" Clair asked stepping in front. I could care less about Valerie. Where's my underage daughter!!??

"I need to see it." just then a stretcher walks by. I stop it and they give her permission to zip it down. I watch her sob as she opened it and yelped when she saw the gunshot wound right between her eyes. "Why would she do such a thing to her?!" I'm really surprised she's crying right now.

Wasn't she the one who disrespected Valerie? As they zipped it back up I grabbed her into my arms. "We need to go see your sister." she nods in agreement and we left for the police station.

While driving I could see the anger building up on her face. "You really think chelsy did it?" I asked and she nods. "Well I don't." we arrive at the destination. "What makes you think she didn't. You barely watch her when she goes out." she passed and I sighed.

I was done with the talking and went inside seeing my little girl all scared. Our eyes met and she sobbed. "Dad!" I run over to her and held her in my arms. "Everything's gonna be alright." just then a cop comes up telling her it's time for interrogation. "Dad." she squeezed my hand as she get up.

"If it gets challenging ask for a lawyer." I whisper real quick and looked over at Clair who was giving me bad looks. I brushed it off and continued watching Chelsea go in the room.

Claire's pov

She literally killed someone and he's helping her out?! This is just bullshit because when I needed him for when I got my first heart break at 13 he didn't encourage me to move on. Even to this day that damn boy is on my mind but anyway that's not the point. He gave Chelsea too much attention.

He makes her go anywhere she wants but me, oh I have to convince that motherfucker so I can go out. Sometime I wonder if she lets him touch her. He used to do that to me when I saw my first period at 11. He said.

"You're a woman now Claire any guy even daddy can touch you."

Those words haunted me for 4 years. The first year he did oral sex on me every time he has a bad day at work which was rare, second year he told me to do it to him but of course I didn't because I was only 12 and the third year he started beating me because he thought I told aunt Valerie.

I never hated her because she would call him out on his dirty acts. It's just recently she's been inside his ass because she was basically homeless. She felt obligated to be different but still she deserved better.

"Claire!" my thoughts got interrupted and I see my boyfriend Daniel standing at the entrance. I chuckle and ran into his arms. We were about to kiss when someone cleared their throat. I sigh heavily when I see my dad.

"Hello Daniel." he sounded stern so I let go off him looking around to distract myself. "Claire Gonzalez you're needed in the interrogation room." a cop announced and a nervous me followed the cop. As I enter Chelsea wanted to get up but another cop slammed her down.

"She says she wants to talk to you." the one who pushed her said then stood in the corner. I slowly pulled out my chair and say down. Hey eyes were bloodshot red and puffy from all the crying.

"Hi." she finally spoke but it was hoarse. "I don't know what to say to you Chelsea."

She started crying again. "Stop using your tears to fix your problems!!" I slammed my fist on the table making her jump. "I-i- didn't do it clair I swear someone framed me."

She's pissing me off right now. "Okay, who did it!?"

"It was her baby daddy Derek. You can check the surveillance cameras."

He was capable of murder because he was charged with attempted murder 12 years ago. He stabbed Valerie in her arms because she wanted to end things with him but him framing someone is surprising.

"I think dad was fucking her and Derek found out so he killed her but I don't know why I'm getting involved." she said with a whisper while wiping her tears away.

"I'll tell dad and he can tell the cops." I informed her. She nods with tears forming up again. I held her hand and squeezed it tightly and mouthed to her that I was sorry for not believing her.

I go back outside hoping to see Daniel but instead my dad with a smirk on his ugly face. Fucking prick must've scared him off. "Having fun?" his brow furrow. "With what?"

"Whatever asshole, Chelsea said Derek framed her because he claimed you were banging his baby mama."

"Son of a bitch," he mutter. "I wasn't fucking Valerie. I was only giving her a place to stay because she was homeless."

He finished explain and we heard someone barge in. Valerie's son jackson, furious he stormed towards us. I knew he was after Chelsea but he'll make a mistake if he hurts her. "Where is she?" he said calmly which scared me a bit.

"Whatever you're planning on doing Jackson please hear us out. Your father killed-"

"Kill the bitch!!" I hear a familiar voice shout from outside of the building. I whip my head to the other side seeing Derek. Looks like a distraction made Jackson run off because when I looked back at him he was turning the corner. 4 police officers followed behind him

"Noooo." i screamed but was held back by a cop. I look outside seeing that evil bastard staring right back at me.

Chelsea's pov

I was casually sitting waiting on the cops to release me from these cuffs when I hear loud footsteps coming near me. My heart pounded through my chest and the interrogation room burst open. My cousin Jackson came in full speed stabbing me in my forearm. It hurted like a bitch but I was too much in shook to react.

4 cops tackled him to the floor and he stabbed one of them in the neck. I held my wound putting pressure on it so it doesn't bleed out. The cop in the corner pulled his gun out and fired.

I yelped out of shock when I realized Jackson's body went limp. "No no no no." as much as he tried to kill me he was still my cousin that got misunderstood information from his lying father. He's the real evil son of gun.

3 of the cops got up because one who was stabbed died from blood loss and Jackson was shot in chest. "Get her out of here she's not our killer." a cop said and I let out a sigh of relief.

The man in the corner helped me and was more gentle with me this time. "Hey kid sorry for the mistreatment." he apologized with a smile. I never noticed earlier but he has beautiful blue eyes. "It's apart of your job." I hissed remembering I had a stab wound on my forearm.

My family was outside waiting for me inside their car and the guy escorted me there. "Thanks officer...." I asked for his name without actually asking.

"Officer Tony." he said and a gun went off penetrating through his head. He fell at my feet and I scream on top of my lungs. There was another gunshot but this one hit me in my leg. I gasp and look down seeing where got the hit. My ankle was pouring blood. My eyes turn into the back of my head.

Derek's pov

Shit, that was supposed to aim at her head!! I put my gun away and leave the scene, escaping in my runaway car. "Step in the gass!!" I shout and they speed off. We didn't go to my place exactly because I needed to clear my head. So much happened back there. My son died because of my lies.

Maybe I didn't kill his mother this would not have happened but she was getting on my nerves. Constantly cheating on my with that prick. I can't believe she let him put his molesting penis inside of her!!!

"Derek it's getting cold out here man." the guy who drove me here said shuddering. I call him Daniel. It's a small world because he's dating the molester's daughter. He said he wants to kill him for himself but I'll do the job for all of us.

We parked by the lake. I could hear the frogs and the crickets around here. The only place I feel happy. "Hey, uh Derek you Chelsea will be okay, cause when you shot her She had a seizure right after that."

I turn to him because my back was facing him as I sat on top of the car. "Fuck her." I waved him off. "Derek I'm low key scared what if Mr Gonzalez comes for you?"

"If it's on then it's on. Gonzalez was always pussy!! Those girls aren't even his. He stole them from their real father at such a young age. I remember when it all happened it was in 2005 I was only 27 years old....."


The girls' mother, Thelma was celebrating Chelsea's first birthday and was waiting for their real dad to come. After the party he didn't show up because Sanchez did something to his car making him crash into this very lake. Sanchez showed up instead telling Thelma what happened to the kid's father. 2 years later she moved on and married this molester but you couldn't blame her She needed someone to look after the girls when her time came and it did. He killed her in 2011 because she found out that he killed her husband. He did that to silence her.


Present day...

"Fuck." Daniel exhaled. "So if you think I'm the villian here, you're right but let's get one thing straight...I'm not the spawn of Satan."